10 Misconceptions of Success

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10 Misconceptions Of Success

by Chacko Jacob on Monday, February 20, 2012 at 9:59am Is it time for you to chan e your attitude about success! Maybe"""

I#$e found in much of my %ork %ith &eo&'e on creatin a better, more &ositi$e attitude to%ards 'ife that many of us ha$e a misunderstandin about success and %hat makes us successfu'"

(ere are the ten most common misconce&tions &eo&'e ha$e about success and some thou hts about those misconce&tions by JIM )**+, "

1" Some people can't be successful because of their background, education, etc. )nybody can be successfu'" It#s a matter of %antin to, then doin %hat it takes to achie$e it"

2" Successful people don't make mistakes. -uccessfu' &eo&'e make mistakes .ust 'ike %e a'' do" /hey .ust don#t re&eat them"

0" You've got to work 0 !"0, #0, $0...% hours a week to be successful. It#s not a matter of doin ) *1/ of somethin " It#s more about doin the ri ht thin "

2" You'll onl& be a success if &ou pla& b& the rules. 3ho makes u& the ru'es any%ay! +ach situation is different" -ometimes fo''o%in the ru'es is needed, other times makin u& your o%n ru'es is %hat#s re4uired"

5" 'f &ou have help along the wa&, it's not success. -uccess rare'y occurs in a $acuum" 5eco ni6e the &eo&'e %ho he'& you become successfu', there are &'enty of them"

7" 't takes a lot of luck to be successful. It takes some 'uck to be successfu', sure" It takes a 'ot more hard %ork, di'i ence, kno%'ed e, and a&&'ication"

8" 't's onl& success if &ou make a lot of mone&. Money is .ust one of many benefits to success, but it#s not uaranteed"

9" 't's onl& success if ever&bod& knows it. :ou may et more money and more acco'ades the more &eo&'e kno% about %hat you#$e done" ;ut, e$en if you %ere the on'y one %ho kne% it, you#d sti'' be a success"

9" Success is a goal. -uccess is more %hat you et %hen you achie$e the oa's you#$e set for yourse'f" -ayin that you <%ant to be a success< be s the 4uestion: <)t %hat!<

10" Once ''m successful, m& troubles are over. :ou may be successfu', but you#re not =od" :ou#'' sti'' ha$e the u&s and do%ns that you did before" +n.oy %hat success you achie$e and 'i$e each day as it comes

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