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Event: Interview of FBI Special Agen~... ....

Type of event: Interview

Date: January 6, 2004

Special Access Issues: DSM

Prepared by: Dieter Snell, 1110/04

Team Number: lA /9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

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Location: FBI, Phoenix

Participants - Non-Commission: FBI"As,~istant General Counsel Sean O'Neill

Participants - Commission: Die~ S~~ll, Hyon Kim

Special Agenf ,/ ' t(rrived at the Phoenix Field Office, his first posting
out of the Academy, in ApriY2003 ana has been assigned to Squad 23 (Counter-
Terrorism). He took over-the Mourad Jdaini case from SSA Ken Williams in May-June
2003. /

I li~not very
familiar with the Jdaini's experiences as th~"' ---I

NAH and HH, whom Jdaini described generally as nice but tending to keep to
themselves. ,:

Jdaini is a Moroccan Sunni who is not particularly religious. )-Ie is about 24-25
years old and came to the US on a student visa in 1998-99. While iii the US, he married a
non-Muslim US citizen and lived with her in the Phoenix area briefly until she left to
move back to her original home in the eastern US. .'

, §j11 ~aw Enforcement


/11 Personal Privacy

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