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k. uandctani (0reup uanaging uirccter), 1.r. thete (thicf 0pcrating 0fficcr), S.S. uandimika, 1.t. uazingi #, 8.\. uancama #, u. 8hatia #.



8 V R E
S01lS 10 1hl 8klu0lu llSStll S11lulS1S
Slr1lu8lk 2013 Slr1lu8lk 2012
lS$ lS$
1. 0lSlkl lSl0ku1l0S
\atlenal Jre :erlces llnltea ls a cenpan lncerperatea ln /ln|a|e. lts actlltles lncluae the recenaltlenln ana retallln
el tres ana relatea serlces.
2. S11lulS1 0l t0urllStl
Jhe cenpan's annual llnanclal statenents are preparea ln acceraance lth lnternatlenal llnanclal 8epertln :tanaaras
(ll8:) ana the lnternatlenal llnanclal 8epertln lnterpretatlens tennlttee (ll8lt) lnterpretatlens. Jhe are alse preparea ln
acceraance lth the tenpanles \ct (thapter !+.0]) ana releant statuter lnstrunents (:l ]]/)) ana :l o!/)o). Jhe annual
llnanclal statenents are |asea en statuter receras that are nalntalnea unaer the hlsterlcal cenentlen as nealllea | the
aluatlen el certaln assets. ulsterlcal cest ls enerall |asea en the lalr alue el censlaeratlen len ln e\chane ler assets.
3. tlkklSt 0l klr0k1lS0
Jhe llnanclal :tatenents are presentea ln lnltea :tates 0ellars, hlch ls the lunctlenal currenc el the cenpan.
+. tt0lS1lS0 r0lltllS
\cceuntln pellcles ana netheas el neasurenent are censlstent ln all naterlal respects lth these usea ln the nest recent
aualtea llnanclal statenents, hlch are preparea ln acceraance lth the reulrenents el lnternatlenal llnanclal 8epertln
5. kl\lSll Sl0ulS11l0S
8eenue lren the sale el eeas 8,!!!,7!] 8,!8o,+)0
8eenue lren the prelslen el serlces !0o,])0 J88,J85
8,+29,113 8,+7+,675
6. kll1lu rk1 1kSSt1l0SS Su 8lStlS
1rading transactiens:
lurchases lren 0unlep /ln|a|e (lrlate) llnltea J,++7,0!! J,7]o,+J]
lurchases lren \pelle Jres :euth \lrlca (lreprletar) llnltea !,]88,o+7 !,)]J,5]5
\neunts eln te 0unlep /ln|a|e (lrlate) llnltea- purchases J75,J80 !+o,)0J
\neunts eln te \pelle Jres :euth \lrlca (lreprletar) llnltea-purchases 5)5,587 87o,80]
\neunts eln te \pelle Jres :euth \lrlca (lreprletar) llnltea-technlcal lees !5!,)!7 )J,5)]
S01lS 10 1hl 8klu0lu llSStllS11lulS1S (centinucd)
Slr1lu8lk2013 Slr1lu8lk2012
lS$ lS$
7. rk0rlk1, rlS1Su lqllrulS1
tapltal e\penalture Jo8,+J5 7,!5+
0epreclatlen J+!,]5) J!8,7+o
8. lS\lS10kllS
8a naterlals +0J,])7 +)!,)8o
llnlshea eeas !,0)0,055 !,J!8,7+7
tensuna|le steres J!],850 J]+,5o8
2,615,302 2,756,301
9. 1kul Su 01hlkr8llS
Jraae ana ether paa|les J,5o],+!5 J,)!o,o+!
lrelslens J8),8++ J85,J]o
1,753,269 2,111,778
10. t0uul1ulS10l trl1llxrlSul1lkl
tapltal cennltnents autherlsea, |ut net centractea ]]J,5)5 !07,57!
11. l\lS1S l1lkklr0k1lS0u1l
Jhere has |een ne slnlllcant eent alter the repertln aate.
12. 00lS0t0StlkS
Jhe 0lrecters hae assessea the tenpan`s a|lllt te centlnue eperatln as a eln cencern ler the lereseea|le luture ana the
a|rlaea llnanclal statenents hae acceralnl |een preparea en the eln cencern |asls.
13. ulklt10kS' klSr0SSl8lll1
Jhe 0lrecters are respensl|le ler the preparatlen el |eth the annual ana a|rlaea llnanclal statenents ler each repertln perlea,
that le a true ana lalr le el the state el allalrs el the cenpan.
8L\L\lL l08JuL lL8l00 J0]0 :LlJLML8!0J] 8,+!),JJ]
8L\L\lL l08JuL lL8l00 J0]0 :LlJLML8!0J! 8,+7+,o75
tu\\0L l\ 8L\L\lL -J
lJ l08JuL u\ll \L\8J0]0 :LlJLML8!0J] +7!,8!0
lJ l08JuL u\ll \L\8J0]0 :LlJLML8!0J! 5)],+5)
tu\\0L l\ l80llJ Ll08L J\x (lJ) -!0
\:lt Ll: (tL\J:)- :LlJLML8!0J] 0.J+
\:lt Ll: (tL\J:)- :LlJLML8!0J! 0.J)
tu\\0L l\ L\8\l\0: lL8:u\8L (Ll:) -!7
ulhllhts el the eperatln enlrennent lncluaea pre ana pest electlen |uslness lnertla as ecenenlc plaers searchea ler alrectlen,
aecllnln lnllatlen, tlhter llulalt cenaltlens, steck narket slns, aecllnln preauctle secter capaclt utlllsatlen, cenpan clesures
ana je| cuts. 8esultantl, reth lerecasts ere relsea aenaras.
