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Views on the definition and scope of management include:

Management defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives Fredmund Mali defines as Management is the transformation of resources into utility. Management included as one of the factors of production ! along with machines" materials and money #eter Druc er $%&'&()''*+ sees the basic tas of a management as twofold: mar eting and innovation, -evertheless" innovation is also lin ed to mar eting $product innovation is a central strategic mar eting issue+, #eter Druc er identifies mar eting as a ey essence for business success" but management and mar eting are generally understood [by whom?] as two different branches of business administration nowledge,

Directors and managers should have the authority and responsibility to ma e decisions to direct an enterprise when given the authority[citation needed]

.s a discipline" management comprises the interloc ing functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing" planning" controlling" and directing a firm/s resources to achieve a policy/s objectives

0he size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies,

1n large firms" the board of directors formulates the policy that the chief e2ecutive officer implements, [)]

Theoretical scope[edit]
Management involves the manipulation of the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise, 0his implies effective communication: an enterprise environment $as opposed to a physical or mechanical mechanism+" implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful progress or system outcome, .s such" management is not the manipulation of a mechanism $machine or automated program+" not the herding of animals" and can occur in both a legal as well as illegal enterprise or environment, 3ased on this" management must have humans" communication" and a positive enterprise endeavor, #lans" measurements" motivational psychological tools" goals" and economic measures $profit" etc,+ may or may not be necessary components for there to be management, .t first" one views management functionally" such as measuring 4uantity" adjusting plans" meeting goals, 0his applies even in situations where planning does not ta e place, From this perspective" 5enri Fayol $%67%(%&)*+[8]considers management to consist of si2 functions: %, forecasting ), planning

Views on the definition and scope of management include:

Management defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives Fredmund Mali defines as Management is the transformation of resources into utility. Management included as one of the factors of production ! along with machines" materials and money #eter Druc er $%&'&()''*+ sees the basic tas of a management as twofold: mar eting and innovation, -evertheless" innovation is also lin ed to mar eting $product innovation is a central strategic mar eting issue+, #eter Druc er identifies mar eting as a ey essence for business success" but management and mar eting are generally understood [by whom?] as two different branches of business administration nowledge,

Directors and managers should have the authority and responsibility to ma e decisions to direct an enterprise when given the authority[citation needed]

.s a discipline" management comprises the interloc ing functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing" planning" controlling" and directing a firm/s resources to achieve a policy/s objectives

0he size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies,

1n large firms" the board of directors formulates the policy that the chief e2ecutive officer implements, [)]

Theoretical scope[edit]
Management involves the manipulation of the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise, 0his implies effective communication: an enterprise environment $as opposed to a physical or mechanical mechanism+" implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful progress or system outcome, .s such" management is not the manipulation of a mechanism $machine or automated program+" not the herding of animals" and can occur in both a legal as well as illegal enterprise or environment, 3ased on this" management must have humans" communication" and a positive enterprise endeavor, #lans" measurements" motivational psychological tools" goals" and economic measures $profit" etc,+ may or may not be necessary components for there to be management, .t first" one views management functionally" such as measuring 4uantity" adjusting plans" meeting goals, 0his applies even in situations where planning does not ta e place, From this perspective" 5enri Fayol $%67%(%&)*+[8]considers management to consist of si2 functions: %, forecasting ), planning

Views on the definition and scope of management include:

Management defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives Fredmund Mali defines as Management is the transformation of resources into utility.

Management included as one of the factors of production ! along with machines" materials and money #eter Druc er $%&'&()''*+ sees the basic tas of a management as twofold: mar eting and innovation, -evertheless" innovation is also lin ed to mar eting $product innovation is a central strategic mar eting issue+, #eter Druc er identifies mar eting as a ey essence for business success" but management and mar eting are generally understood [by whom?] as two different branches of business administration nowledge,

Directors and managers should have the authority and responsibility to ma e decisions to direct an enterprise when given the authority[citation needed]

.s a discipline" management comprises the interloc ing functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing" planning" controlling" and directing a firm/s resources to achieve a policy/s objectives

0he size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies,

1n large firms" the board of directors formulates the policy that the chief e2ecutive officer implements, [)]

