Online Picture Manager UML DOCUMENT

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Software Requirement Specification

Online Picture Manager


Software Requirement Specification

Uka Tarsadia University

Team Members
Patel Ankur Kumar N
Panchal Tajeskumar N.

201104100110046 201104100110047

Project Guide

Department of Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application

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Online Picture Manager

Table of Contents 1. Introduction

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Methodology.3 Purpose..3 Scope.3 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations.4 Technologies to be used.. 4 References... 5 Tools used6 Overview..6 Product Perspective..7 Software Interface7 Hardware Interface...8 Communication Interface.6 Constraints6 ER Diagram..7 Database Design...9

2. Overall Description

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Use-Case Reports.........9 3.2 Activity Reports.12

4. Supporting information
4.1 Index......15


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Online Picture Manager

First, I thanks to Uka Tarsadia University for giving us the opportunity for project. The computer science consist the component of the language and packages learned during the college and also as per the market value. It is indeed a great pleasure and matter of immense satisfaction for me to express our deep sense profound gratitude towards all the people who have helped inspired me in my project work. First and foremost I would like to give my deepest gratitude to Manish Wala for the effort taken by her right from the selection of the project to its completion. He spent his precious time whenever I was need of guidance.

1. Introduction
1.1 Methodology


Also provide facilities of debate on picture and videos.


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Online Picture Manager

Users can also post comments on picture and videos. A social-networking website that is to share Photos, Videos. User can upload and download pictures and videos.

Social networking website that can be used by any user System is customizable and user can change look and feel... System can be used for communication... Users having their own profile in which they can show all their uploaded pictures and video details.


Definitions, Acronyms &Abbreviations

Database 2, Adatabase management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to maintain records of registered users, company officials. J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition, A programming platform which is part of java platform for developing and running distributed java. UML Unified Modelling Language is a standard language for writing softwareblueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document. RAD Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to
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design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL.

1.5 Technologies to be Used

 DB2: Relational Database Management System.  RAD: Rational Application Developer.  WASCE: Web sphere Application Server Community Edition.
 Rational Software Modeller.

1.6 References
 IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis Database Management System Navathe  Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML - Michael Blaha, James Rambugh

1.7 Tools Used

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE is a widely used platform for server programming in the Java programming language. The Java platform (Enterprise Edition) differs from the Java Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries which provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based largely on modular components running on an application server.

DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand
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business applications and support the J2EE and web services standards.

Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL.

Web sphere is a set of Java-Based tools from IBM that allows customer to create and manage sophisticated business Web sites. The central Web sphere tool is the Web sphere Application Server (WAS), an application server that a customer can use to connect Website users with java applications or servlets.


Existing System:
 Manual system  Less control of amount

 Difficult to produce reports  Prone to errors

Our Plan:
 Registration for new users  Online Picture management  Secure access  Online Debate facility.


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Online Picture Manager

2. Overall Description
2.1Product perspective
This website is designed to process new system and variations in existing system with product independence. Product definitions are provided with database control rather than program control. Every coverage, benefit, extra, online photo management, debate, storage of photos option and exception is defined and uniquely identified and stored on the Product Description Database.

2.2 Software Interface

Client on internet
Web Browser Operating System
: :

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox Windows XP/7, Linux

Web Server
WASCE Operating System

Windows XP/7, Linux

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Online Picture Manager

Data Base Server
DB2 Operating System : Windows XP/7, Linux

Development End
RAD (J2EE, Java, Servlets, HTML) DB2 Operating System : Windows XP/7, Linux Web server : Web Sphere

2.3 Hardware Interface Client side

Processor RAM
: :

Browser : Hard Disk : Operating System :

PentiumIV-2Hz 256 MB Ram Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefoxetc 10 GB Windows XP/7,Linux..etc

Server Side
Processor RAM Hard Disk Tools
: : : : :

Operating System

PentiumIV-3Hz 512 MB Ram 20 GB Windows XP/7, Linux RAD, DB2, Web sphere

2.4Communication Interface
Client (customer) on internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol

