Waste Segregation Through Color Coded Trash Bins

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Waste Segregation through Color Coded Trash Bins SK Green Brigade ( An Activity Design )

Rationale: Environ ental !rotection through Solid Waste Segregartion is one o" the #riority #rogra s o" the Sangguniang Ka$ataan o" Barangay !o$lacion in their Green Brigade !ro%ects & 't is also in line (ith the "ive #oint agenda o" the SK )a $a%ao *ederation and the unici#al advocacy (hich is the Clean and Beauti"ul )a $a%ao& +ence, the #urchased o" color coded trash $ins to $e distri$uted to the sitios o" Barangay !o$lacion is #ro#osed&

-$%ectives: The constituents o" Barangay !o$lacion (ill $e a$le to #ractice #ro#er (aste dis#osal and segregation& To #revent litter in the co unity and aid the (orsening stage o" our nature&

To #ractice the constituents to thro( their gar$age in the trash $ins and this (ould $e a (ay in i #le entation o" the door.to.door collection o" (aste&

)ethodology: /& !urchased color coded trash $ins "or $iodegrada$le (green) and "or non.$iodegrada$le(yello()& 0& Distri$ute those trash $ins to every sitio o" Barangay !o$lacion& Target Day o" ' #le entation: 1rd (ee2 o" *e$ruary Target Day o" Distri$ution : 3une /4, 05/0

!rocedure: Materials to be purchased Laton Spray Paint Paint Cost ! /67&55 each ! /19&55 each Nos. Of Materials 00 #cs& 7 #cs Total Cost ! 1678&55 ! :89&55

Boysen Blue White A.#lus ;&<ello( R=shine A>ua Blue Paint Brush Thinner Wood Nails Miscellaneous

! /:5&55 each ! /64&55 each ! /99&55 each ! /4&95 each ! 1:&55 each ! 4/&55 each ! 9:&55

/ #c / #c / #c / #c / #c 1: #cs 0&9 2ilo

! /:5&55 ! /64&55 ! /99&55 ! /4&95 ! 1:&55 ! 1/9:&55 ! /87&95 ! 8&55

Labor Honorariums

Labor *or trash $ins "ra ing *or trash $ins lettering

No. Of Days 8 0

Hon./day ! 095&55 ! 095&55

Total ! /555&55 ! 955&55

Su$. total:

! /,955&55

GRA?D T-TA;: ! /5,555&55

!re#ared $y: C+-R';<? E*)'? )& BABA;C-? SK Secretary

A##roved: A?A @'CT-R'A -& AA<A? SK Chair an

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