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135. N anaii ti-pa-ru salmnime--nu a-qal-lu INCANTATION: I raise up the tor h an! "urn the #i$ures % -tu&-&u e-e-!

u ra-"i-su e-tim-mu o# the 'emon( the )pirit( the *ur&er( the +host( la-ma-ti la-"a-si ah-ha-,u the *amastu( the *a"asu( the Ahha,u( llilu lilitu ar!at lili the *ilu( the *ilitu( the Ni$htmai!( - mimma lim-nu mu-sa"-"i-tu a-me-lu-ti an! an. /0il that sei,es humanit.1 123. hu-la ,u-"a u i-ta-at-tu-&a !issol0e( melt( !rip e0er a4a.5 qu-tur-&u-nu li-tel-li am6 7a. .our smo&e rise e0er s&.4ar!( la-8-mi-&u-nu li-"al-li !ami ma. the )un e9tin$uish .our em"ers5 lip-ru-us ha-a-a-ta-&u-nu mr !in$ir :-a ma-mau 7a. he e9tin$uish .our emanations( the son o# /a( the 7a$us5 N !nus&u ur-"u- ma-li& ilime ra";-time In antation. 7i$ht. Nus&u( Counsellor o# the +reat +o!s5 N i-sa-a i-sa-a ri-e-qa ri-e-qa INCANTATION: <e o##( "e o##5 <e $one( "e $one5 "i-e-% "i-e-% hi-il-qa hi-il-qa 'epart( !epart5 =lee( #lee5 !up-pi-ra at-la-&a i-sa-a u ri-e-qa +et o##( $o a4a.( "e o##( an! "e $one5 limuttu-&u-nu &i-ma qut-ri li-tel-li am6e >our e0il li&e smo&e( ma. it rise e0er s&.4ar!5 1?3. ina ,umri-ia i-sa-a =rom m. "o!. "e o##5 ina ,umri-ia ri-e-qa =rom m. "o!. "e $one5 ina ,umri-ia "i-e-% =rom m. "o!. !epart5 ina ,umri-ia hi-il-qa =rom m. "o!. #lee5 ina ,umri-ia !up-pi-ra =rom m. "o!. $et o##5 1?5. ina ,umri-ia at-la-&a =rom m. "o!. $o a4a.5 ina ,umri-ia la tatr 'o not turn "a & to m. "o!.5 ina ,umri-ia la teteh6e 'o not approa h m. "o!.5 ina ,umri-ia la taqaru" 'o not ome near m. "o!.5 ina ,umri-ia la tasaniqqa 'o not tou h m. "o!.5 1@3. ni-i !in$ir ama &a"ti lu ta-ma-tu-nu <. the li#e o# Aama( the Bonore!( "e omman!e!5

ni-i !in$ir :-a "6l naq"i lu ta-ma-tu-nu <. the li#e o# /a( *or! o# the 'eep( "e omman!e!5 ni-i !in$ir asari-l-!u ma-ma ilime lu ta-ma-tu-nu <. the li#e o# Asalluhi( 7a$us o# the +o!s( "e omman!e!5 ni-i !in$ir $ira qa-mi-&u-nu lu ta-ma-tu-nu <. the li#e o# +irra( .our /9e utioner( "e omman!e!5 ina ,umri-ia lu-u tap-par-ra-sa-ma >ou shall in!ee! "e ast #rom m. "o!.5

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