Pengurusan Bilik Darjah Dan Tingkah Laku: Sydney Augustine

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Pengurusan Bilik Darjah dan Tingkah Laku

Sydney Augustine

Nature Of Teaching(Santrock 2006)

Teaching is Multidimensional

Teaching Involves A Diverse Mosaic of Students

Nature Of Teaching

Teaching Involves Uncertainty

Teaching Involves Social and Ethical Matters

Teaching Multidimensional

lot of things happening at the same time and continuously in rapid succession Involves various domains including social, affective and moral. Teachers constantly face dilemmas in making decisions to satisfy everyone

Teaching Involves Uncertainty


actions can give different reactions from students. Students grow and change everyday Teachers must be prepared for changes in teaching styles and requirements

Teaching Involves Social and Ethical Matters


is a platform of socialization Educational equity, give equal opportunities and treatments to all students Some routine may offend students

Teaching Involves A Diverse Mosaic of Students


filled with students that are unique, differences in IQ, personality, and other backgrounds Reach out to all students using special individualized ways for each student

Have sense of humour

Treat students like adults

Interesting class
Deep knowledge of subjectmatter


Effective Teaching

Spend time to help students

Explain things clearly

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