Instrumen BI Y2 B5

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Performance Standard Band 5 (SK) Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia LEA&N'N( S#AN"A&"




B5 DT 4 Complete simple messages with guidance


B5 DT4 E1 Able to write simple messages to friends.



B5 "#$ E%

Fill in the blan s.

!as an"one seen this cat# This is m" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. !is name is $$$$$$$$$$$$. !e has $$$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ears. !e also has $$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$ fur. !e is lost and % cannot find him. %f "ou$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$& indl" please $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at

telephone number $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

cat find black

Garfiel d him



me contac t 013900900 orange Performance Standard Band 5 9

4.).1 Able to respond to* +a, boo co-ers

Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia 'earning (tandard

Band .erformance (tandard

5 Demonstrate well the abilit" to appl" nowledge of listening& spea ing& reading and writing for -arious purposes using admirable manners.


B5 DL2 Tal about and gi-e personal responses to literar" te/t.


B5 DL2 E2 Able to respond to an" of the following * (a) book covers

+b, pictures in the boo s




!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

B5 DL2 E2

Instructions. 1 'oo at the picture +boo co-er, carefull". ) Answer the 0uestions gi-en b" the teacher. Questions: 1. 1hat is the title of this boo ? 2. 1hat animals can "ou see in this boo ?

3. !ow man" animals are there in this boo ?

Performance Standard Band 5 Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia Learning Standard 2.3.1 (a) Able to read simple text with guidance. Band !er"ormance Standard B #emonstrate well the abilit$ to appl$ %nowledge o" listening&spea%ing&reading and writing "or 'arious purposes using admirable manners. #escriptor B #B3 (ead simple "iction texts "or in"ormation. )'idence B #B3 )1

Able to se*uence e'ents using stimulus.



B5 "B- E%

&earrange t.e parts of t.e story belo/ in t.e correct order0

1 S1ddenly t.e sa/ a tiger0

2 Seng 21ickly climbed 1p a tree to .ide0#an did not kno/ /.at to do so .e pretended to die by lying on t.e gro1nd0 3 *ne day3Seng and #an /ent into t.e 41ngle to look for some /ood0 - Seng came do/n from t.e tree and asked #an3 did t.e tiger /.isper to yo178

#.e tiger came near #an and sniffed .is body0 Soon it /ent a/ay beca1se it didn9t /ant to to1c. a dead body0 . #an said3 5#.e tiger told me not to /alk /it. a friend /.o r1ns a/ay /.en danger comes08

Performance Standard Band 5 (SK) Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia Learning Standard 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance ( b ) poster Band Performance Standard #emonstrate well the abilit$ to appl$ %nowledge o" listening & spea%ing & reading and writing "or 'arious purposes using admirable manners "escriptor B #/ +omplete posters with guidance E:idence B #/ )1 Able to complete posters b$ "illing in

details "rom gi'en stimulus


B5 DT5 E1

Look at t.e poster and ans/er t.e 21estions0

"A#E #'ME )EES

%$t. *+#*BE& ;<%% =0<< am > ?0<< pm &M@ ( A"AL# ) &M $ ( +B'L"&EN )


A special and a/esome performance by t.e sealions and t.e clo/n0

+omplete t.e table by filling in details0

Place "ate #ime )ees 1. Adult 0 11111111111111 2. +hildren0 !!!!!!!!!!!! #ypes of animals 1. 11111111111111111

2. 11111111111111111

3. ______________________ Performance by 1. 11111111111111111 2. 11111111111111111

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