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Camera Functions/Settings

1. The two settings/functions on a DSLR that effect how much light enters the camera are how big the aperture is and how fast/slow the shutter speed is. 2. The dial setting you need to use to change the shutter speed is TV (Time Value). 3. The faster the shutter speed is, the less light it lets in and it will be more focused. The slower the shutter speed is, the more light it lets in and it will be less focused/more blurred. 4. The term exposure means how clear the image is, depending on how much light is let in. 5. If the photo was overexposed, the image would appear clear and light. 6. The aperture is how big the hole is. The bigger the whole, the lower the F number. The smaller the hole, the higher the F number. 7. A large aperture focus on the main/closest object and blurs the background. 8. To change the size of the aperture you need to change the dial settings of the focus lens a higher focal lens, the more in focus the picture is and the lower the focal lens the more depth of field.

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