Bloody Spirit

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Bloody Spirit

Ones there was a girl who lived in Wellbinton Street called Teresa, Teresa Fidalgo. She was a young and peculiar girl of ! years. Teresa never had fa"ily, e#cept her sister $anessa who had !% years. Teresa and $anessa were left in a cottage were they invented a "u" which they called &a"a. &a"a fed the" and educated the" until the point the girls grew and beca"e cannibal. So"e "ountaineers entered in the cottage and find the" and sent the" to a cannibal host, where they got educated and civili'ed. (fter so"e years Teresa grew and )new so"e new people but she still got that cannibal side inside of her. (fter leaving the host Teresa and $anessa had to live a nor"al life. By this ti"e Teresa had * years and $anessa had ! years. They found a student flat and they stayed there. The both of the" loo)ed for a wor) and )new "ore people until the !!th of &ay which $anessa died and Teresa beca"e so depressed, cra'y and angry by loosing here only thing in her life she loved that they sent her to a "adhouse also )nown as a "ental hospital. There Teresa had to appeal to &a"a which ended being a real spirit and not a false one which they invented .By her influence &a"a could solve all her proble"s and being li)e &a"a was her target. She wished it and wished it.But nothing happened. Teresa had to "anaged it herself so she escaped. (fter escaping she had to do autostop to go escape fro" Wellbinton Street. So"e people collected here and everything was going well until too drun) people passed infront of the car and the car uncontrollably the car fall down a hill and fortunately no one died e#cept Teresa. Teresa was in a better place with her sister but she wouldn+t ever forget that the two drun) people who past were ,-. parents. ,ow did she )now it/ &aybe she was abandoned by her own parents but she will never forget how wild and good loo)ing they were. Since that her spirit started thin)ing that it wasn+t her parents fault to abandone her it was the people+s influence to the" so she started to spoil people wonderful life which she 0-$-. had. She "ade people+s lives so i"possible that so"e people finished sacrificing the"selves. (nd she stayed li)e that li)e !112!31 years leveraging her i""ortal live. One day she went to see &a"a and loo)ing to her eyes straightly she realised that she didn+t died because her real parents, she died for three things4 2She wished she could be li)e &a"a and &a"a is a spirit so she "ade her die. 2&a"a didn+t want her to see her real parents again 2(nd &a"a was concerned that she would have sacrifice herself for having that horrible life. When she realised that she stopped being li)e that and realised that there is so"eone that loves her "aybe. She started being a i"aginary "u" and it ended up being her guardian angel but a little aggressive. She fall into a blac) hole she though of all the bad things she had done because people when really the people only wanted to help her. She felt so bad that she accepted and affronted the proble"s. But is this the end of all...

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