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On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

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Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Solid186

Ok > Options >

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok > Add

Ok >

Options >

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok > Close
> :2

: Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models

Ok : Material>New Model > Ok

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure


Ok Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Electromag Units


On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

> :3

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Volumes > Block > By 2 Corners&Z


On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Opertate > Booleans > Glue > Volumes . Pick All @ @ > Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan Zoom Rotate ... . (iso) @

@ :4

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Meshing > MeshTool :> Set @ Element Attributes > Mesh Tool @ >

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure


> ( ) > Sweep @

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

(.> > Front @ @ @) Ok @ > Plot > Multi-Plots > < @ > (Raise Hidden) @ @ > Mesh Tool @ > . .> Main Menu > Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesher Opts

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure


Ok Main Menu > Preprocessor > Meshing > MeshTool :> Set @ Element Attributes > Mesh Tool @ >

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure


) Ok @ > > ( ) > Sweep @ (. yes @ >> Main Menu > Preprocessor > Numbering Ctrls > Merge Items

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

@ :5

Select > Entities

Ok Plot > Nodes Main Menu > Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Nodes

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure Pick All @ >

Ok Select > Everything Select > Entities

Ok Plot > Nodes

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure Main Menu > Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Nodes Pick All @ >

Ok Main Menu > Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Electric > Boundary > Voltage > On Nodes Pick All @ >

Ok Select > Everything Select > Entities

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok Plot > Nodes Main Menu > Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Electric > Boundary > Voltage > On Nodes Pick All @ >

Ok Select > Everything Plot > Multi-Plots

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure
> :6

Main Menu > Solution > Analysis Type > Sol`n Controls

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok > Close > Ok


: Main Menu > Solution > Solve > Current LS @ >> > /STATUS Command @ > . Ok @ ) . Close @ @ > @ > . >< (. yes @ >>

Main Menu > General Postproc > Read Results > Last Set Select > Entities

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok Main Menu > TimeHist Postpro :( Add Data) @ @ >

Ok Plot > Nodes

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

:Ok @ > ( @ )> > @

@ >

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

On the mechanical behavior of a functionally graded micro-beam subjected to nonlinear electrostatic pressure

Ok Plot > Replot

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