Jhe cenpetltle space |ecane nere creaea thus suppressln |eth reenue ana narlns.
8eenue aecllnea | J eer the prler cenpara|le perlea aue te the enlrennental lacters hlhllhtea a|ee, leer traaln aas, a
sales nl\ skeea tearas leer alue preaucts, reaucea ellectle aenana ln a creaea narket space ana strlnent ae|ters
nanaenent. Marlns shrunk as a result el the lntense lnaustr cenpetltlen ana the sales nl\. ten|lnea lth a + lncrease ln
eerheaas, prellt |elere ta\ aecllnea | !0 ln cenparlsen te the sane perlea last ear. Jhe cenpan`s llulalt pesltlen lnpreea aue
te an elllclent suppl chaln nanaenent.
kl\llw0l 0rlk1l0SS
\e tre unlts re lren the prler perlea, arlen nalnl | lncreases ln llht neter ehlcle tres. Jhe ell reaa tres` centrl|utlen
lncreasea aue te lecusea narketln ellerts ln the nlnln secter. 8etreaaln elunes alse re | 8 as the narket respenaea te the re-
epenln el the ulaae lacter last ear. lurther reth as hanperea | the shertae el eea uallt caslns.
Mr. 8. uallejee reslnea as a 0lrecter lth ellect lren !8 \een|er !0J]. ve thank hln ler the ulaance ana centrl|utlen aurln hls
ln eraer te enhance stakehelaer alue, the cenpan lll centlnue te pursue reenue reth, lecusea cest nanaenent, lnenter
eptlnlsatlen ana nltlatlen aalnst llnanclal rlsk. 8eceer lll |e arlen | ne narketln lnltlatles, alstrl|utlen channels ana
reenue seurces that are |eln pursuea hllst centlnuln te leerae en the e\lstln cenpetltle aaantaes.
Jhe 0lrecters` eplnlen ls that there ls stlll neea te censere cash ln llht el the preallln nacre-ecenenlc enlrennent. tenseuentl
ne lnterln allaena has |een aeclarea ln respect el the hall ear enaea ]0 :epten|er !0J].
8 0kulk0l 1hl 80ku
S.S. uSululk
t0urS Sltkl1k
2+ ucccmhcr 2013
8klu0lu S11lulS1 0l t0urklhlSSl\l lSt0ul Slr1lu8lk 2013 Slr1lu8lk 2012
8klu0lu S11lulS1 0l tSh ll0wS Slr1lu8lk 2013 Slr1lu8lk 2012
8klu0lu S11lulS1 0l thS0lS lS lqll1 Slr1lu8lk 2013 Slr1lu8lk 2012
lS$ lS$
kctcnuc 8,+29,113 8,+7+,675
0peratln prellt !]8,]77 +o!,+!0
0ther lncene !]J,!]+ J]0,05!
llnance lncene ],!0) )87
rrefit hcferc tax +72,820 593,+59
lncene ta\ e\pense (J!J,75J) (JJ+,7o+)
rrefit fer thc pcried 351,069 +78,695
0ther cenprehensle lncene - -
1etal cemprchcnsitc incemc fer thc pcried 351,069 +78,695
\un|er el shares ln lssue (theusanas) !5],87! !5],87!
velhtea aerae nun|er el shares (theusanas) !5],87! !5],87!
aslc earnlns per share (cents) 0.J+ 0.J)
0llutea earnlns per share (cents) 0.J+ 0.J)
lS$ lS$
tash lles lren eperatln actlltles |elere chanes ln erkln capltal 5J+,075 o)J,!J8
thanes ln erkln capltal (]J5,oo!) (o!0,)75)
Ja\ pala (JJ+,780) (J)8,!)!)
\et cash eneratea lren / (utlllsea ln) eperatln actlltles 8],o]] (J!8,0+))
tash lles utlllsea ln lnestln actlltles (70,!!J) (o,!70)
tash lles lren llnancln actlltles - -
\et cash neenent ler the perlea J],+J! (J]+,]J))
0penln |alance - cash ana eulalents 5J7,+)5 5!+,!+7
tlesing halancc - cash and cquitalcnts 530,907 389,928
lS$ lS$
0pcning halancc 5,882,32+ 5,008,3+9
- -
- -
lrellt ler the perlea ]5J,0o) +78,o)5
0ther cenprehensle lncene - -
tlesing halancc 6,233,393 5,+87,0++
8klu0lu S11lulS1 0l llSStll r0Sl1l0S Slr1lu8lk 2013 Slr1lu8lk 2012
lS$ lS$
\en current assets +,05!,o7] +,075,7]0
lrepert plant ana eulpnent !,8]],!70 !,8]J,+]+
lnestnent prepert J,J+5,0o7 J,Jo8,J0o
\alla|le ler sale lnestnents 7+,]]o 7o,J)0
turrent assets +,8+),!80 +,50!,!J+
1etal asscts 8,901,953 8,577,9++
lqll1 Su ll8lll1llS
:harehelaers' eult o,!]],])] 5,+87,0++
0elerrea lncene !5,000 55,000
0elerrea ta\ 857,J8! 8!),5]5
turrent lla|llltles J,78o,]78 !,!0o,]o5
1etal cquitj and liahilitics 8,901,953 8,577,9++

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