Ubuntu Checklist

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Ubuntu Checklist

1. Examine the ReadMe.txt file 2. Manage user and root passwords

sudo passwd <username> change password of username Change password policies in/etc/pam.d/common-password Turn off automatic login

3. Examine list of running services

ps -aef > filename.txt

4. Stop/kill unnecessary services

Use htop or sudo service <service-name> stop

5. Updates
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Check to make sure the correct repository is selected Enable automatic updates on a daily basis

6. Protect certain files/directories

sudo chmod XXX /path/to/file

X is 1, 2, or 4 or any sum of these 1 is execute; 2 is write; 4 is read

Protect these directories

/etc/passwd /etc/groups /etc/gshadow /etc/sudoers

7. Configure/use ufw
sudo ufw enable Allow/deny ports

sudo ufw allow <process-name OR portnumber> to open a port sudo ufw deny <process-name OR portnumber> to close a port

Deny access from certain ip addresses

sudo ufw deny from <ip address range> to any port <port number>

ip address range a.b.c.d/e

sudo ufw status

8. Antivirus
Clam or Avast! Scan for malicious software/files If the software/files is stubborn remove manually by going into root account

9. Correctly configure SSH

Edit/etc/ssh/sshd_config Only allow SSH access from certain known ip addresses using ufw commands Delete SSH if it is not necessary

10.Set up a banner in SSH

Will not actually stop a hacker, just a message for legal purposes In the SSH configuration file find: #Banner /etc/issue.net Remove # and save the file sudo gedit /etc/issue.net to edit the banner

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