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NANCY Bailey Well done you have thought about the image and analysed it well.

However I would like you to use more technical language when talking about photography. Please use the talking about Photographs word frame. Your recreation is good and you have thought about the lighting and the framing well done A rather cut and paste explanation of the project please make sure to put txt into your own words. I would also like you to show some of his work and talk about them. The practical responses are good I especially like your own portrait however there is no txt to explain the ideas please make sure to add a description to the images Very superficial analysis and only one image the tasks was to look at two images please finish this unit properly There is no description about what the project is about you must make sure you complete all your contextual studies. The analysis that you have done is good but there are a number of spelling mistakes you must read back over your work. Again the task was to analysis two images please make sure this is done Still to be completed T-

Rankin Destroy


Deidre OCallaghan


Martin Parr




Initial study

An interesting start but there is no description about what you are doing you must get into the habit of adding txt to all your visual work. I feel this idea has potential but you need to take more photographs



CB There is some good work here you demonstrate a good understanding of photography and demonstrate at times good analytical skills. However to much of the work is unfinished and rushed you must make sure you go back over your work and complete all the tasks that have been set. Equally your visual practise has potential but is again too unfinished you must start working harder and completing all work set. I would like you to come to open study on a tuesday after school to catch up on the work you have missed.

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