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Amiot Family
Josh, April, Taylor, Emma, and Lucy


Family Update
In late December 2013 we enjoyed a visit from Aprils parents. We took them on several day trips to explore Costa Rica and enjoyed some down time with some much-needed family time.

Financial Update
We had a strong month to close out 2014. Thank you to all who have supported us through this term. We are on the home stretch and are beginning to make arrangements to arrive home on June 14th. We feel God arranging our steps before we even land. Housing is almost 100% settled and so is schooling for our kids. We are looking for new monthly partners. If you would like to partner with us please go to the secure online giving site: or
contact us at

Leaders Retreat
This past weekend we held our 2nd leaders retreat. We found a rustic place in the north of Costa Rica where our students could relax, grow, and encourage one another as leaders. April and I taught the sessions. Our good friends Brad and Samantha Crutchfield did all the cooking. Nine of the leaders were able to attend to be refreshed and challenged. In one of the sessions we talked about the fact that Jesus came with two goals in mind: 1) Go to the Cross and 2) Train up 12 to carry out his mission that still lasts to this day. God has called us, each of our leaders and you to make a difference in Costa Rica. Together we can continue to impact the Universities, the Work Place, and the World.

Prayer Requests
Taylor recently reinjured his ankle. Pray for complete healing. Also pray as he finishes up High School.

We have a lot to do to transition back to the U.S. Pray for all the details to fall into place.

New Groups
Over the next few months we will be hosting workshops all over the country to launch new groups.

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