Theoretical scope[edit]
Management involves the manipulation of the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise, 0his implies effective communication: an enterprise environment $as opposed to a physical or mechanical mechanism+" implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful progress or system outcome, .s such" management is not the manipulation of a mechanism $machine or automated program+" not the herding of animals" and can occur in both a legal as well as illegal enterprise or environment, 3ased on this" management must have humans" communication" and a positive enterprise endeavor, #lans" measurements" motivational psychological tools" goals" and economic measures $profit" etc,+ may or may not be necessary components for there to be management, .t first" one views management functionally" such as measuring 4uantity" adjusting plans" meeting goals, 0his applies even in situations where planning does not ta e place, From this perspective" 5enri Fayol $%67%(%&)*+[8]considers management to consist of si2 functions: %, forecasting ), planning

Views on the definition and scope of management include:

Management defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives Fredmund Mali defines as Management is the transformation of resources into utility. Management included as one of the factors of production ! along with machines" materials and money #eter Druc er $%&'&()''*+ sees the basic tas of a management as twofold: mar eting and innovation, -evertheless" innovation is also lin ed to mar eting $product innovation

is a central strategic mar eting issue+, #eter Druc er identifies mar eting as a ey essence for business success" but management and mar eting are generally understood [by whom?] as two different branches of business administration nowledge,

Directors and managers should have the authority and responsibility to ma e decisions to direct an enterprise when given the authority[citation needed]

.s a discipline" management comprises the interloc ing functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing" planning" controlling" and directing a firm/s resources to achieve a policy/s objectives

0he size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies,

1n large firms" the board of directors formulates the policy that the chief e2ecutive officer implements, [)]

Theoretical scope[edit]
Management involves the manipulation of the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise, 0his implies effective communication: an enterprise environment $as opposed to a physical or mechanical mechanism+" implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful progress or system outcome, .s such" management is not the manipulation of a mechanism $machine or automated program+" not the herding of animals" and can occur in both a legal as well as illegal enterprise or environment, 3ased on this" management must have humans" communication" and a positive enterprise endeavor, #lans" measurements" motivational psychological tools" goals" and economic measures $profit" etc,+ may or may not be necessary components for there to be management, .t first" one views management functionally" such as measuring 4uantity" adjusting plans" meeting goals, 0his applies even in situations where planning does not ta e place, From this perspective" 5enri Fayol $%67%(%&)*+[8]considers management to consist of si2 functions: %, forecasting ), planning

Views on the definition and scope of management include:

Management defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives Fredmund Mali defines as Management is the transformation of resources into utility. Management included as one of the factors of production ! along with machines" materials and money #eter Druc er $%&'&()''*+ sees the basic tas of a management as twofold: mar eting and innovation, -evertheless" innovation is also lin ed to mar eting $product innovation is a central strategic mar eting issue+, #eter Druc er identifies mar eting as a ey essence for business success" but management and mar eting are generally understood [by whom?] as two different branches of business administration nowledge,

Directors and managers should have the authority and responsibility to ma e decisions to direct an enterprise when given the authority[citation needed]

.s a discipline" management comprises the interloc ing functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing" planning" controlling" and directing a firm/s resources to achieve a policy/s objectives

0he size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies,

1n large firms" the board of directors formulates the policy that the chief e2ecutive officer implements, [)]

Theoretical scope[edit]
Management involves the manipulation of the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise, 0his implies effective communication: an enterprise environment $as opposed to a physical or mechanical mechanism+" implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful progress or system outcome, .s such" management is not the manipulation of a mechanism $machine or automated program+" not the herding of animals" and can occur in both a legal as well as illegal enterprise or environment, 3ased on this" management must have humans" communication" and a positive enterprise endeavor, #lans" measurements" motivational psychological tools" goals" and economic measures $profit" etc,+ may or may not be necessary components for there to be management, .t first" one views management functionally" such as measuring 4uantity" adjusting plans" meeting goals, 0his applies even in situations where planning does not ta e place, From this perspective" 5enri Fayol $%67%(%&)*+[8]considers management to consist of si2 functions: %, forecasting ), planning

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