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Tom + Ka & Gai - a classic taste, in a Thai version Remember the cold air making your cheeks red,

the frosty snow squeaking under your little boots and that delicious aroma coming from Grandmas kitchen? Just the smell, and off they went boots, scarf, gloves! nd, look, there it is! !he magic bowl with that yellow liquor where tiny oily s"ots were bathing together with fresh home#made noodles! $ts the same yellow liquor that your mamma used to give you when you were having a cold and you could not swallow anything, crying in bed% &es, $ am talking about one of the childhoods tastes the chicken sou"! !rue 'classic(, right? )ow take this unforgettable taste, add a hint of citrus*, make it sweet with coconut milk, flavor it with lemongrass and some cilantro, s"ice it u" with galangal** and smoked chilies, throw some mushrooms and%%% &oure done! new, ama+ing chicken sou" will reveal itself in front of you, watering your mouth and leaving you dream about that far, e,otic "lace called !hailand%

Rals TIP: for travellers "assing through !am"a, -lorida ./%0%1% $f you are taking a cruise shi" from !am"as cruise terminals, make sure you sto" at the !hai !hani Restaurant, in 2hannel side 3la+a% Just a few ste"s are se"arating you from this sou" and other ama+ing dishes from !hai cuisine%

*kaffir lime leaves + the juice of one or two limes ** or ginger, if it is easier to find

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