What Is A Straw Man?: We All Need To Know The Answer To This Question!

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What is a Straw Man?

We all need to know the answer to this question!

What/Who is the Straw Man?
July 28, 1999
Straw man, as defined in Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition: A "front"; a third party who is p t p in name only to take part in a transaction! "ominal party to a transaction; one who acts as an a#ent for another for the p rpose of takin# title to real property and e$ec tin# whate%er doc ments and instr ments the principal may direct respectin# the property! &erson who p rchases property for another to conceal identity of real p rchaser, or to accomplish some p rpose otherwise not allowed! 'Emphasis added( )here's no tellin# when the deception really started, * t one of the first ma+or e%ents was the incorporation of the ,nited States in -./-, with the final act occ rrin# in -./.! 0t appears from the Stat tes at Lar#e that this was only the incorporation of the District of 1ol m*ia, * t in the final act the phrase "District of 1ol m*ia or ,nited States" is sed makin# the phrases interchan#ea*le and allowin# the ,nited States to operate as a corporation! )he so2called #o%ernment is not the #o%ernment created *y the 1onstit tion, it is a 1orporation operatin# in 1344E51E for a &5360)! E%ery transaction is now considered *y the ,S, 0"1! to *e a commercial transaction *y fictional entities 7fictions at law8!

A fiction at law, or le#al fiction, is an artificially created entity that is only contemplated in law! 0n other words, it is not real e$cept in the eyes of the law written *y men! Le#al fictions are the opposite of nat ral entities, s ch as people! A created le#al fiction is endowed *y the law to ha%e some pri%ile#es that resem*le the ri#hts that people ha%e, s ch as the ri#ht to hold property and to s e and *e s ed! )he most common le#al fictions are corporations and tr sts! )hese ha%e *een aro nd for 9 ite some time with their main p rpose *ein# to limit the lia*ility of the people holdin# the corporation or tr st, allowin# them to "3) *e personally responsi*le for their actions! Le#al 6ictions are not compati*le with the 1ommon Law, which is the law o r land was fo nded pon! 0n common law, e%eryone is responsi*le for his own actions and is held acco nta*le and responsi*le for any wron#doin# 7harmin# another in any way8

What is a Fiction at Law?

What does this have to do with me?

0n -:;;, the #o%ernors of all the states met to disc ss the "emer#ency" declared *y 6D5 and to s pport the new process that was *ein# esta*lished! )he "#o%ernment" was in *ankr ptcy and had to *e f nded in its state of *ankr ptcy! )he #o%ernors made a "pled#e" to the ,!S!, 0"1! to f nd it! )he pled#e was that the

assets and the ener#y of the people wo ld *ack the "#o%ernment" and sec re the de*t! B t there was one little pro*lem! "at ral li%in# people cannot mi$ with le#al fictions 7corporations8 so it was necessary to create a "*rid#e" *etween the fictions and the people to *rin# the people nder and make them s *ser%ient to the "#o%ernment" corporation! <hen the #o%ernors made the pled#e, they a#reed to re#ister the *irth certificates of the people with the ,!S! Department of 1ommerce! )he *irth certificate is the sec rity instr ment 7collateral8 sed to *ack p the pled#e! )he le#al fiction was created *y sin# the name on the *irth certificate and writin# it in all capital letters, the desi#nation for a le#al fiction! )hen, *eca se of the "pled#e" =3, were determined to *e the s rety for the le#al fiction! S rety means: )he one who is responsi*le to pay! So, when the #o%ernment or any corporation ses any process whatsoe%er they are sin# it a#ainst the le#al fiction, which they want =3, to think 0S =3,! B t when yo r name is written in all capital letters, 0) 0S "3) =3,5 "A4E>>! 0t is the desi#nation of a le#al fiction that is an entirely separate entity! A li%in# h man cannot *e a le#al fiction, and a le#al fiction cannot *e a li%in# h man! 3ne is real or nat ral, the other is created *y "law!" <hene%er a #o%ernment a#ency 7s ch as a co rt8 determines lia*ility it is a lia*ility of the le#al fiction or Straw 4an since e%erythin# is done in commerce! =o are pres med, as e%idenced *y the pled#e of yo r #o%ernor, to *e the s rety for the Straw 4an and yo m st pay the lia*ility! 5E4E4BE5: E%ery transaction is pres med *y the "#o%ernment" to *e a transaction in commerce *y a le#al fiction!

)he only way o t of this is to defeat the pres mption that yo are the s rety for the Straw 4an 7le#al fiction8! )he "5edemption &rocess" is the most promisin# way to defeat this pres mption, sin# the ,niform 1ommercial 1ode, which is the "law" that the fictional commercial world operates nder! )he first step is to "1apt re the Straw 4an," *y filin# a ,112- financin# statement to sec re a claim a#ainst the all capitali?ed le#al fiction, or Straw 4an, and the property@collateral! )he ne$t step is to accept yo r *irth certificate for %al e and *ecome the Aolder in D e 1o rse of that doc ment! =o will also want to accept for %al e yo r Dri%ers License, marria#e license, other permits or licenses, and the Social Sec rity " m*er that was assi#ned to the Straw 4an! See the ,112- )e$t in the BBecomin# a S&1 Section> )he ,112- filin# and the acceptance of these doc ments will 5EDEE4 yo and the De*tor and the property, *y placin# a Bclo dC o%er the title7s8 to the property, from the commercial system and esta*lish doc mented e%idence to defeat the pres mption that yo are the s rety for the Straw 4an! <hen the *irth certificate is accepted for %al e, =3, *ecome the Aolder in D e 1o rse and the Do%ernor's position in the e9 ation is also chan#ed! Since the Do%ernor is the D,A5A")35 of the pled#e when yo are no lon#er the s rety he@she *ecomes the s rety for the Straw 4an! 0t is *elie%ed that when this happens the Do%ernor m st then post a *ond e9 al to the %al e yo placed on yo r acceptance! 0t's %ery m ch like if the Do%ernor co2 si#ned on a loan for a car for yo and yo stopped makin# the payments, the *ank then looks to A04 for the payments! Aowe%er, it is the position 7d ty8 of the S&1 to esta*lish the Ba#reementC 7see 1onditional Acceptance Section8, accept for %al e the

What's the Answer?

presentment and dischar#e the fine, fee, ta$, de*t or + d#ment with a Bill of E$chan#e or other appropriate commercial paper! This is not intended to be an instruction on how to use the Redemption Process, but merely to i!e a basic understandin o" the #"ictional commercial world# we ha!e been operatin in, and how they ha!e #brid ed the ap# between this and the real li!e people and drawn us into their $abylonian system as a surety "or a le al "iction% &t is also the intention o" this writin to establish in your mind that &T &S &MP'R(T&)' T*(T +,.'/'(T T*' PR'S-MPT&,0 T*(T +,- (R' T*' S-R'T+ /,R T*' STR(W M(0 12e al /iction3%

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