Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium Grant expenditure Report to parents: 2012/13

Overview of the school
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on roll Total number of pupils eligible for PPG Amount of PPG received per pupil Total amount of PPG received 1834 431 644 277,564

Nature of support 2012/13

Additional staffing to reduce class sizes in Mathematics and provide small group/one to one tuition in English and Mathematics for Key Stage 4 pupils Additional staffing to provide mentoring for individual, disaffected or underachieving pupils and pupils at risk of exclusion Additional staffing to extend the opening hours of the Library and provide support for pupils completing homework Financial support for equipment, resources (including textbooks and revision guides), trips and visits Academically focused extra -curricular activities (including revision classes, extended Library opening, music lessons) Saturday and Easter revision classes Kumon Mathematics Scheme to increase progress Non-academic activity based interventions (Summer School, Urban Scholars Programme) Lexia Reading Scheme to improve literacy One to one tuition in Mathematics and English Literacy Summer School

Measuring the impact of PPG spending The impact of our Pupil Premium Grant spend can be seen by looking at our GCSE results (5 A*C including English and Mathematics) for Pupil Premium students against non-PP students. It is clear to see that not only has the gap reduced, to 12%, but also the actual examination results have improved by 19.3% for the PP group.
Pupil Premium Y N GAP 2012 5A*-C (EM) 47.3 64.7 17.4 2013 5A*-C (EM) 66.6 78.6 12

All information is correct at the time of publishing 16/01/14

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