Ancient Dtravel Brochure Rubric

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Name_____________________ Ancient Greece Travel Brochure Rubric

_____/15 pts. Travel brochure is attractive ___/5 pts.- is done on nice paper or better ___/5 pts.- handwriting is legible or it is typed ___/5 pts.- is colorful and appealing to the eye _____/20 pts. Travel brochure includes: ___/5 pts.- descriptions of at least 5 aspects of ree! life ___/5 pts.- at least one "ap ___/5 pts.- descriptions of places tourists should go in relation to the "ap ___/5 pts.- pictures to support at least # aspects of ree! life _____/25 pts. $nfor"ation is: ___/5 pts.-accurate ___/5 pts.- about %&'$(&T reece ___/5 pts.- engaging ___/5 pts.- entertaining ___/5 pts.- thorough _____/20 pts. )rochure is persuasive and infor"ative for tourists. _____/10 pts. *ources are noted +& the brochure _____/10 pts. 'o"pleted tas!s , 1-2-# by ____________

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