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Core Java Syllabus

Brief Introduction of C and C++ and differentiate through Java. JVM Architecture Setting a path through Command Prompt and Environmental Variable.

Simple Program in Java (Compile and Run) Identifiers, Literals & Data types. Operators Conditional Statements Looping & Arrays (Single and Multidimensional) Describe Concepts of oops Access Modifiers (Private ,Public, Protected, Default) Inheritance Polymorphism (Overloading & Overriding) (Super & This Keyword).

Abstract Class and Interface Static variable and Methods Using Final Keyword with Variable, Methods, and Classes. Wrapper Class and Inner Classes Packages and Imports Exception Handling Threading String & String Builder and String Buffer Class Awt Components (Frame, Panel, etc.), Layouts, Event Handlers. Using Swing with Awt Components GUI Component Connectivity through JDBC.

Applet I/O Classes and File Handling. Advance Java Syllabus

Collection & Maps Generics Html, Java script and CSS Web Architecture Servlets Servlets with Java Beans JSP With Java Beans JDBC Connectivity Expression Language (EL)

J2EE Syllabus

JSTL AJAX JQuery Struts Framework Overview Hibernate with Servlets Overview Hibernate With Struts Framework Overview of Spring Framework

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