Arts in Our Life

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Arts in our life There had been difficulties defining art, but as it was defend in general, it is the product

or creative human activity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey emotion or visually form. art cant easily be defined as simple as any ordinary object, because it implies value monetary, social and intellectual, and it is also ever changing and growing making it harder and almost impossible to have a constant clear definition. Many time we ask: what is art? rt is all that surrounded us, art is the picture, art is the music, art is the humanity culture. !an you think of a day without music, without pictures? "o, because people all over the world are found of music. They listen the music, they dance to music, and they learn to play musical instruments. #pecialists e$plain that music is only a combination of pleasant sounds but it is an art which reflects life. There a lot of different kinds of music. #ome of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. !lassical music is often associated with the music of the past. %ap is a modern musical style. Many people like to listen only modern music, but as for me & also enjoy listening to classical music, because it is always a comple$ emotions. &t gives me pleasure and a sense of happiness. #ome pieces of classical music are really wonderful. #o, music is art, which plays a very important role in peoples life. &t reflects ours moods and emotion. &t appeals to our hearts and transforms our feeling. &t con'uers our souls and enriches our minds. Music is beauty in sounds it is our magic source of inspiration for painters, because they are an other kind of art. &t also makes our life beautiful.

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