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The Black Widow- Reflection Studios

Ext. Wasteland. Night UNKNOWN character walks through shot, feet trudging on the gravel, dragging a bloody HOCKEY STICK behind them. They pause for a moment before walking off screen. Int. Crimsons room. Day CRIMSON is sat on her floor, looking over her large collection of stuffed animals and dolls. Her PHONE begins to ring, her boyfriend LUKE on the other end calling from the Wasteland area. She picks up the phone. CRIMSON Hello? LUKE Im coming over. CRIMSON Wait, what? LUKE Werent you listening? Im coming over. CRIMSON Why? LUKE Bye.

The phone line goes dead. Shocked and almost scared, CRIMSON looks at her phone. She takes a breath and sighs before grabbing one of her TEDDY BEARS. She looks lovingly in its eyes, stroking its cheek, before manically pulling its head off in one swift motion.

Int. Crimsons room. Night LUKE angrily barges into the house and to CRIMSONs room. Banging his feet on Lights around him begin to flicker, he nothing. LUKE Crimson? I hope youre makes his way upstairs the stairs as he goes. just brushes it off as

up here.

LUKE goes to her bedroom door and opens it a jar to see flickering lights of candles. He then barges into the room, looking around at the objects in the room. CRIMSON is nowhere to be seen. LUKE Where are you?! Come here now, no one will get hurt. Panic begins to appear on his face as he looks closer at a picture of the two of them. Almost becoming a horror story of a relationship before his eyes. LUKE Crimson, please. Where are you? The UNKOWN FIGURE has appeared in the door way, wielding the bloody HOCKEY STICK. They swing the stick back, ready to strike.

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