Graphing Lesson Plan

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Name: Daphnie Peterson

Date: 10/10/13

Subject: Math

Grade: 9

Lesson Standard/Evidence Outcome: CCSS.Math.Content.HSN-Q.A.1-Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems !hoose and interpret units !onsistently in formulas !hoose and interpret the s!ale and the origin in graphs and data displays. Standard "# $atterns% &un!tions% and Algebrai! Stru!tures ''( ))).- Sol*e Simple real world problem using information from graphs or tables.

Lesson Topic (What is the big idea): To !reate a graph from a gi*en set of data% how would you +now whi!h type of graph to use, -hi!h graph we !hoose depends on the type of data gi*en and what we are as+ed to !on*ey to the reader.

Main Objective: Students will be able to# .earn about different graphs used in mathemati!s to display data and information .earned how to read and interpret information from ea!h type of graph% and how to !onstru!t these graphs '/plore what type of graph is appropriate for the gi*en data.

Supporting Objective: -hat ma+es the data meaningful, -hy should we pay attention to how the data is displayed,

Measurement of Objective: 0y the end of the lesson% the student1s2 will be able to identify a *ariety of graphs and tables used to display data and be able to determine whi!h is best suited for the gi*en information and why by answering a !ouple of simple 3uestions.

Essential Vocabulary:

Name: Daphnie Peterson

Date: 10/10/13

Subject: Math

Grade: 9

4able% .ine graph% bar graph% Cir!le graph% 5ata

!anning for individua! differences (mediated scaffo!ding): Multisensory tea!hing o 6isual o Conne!tions to prior +nowledge o 6erbal Use of model-lead test tea!hing strategy o Use of ) do% -e do% and 7ou do

4ea!her will as+ student1s2 if they +now different ways in whi!h to show a !olle!tion of data. '/plain that graphs are obser*ations and snapshots of a lot of !omplied information.

Classroom Management
Students will wor+ independently or in a small group with tea!her.

Name: Daphnie Peterson Lesson "ctivities: & 'o (teacher instruction):

Date: 10/10/13

Subject: Math

Grade: 9

Lesson #hec$s for %nderstanding and "ssessments: re*"ssessment: 4ea!her will as+ student1s2 to name the different types of graphs and tables shown on wor+sheet and if able what type of data is best displayed using ea!h.

4his will be informal instru!tion with stru!tured dis!o*ery

We 'o (c!ass/group activit(): A!ti*ity 1# -e will go o*er the *o!abulary words in depth learning about the spe!ifi! data ea!h type of graph is best used for. A!ti*ity "# Using sample information we will e/plore how ea!h type of graph displays the information

)ou 'o (student practice) Student will use the graphs and their newly a!3uired +nowledge to determine whi!h best represents the information gi*en and why.

ost*"ssessment: 4ea!her will !he!+ for understanding by ha*ing the student1s2 fill out 3uestions at the bottom of the wor+sheet.

Name: Daphnie Peterson Extended Learning/Re-teaching:

Date: 10/10/13

Subject: Math

Grade: 9

) will re*iew students understanding by# As+ing 3uestions pertaining to the wor+sheet and by re*iewing front loaded information prior to the start of the a!ti*ity.

Anticipatory et !"#L/ #hat $ %no&'

Similarities and differen!es in graphs and tables )nformation that is used in tables and graphs Sub8e!t areas that graphs and tables are used in -hat +ind of graph is easier to read 5oes the use of graphing ma+e answer 3uestions easier

Name: Daphnie Peterson

Date: 10/10/13

Subject: Math

Grade: 9



Solution: Each graph above has its own strengths and limitations. However, the bar graph is the best choice for summarizing this data based on what we were asked to convey to the reader.

Materials needed
5efinitions of the *o!abulary words -or+sheet $en!il

www.! www.mathgoodies.!om

(o& did $ di))erentiate*

The lesson as ori!inall" #or a student that stru!!les in the area o# math$ The student % as able to or& ith trul" alread" &ne ho to ma&e and use a 'ariet" o# !raphs #or the purpose o# mathematics$ (o e'er) ith this student % as able to sho ho to calculate the !i'in! data into the percenta!es needed to properl" create a circle !raph and ho that in#ormation is made into the actual !raph$

#ho didn+t meet the ob,ecti-e*

This student met the objecti'e$

#hat &ould $ change*

%# % ould ha'e &no n that m" ori!inal student as not !oin! to a'ailable to or& ith) then % ould ha'e made m" lesson more adjustable to meet the needs o# a di##erent !roup or indi'idual$ Since the purpose o# this lesson as to teach a student ho to use !raphin! in the area o# math % belie'e % ould ha'e done that$ *hat % ould also chan!e is better communication ith m" supportin! teacher$ +ll o# this ould ha'e been a'oided i# better lines o# communication

Name: Daphnie Peterson Date: 10/10/13 Subject: Math Grade: 9 ere established and maintained$ % thou!ht % had made all o# the proper communications) e'en as o# the mornin! o# the obser'ation) but this as ob'iousl" not the case$ % ill or& harder to ma&e sure such mista&es are not repeated$

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