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Mikayla Carroll

Use the internet to find definitions/explanations for each of the following terms. You must be prepared to explain these terms in your own words to demonstrate your understanding.

Internet - a large computer network connecting small computer networks worldwide. It enables data and other information to be exchanged. Modem (Modulator/demodulator) - a device to send or receive information to a computer by any communication lines. Bandwidth/bps (bits per second) - the maximum data transfer rate of a network or internet connection. Browser - (Google Chrome, irefox, Internet !xplorer" a software application to find or show information on the #orld #ide #eb. earch engine - a software system to search for information on the #orld #ide #eb. $he information could be web pages, images, information and other types of files. Meta tag - a special html (hypertext markup language" that gives information about a webpage. $hey show information like, who created the page, how often it is updated or what the page is about. !tml (hypertext mar"up language) - used to create documents on the #orld #ide #eb. !ttp (hypertext transfer protocol) - a way to control the exchange of computer data between servers and browsers, especially on the #orld #ide #eb. !ypertext - a software system that matches topics on the screen to other related information. I# address/number (internet protocol address) - numbered label that specifies a certain device (computer, printer" or network. %eries of numbers divided by periods. (&'.().&.)*+" $omain name - (.gov, .com, .ca, .org" used as an internet address to know the location of certain webpages.

Mikayla Carroll

#ac"et switching - a way to send data by breaking the message into several sections that are sent along the best network path one by one and put back together at the destination. %&#/I# (%ransmission &ontrol #rotocol/Internet #rotocol) - a set of protocols to get data from one network to another. U'(/U'I (Uniform 'esource (ocator/Identifier) - worldwide address documents and other resources on the #orld #ide #eb. )ebsite - a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the #orld #ide #eb. *eti+uette - a term that describes eti,uette on the internet. It is a combination of -Internet. and -eti,uette.. It is the eti,uette (manners, behavior" of Internet communication. ,irewall - a security system software application that limits the exposure of a computer or computer network to attack from hackers. &oo"ie - a small file automatically put on a user/s hard disk, from a website or online service, for storing information for recogni0ing the user &loud storage - when data is stored on servers and is able to be accessible from the internet. *et neutrality - the theory that basic internet protocols (rules" should not be biased. !x" content providers should get e,ual treatment from internet operators. #-p (peer to peer) - computers can send information directly to each other without passing through a central server. .dware - software that displays advertisements and is combined with another program offered at no or low cost. /irus - a software program that enters the computer, usually unknown by the user. %ome viruses are small and only messages appear on the screen, but others are destructive and can wipe out the computer/s memory or cause more severe damage to files or programs on the computer. $ata0mining - the process of collecting, searching through, and analy0ing a large amount of data in a database.

Mikayla Carroll

$enial of ser1ice attac" - deliberately planned attacks on companies or organi0ations web sites or servers. $hey try to shut down access to a site by flooding it with giant re,uests, placing such large demands on the information so that no one else can get to it. Malware - software intended to damage or take partial control of a computer, mobile device, computer system, or computer network. #harming - redirecting computer users to false websites to take confidential information from the user without their knowledge. #hishing - $o try to get financial or other confidential information from internet users. 1sually by sending an e-mail that looks as if it is from a real organi0ation, but contains a link to a fake web site that copies the real one. pam - disruptive messages posted on a computer network or sent as email. pyware - software that is installed that gathers information about an internet user/s browsing habits and invades the user/s personal data. ($ransmitting this information to a third party" %ro2an horse - an illegal computer program placed in another program to do damage locally when the software is activated. )orm - a program that copies itself many times in a network and prevents its destruction. It often carries a logic bomb or virus.

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