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WLLk 1

Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7

MlllLary uumbell ress x x
SeaLed Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SLandlng uumbell lronL 8alse x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng L-Z Curls x x
SeaLed uumbell Pammer Curls x x
L-Z 8ar reacher Curls x x
Cverhead 8ope LxLenslons x x
Skull Crushers x x
Close-Crlp ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SquaLs x
Lunges x x x
Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x x
lncllne uumbell ress x x
llaL 8ench uumbell llys x x
lncllne uumbell llys x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ull uown x x
SeaLed Cable 8ow x x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow x x
Close Crlp ull uown x x
WLLk 2
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
MlllLary 8arbell ress x x
SLandlng Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SeaLed lronL 8alse x x
8ear uelL Machlne x x
8arbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLralghL 8ar Curls x x
SLandlng uumbell Curls x x
8everse Crlp L-Z 8ar Curls x x
Slngle Arm 8ope ushdowns x x
SeaLed Cverhead uumbell
LxLenslons x x
8everse Crlp SLralghL 8ar
ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SquaLs x
Leg ress x x x
SLlff Legged ueadllfL x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SeaLed Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench uumbell ress x x
lncllne 8arbell ress x x
lncllne uumbell ress x x
ec ueck x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SeaLed Wlde Crlp 8ow x x
LaL ull uown x x
underhand 8ows x x
Cne-arm uumbell 8ows x x
WLLk 3
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
8enL LaLeral 8alses x x
MlllLary uumbell ress x x
SLandlng uumbell lronL 8alse x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng uumbell Pammer Curls x x
SLandlng L-Z 8ar Curls x x
uumbell reacher Curls (alLernaLlng
arms) x x
SLralghL 8ar ushdowns x x
Skull Crushers x x
Close-Crlp ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SquaLs x
Pack SquaL x x x
SLandlng Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SLandlng Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x x
lncllne 8arbell ress x x
uecllne 8arbell ress x x
SLandlng Cable llys x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ulldown x x
SeaLed Cne-arm Cable 8ows x x
Wlde Crlp ulldown x x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow x x
WLLk 4
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
MlllLary uumbell ress x x
SeaLed Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SLandlng uumbell lronL 8alse x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng L-Z Curls x x
SeaLed uumbell Pammer Curls x x
L-Z 8ar reacher Curls x x
Cverhead 8ope LxLenslons x x
Skull Crushers x x
Close-Crlp ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
Lunges x x x
Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x x
lncllne uumbell ress x x
llaL 8ench uumbell llys x x
lncllne uumbell llys x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ull uown x x
SeaLed Cable 8ow x x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow x x
Close Crlp ull uown x x
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
MlllLary 8arbell ress x x
SLandlng Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SeaLed lronL 8alse x x
8ear uelL Machlne x x
8arbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLralghL 8ar Curls x x
SLandlng uumbell Curls x x
8everse Crlp L-Z 8ar Curls x x
Slngle Arm 8ope ushdowns x x
SeaLed Cverhead uumbell
LxLenslons x x
8everse Crlp SLralghL 8ar
ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
Leg ress x x x
SLlff Legged ueadllfL x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SeaLed Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench uumbell ress x x
lncllne 8arbell ress x x
lncllne uumbell ress x x
ec ueck x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SeaLed Wlde Crlp 8ow x x
LaL ull uown x x
underhand 8ows x x
Cne-arm uumbell 8ows x x
WLLk 6
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
8enL LaLeral 8alses x x
MlllLary uumbell ress x x
SLandlng uumbell lronL 8alse x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng uumbell Pammer Curls x x
SLandlng L-Z 8ar Curls x x
uumbell reacher Curls (alLernaLlng
arms) x x
SLralghL 8ar ushdowns x x
Skull Crushers x x
Close-Crlp ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
Pack SquaL x x x
SLandlng Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SLandlng Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x x
lncllne 8arbell ress x x
uecllne 8arbell ress x x
SLandlng Cable llys x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ulldown x x
SeaLed Cne-arm Cable 8ows x x
Wlde Crlp ulldown x x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow x x
WLLk 7
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
MlllLary uumbell ress x x
SeaLed Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SLandlng uumbell lronL 8alse x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng L-Z Curls x x
SeaLed uumbell Pammer Curls x x
L-Z 8ar reacher Curls x x
Cverhead 8ope LxLenslons x x
Skull Crushers x x
Close-Crlp ushdowns x x
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
Lunges x x x
Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
Calf 8alses x x x
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x x
lncllne uumbell ress x x
llaL 8ench uumbell llys x x
lncllne uumbell llys x x
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ull uown x x
SeaLed Cable 8ow x x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow x x
Close Crlp ull uown x x
WLLk 8
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng Slde LaLeral 8alses x x
SeaLed lronL 8alse x x
8ear uelL Machlne x x
Machlne Shoulder ress
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLralghL 8ar Curls x x
SLandlng uumbell Curls x x
reacher Curl Machlne
Slngle Arm 8ope ushdowns x x
SeaLed Cverhead uumbell
LxLenslons x x
Close Crlp ushdowns
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SquaLs x
SLlff Legged ueadllfL x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SeaLed Calf 8alses x x x
Leg ress
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench uumbell ress x
lncllne 8arbell ress x
ec ueck
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SeaLed Wlde Crlp 8ow x
LaL ull uown x
underhand 8ows
WLLk 9
Day 1- Shou|ders SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
8enL LaLeral 8alses x x
8enL-over 8everse llys (8ear uelLs) x x
uumbell Shrugs x x
Machlne Shoulder ress
Day 2- 8|ceps and 1r|ceps SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SLandlng uumbell Pammer Curls x x
SLandlng L-Z 8ar Curls x x
SLralghL 8ar ushdowns x x
Skull Crushers x x
Superset 8e|ow
SLralghL 8ar Machlne Curls
Cverhead 8ope LxLenslons
Day 3 - Legs SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
SquaLs x
SLandlng Leg Curls x x x
Leg LxLenslon x x x
SLandlng Calf 8alses x x x
Pack SquaL
Day 4 - Chest SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
llaL 8ench 8arbell ress x
lncllne 8arbell ress x
SLandlng Cable llys
Day S - 8ack SeL 1 SeL 2 SeL 3 SeL 4 SeL 3 SeL 6 SeL 7
LaL ulldown x
SeaLed Cable 8ows x
Lylng 1-8ar 8ow

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