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MAHESH Mobile: +919494647742 CAREER OBJECTIVE: To attain a responsible, challenging and rewarding position in a leading instit tion o!!ering e"cellent opport nities !or learning and career ad#ancement that wo ld tili$e m% &nowledge and technical s&ills, there b% allowing me to ser#e the instit tion to the best o! m% abilities. CAREER PROFILE: 'ompleted B-Tech Elec!"o#ic$ % comm&#ica!io#' !rom (.).*.'.+.T ,ellore, nder J(TU in the %ear 2011.
+2 *cience !rom *ri 'haitan%a jr college, Guntur nder B.I.E. (.- in the %ear 2007.

Email ID:

'ompleted )*!h !rom ,a#een +.. *chool, / nt r nder B.S.E. (.- in the %ear 2000.

PROFESSIO(AL TRAI(I(+: 'ompleted Training in 1I(FORMATIO( SECURIT, % ETHICAL HAC-I(+ 2 at E(TERSOFT , 3%derabad. 'ompleted Training in 1-3-2, 23T.42 at *5636T3( T+'3,747/6+* , 3%derabad.

TECH(ICAL S-ILLS: -rogramming 4ang ages 7perating s%stem -ac&ages >esigning *o!tware ;eb >esigning : ',(8(-9*(-:. : ;indows <-,7. : .s=7!!ice : (dobe -hotoshop : (dobe >ream wea#er, 3T.4, '**, ?a#a *cripting, @T-.

PROJECT: P"! )': ///.STUDE(TSADDA.OR+ De$c"i0!io#: The web site was made sing the Aa#a scripts, css, 3tml coding . The complete web site is designed on m% own interest. P"! 1' : ///.RA(+ESOFTSOLUTIO(S.COM De$c"i0!io#: The web site was made sing the Aa#a scripts, css, 3tml coding . The complete web site is designed on m% own interest. P"! 2' : ///.SARASAE(TERPRISES.COM De$c"i0!io#: The web site was made sing the Aa#a scripts, css, 3tml coding . The complete web site was designed as a !reelancer.

ACADEMIC PROJECT: P"! Ti!le : .7864+ *6/,(4 ?(..+5 ;6T3 -5+ *'3+>B4+> T6.+ >B5(T67, De$c"i0!io#: .obile Aammer is sed to pre#ent mobile phones !rom recei#ing or transmitting signals with the base stations. .obile Aammers e!!ecti#el% disable mobile phones within the de!ined reg lated $ones witho t ca sing an% inter!erence to other comm nication means.

STRE(+THS: -ositi#e and practical approach towards li!e C wor&. (ble to learn new tools, technologies, lang ages and applications D ic&l%.

PERSO(AL DETAILS: ,ame /ender .arital stat s @ather name >ate o! 8irth -ass port n mber 4ang ages : T..ahesh. : .ale. : *ingle. : T.8.).prasad. : 04.0E.19E9. : ?22F1907 : To spea&= +nglish, Tel g , 3indi. : To write G +nglish, Tel g .

DECLARATIO(: 6 hereb% declare that abo#e mentioned in!ormation is correct p to m% Hnowledge and 6 bear the responsibilit% !or the correctness abo#e mentioned partic lars.

-lace:3%derabad >ate: 20I11I201F

*6/,(TB5+ 9T..ahesh:

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