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Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures should be established for collapses of structures, fire, explosions, critical injury, and toxic spill or release. Slow response, lack of resources, or absence of trained personnel can lead to chaos in an emergency. To minimize losses, especially fatalities and injuries, personnel must know their responsibilities, know the procedures to follow, and be able to communicate in an emergency. ollow these steps in de!eloping the plan for emergency procedures. 1. 2. 3. "ist possible areas where emergencies such as fire, explosion, structural collapse, or chemical spills might occur. or each type of hazard, identify the possible results # fatalities, injuries, structural or en!ironmental damage. $etermine the re%uired response, such as rescue, fire fighting, or e!acuation. The response plan must include step&by&step procedures and control measures for each type of emergency. $etermine what resources, including rescue e%uipment and medical supplies, should be on hand to deal with specific emergencies. $etermine the training re%uired for effecti!e response to emergencies.

4. 5.

First Aid and Medical Services irst aid and medical ser!ices must meet the minimum re%uirements under the applicable regulations. Employees must know 'here to find first aid stations. (ow to identify %ualified first aiders. The procedures for transporting injured workers. 'ho will pro!ide first aid training and who has a !alid first aid certificate. (ow to record injuries and illness.

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