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Chronological order: natural order:: ______________: in the middle of things

Climax: the turning point of the story:: ______________: falling action

Flashback: an event or a happening that occurred at an earlier time::_______________: the outcome of a struggle is anticipated or hinted at thru speeches or actions of characters or symbols in the story

Happy Ending: everything ends well and everything is resolved:: ___________:no definite ending or resolution occurs

___________________: a one dimensional character:: Round:: A complex fully developed character

_________________: a character with whom another character confides:: antagonist: the character with whom the protagonist is engaged in a struggle

A __ __ o __ __ __ e __ __

S __ e __ __ o __ __ __ e

__ o m __ __ __ c __ __ i __ __

__ e __ __ l __ __ __ __ n

Identification 1. The problem or the complication faced by the characters in a story 2. a play that ends unhappily 3. the struggle or clash between opposing characters 4. the items that are being used on stage 5. conversations of characters on stage

tragic heroes (2) play/ drama (comedy) play/ drama (tragedy) confidant (2) movie/ novel (flashback) Movie/ novel/ short story (foreshadowing)

DEFINE! 1. Metaphor 2. Symbolism 3. sonnet 4. haiku 5. couplet 6. quatrain 7. theme 8. line 9. octave 10. imagery

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