2.5 Constraints
Login and password is used for the identification of users Only registered user will be authorized to use the services Limited to HTTP/HTTPS
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2.6 FunctionalRequirements
Should provide for automatic tagging of pictures and videos and categorise them. Should be highly dynamic, with minimal static content as framework and maximum content created by site participants Should be highly extensible to the extent technically possible. Users should be able to add content, add small pieces of new functionality and change their portion of the site (not just colors & look & feel). Pictures should be stored with relevant format. Being dependent highly on dynamic content collaborated by users, the site should have the features to auto analyze topics, group discussions, auto recommend threads based on searches etc. Should have the ability to tag social discipline violators using their UID Authenticity for adding users is utmost important for such a website. Definitely one should not be allowed to have more than one profile, validation of user should be done using email id There should be a placeholder for dealing with disputing situations for the site as it is quite possible for recipients of negative reward to resist. The dispute resolution mechanism should not be like traditional court, it should again be based on social forum like multiple opinions, group actions etc. Should provide a common platform where people can Share photos, Videos Endorse someone elses concern and augment with more proofs, details etc. Call for an online debate or discussion on certain topics of broad applicability

2.7 Non-functional Requirement

Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. 24 X 7 availability Better component design to get better performance at peak time Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension

2.8 Data Base Design

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User Detail UserDetail
Column Name UserId Uname Email ContactNo City State Country Data Type Integer Varchar Varchar Integer Varchar Varchar Varchar Description Primary Key

Login Detail
LoginDetail Column Name SerialNo UserId UserName Password UserType Data Type Integer Integer Varchar Varchar Varchar Description Primary Key Foreign key(UserDetail)

Comment Master
CommentMaster Column Name serialNo UserId PostId Comment Date
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Data Type Integer Integer Integer Varchar Date

Description Primary Key Foreign key(UserDetail) Foreign key(PostMaster)

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Online Picture Manager

Time Time

Download Master
CommentMaster Column Name serialNo UserId PostId Comment Date Time Data Type Integer Integer Integer Varchar Date Time Description Primary Key Foreign key(UserDetail) Foreign key(PostMaster)

2.9 Assumption and Dependencies

The users have sufficient knowledge of computers. The users know the English language, as the user interface will be provided in English.


Specific Requirements
3.1 Use case Reports
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Use cases were designed for object oriented software development they focus on what the user need to do with the system. This approach is more powerful as compared to traditional approach. It used a combination of text and pictures in order to improve the understanding of requirements. The use case describe what of a system and not how of a system. They only give the functional view of the system.

Use case Diagram

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Use case for User

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Online Picture Manager

Use Case for Admin

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Online Picture Manager

3.2 Activity Reports
User Registration

The activities involved in the above diagram are: Username and Password: Then the user enters the username and password. Verification: The entered username and password are verified. Login successful: If the entered details are valid then user registration successful. If the entered details are invalid then he will fill all mandatory fields. And set the privileges for users, user may be Admin user or normal user. Homepage: After successful login the user visits the own homepage.

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Online Picture Manager

User Login

The activities involved in the above diagram are: Visit the site: Initially the user visit the site. Username and Password: Then the user enters the username and password. Verification: The entered username and password are verified. Login successful: If the entered details are valid then login successful. If the entered details are invalid then he reenters the username and password. Homepage: After successful login the user visits the user homepage

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Online Picture Manager

Activity Diagram for Debate

Username and Password: Then the user enters the username and password. Verification: The entered username and password are verified. Login successful: If the entered details are valid then login successful. If the entered details are invalid then he reenters the username and password. Debate: Then users can Online Debate on the picture or video

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Online Picture Manager

Activity Diagram for Download

Username and Password: Then the user enters the username and password. Verification: The entered username and password are verified. Login successful: If the entered details are valid then login successful. If the entered details are invalid then he reenters the username and password. Download: After login successfully user can download picture or video which user wants to download.

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Online Picture Manager

Activity Diagram For Upload

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Online Picture Manager

3.3 E R Diagram

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