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Chanting RAMA Its benefits Written by atya arada !

!andula "anuary #$% &'#( at ):*+ am ,osted in old thoughts

-rom my childhood elders at home and school ha.e always ad.ised me to say /Rama% Rama0 when in doubt% fear or trouble. 1hey told me that Rama nama would protect me from all manner of troubles and bless me in e.ery way. I sincerely belie.ed in and followed this with the additional belief that you only ha.e to chant ri Rama2s name and 3anuman is personally present ne4t to you and on your side. 1his was a great thrill for me5 Recently in my yoga class% my 6eda guru% ad.ised me to touch the tip of my tongue to the top of my palate% for as much time as possible. he said that that yoga mudra helped people achie.e emotional balance. In trying to teach some of my young friends how to do this I as7ed them to ma7e the sound /ra0. 1he Indian sound% not the /rolled0 American one. Also in pranayama class% we ha.e to say% /mmmmmmmm0 li7e a bee when we breathe out for the bhramari form of praa8aayaama% as well as in some of the yogaasanaas. o7ay% now% what is ra 9a 9 mmmmmmmmmmm 9 a: Rama; <f Course; My elders were me do a .ery easy and beneficial yoga mudra 9 pranayama% while filling my head with delightful and cheerful thoughts of ri Rama and 3anuman. In the 6ishnu ahasranaama% i.a tells ,ar.ati that one utterance of Rama2s name is e=ual to a thousand names of 6ishnu. 1han7s to the good old Rama ethu issue% Rama2s name is on the lips of all belie.ers and non>belie.ers ali7e% doing a world of good to politicians% lawyers% ?udges% ?ournalists and lay people too. @ither with de.otion or hatred% with faith or with reason e.eryone in this country and interested in this country is chanting the name of ri Rama% and gathering at the .ery minimum the yogic benefits of the same.

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