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Watership Down Point of view Language Plot Senses: sight, hear, feel, taste and touch Dandelion

I scramble out of the Honeycomb, tasting the dawn approach. The other rabbits were still in the warren, staying safe from the Efrafrans. Me and Hazel scanned the area around the warren making sure that General Woundwort and the Efrafrans did not see us leave, we were about to act out Hazel-rahs ultimate plan to defeating General Woundwort. The smell of pinecones grew stronger as we headed up the slope to the near by farmhouse. I brushed against the strong bark as I Hazels loyal companion scrambled to keep up. Once through the Pine trees the grass was still wet from the other nights rain, pinches of dew lay on top of the shinning green grass. The farm was just up the hill, the suns light blocked by the house, just slits of light shinning through gaps in the wooden structure. Just while I was admiring at this beautiful scene, Hazel halted and I quickly skidded to a stop. Just in front of us was a enormous dog resting under the sun. Drool from his mouth dripped and slivered on to the grass, causing the grass to bend and quiver. The plan was simple; Hazel would silently tear the rope apart with his strong front teeth. Once the rope was torn I would attract the dog towards me, but at the same time making sure the dog wont make breakfast out of me. The plan was to drag the dog back to the Honeycomb and instead of killing me would kill the Efrafrans. Hazel went ahead around the dog to its rope and started to nah at it, I positioned myself for when the dog awoke. The last hair on the rope split. Immediately the dog sprang onto its hind legs and sprung at me. I froze, eyes wide. Its large teeth glared in the sunlight as it picked up the pace, I ran. I realized this was for Hazel, for the rabbits and all they have been through. I scrambled tumbled and picked my self up again and this cycle continued until I sprang into the burrow just before it snapped at my tail. The dog, now springing at General Woundwort, that was the last I saw of him.

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