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WSMA Middle Level State Honors Music Project

IMPORTANT Dates to remember: Audition date and location: Saturday, April 5, 2014 at Eau Claire South Middle School Audition application Cost: Application Due Date: $22.00 Monday January 27, 2014 to Mrs. Pearson

What is the WSMA State Honors Music Project? The Wisconsin State Honors Music Project offers talented youth the opportunity to rehearse and perform with nationally-known conductors in a professional setting. All Honors groups perform at the 2014 WMEA State Music Conference on the last Saturday in October. Middle Level State Honors students receive their music in August and rehearse for the first time the day before their fall performance. If accepted, students will be housed at the Marriott West Hotel the night before their performance. Parents of each Honors student will be responsible for a fee of that includes housing (4 per room), food costs, etc. (If students choose to be housed in a room of only 2 students, there will be an additional Honors fee.) NOTE: Students selected to be members of the State Honors Music Project must provide their own transportation to and from Madison. Auditions Copies of the requirements are included in this packet. Auditions will be held in Eau Claire at South Middle School on April 6, 2014. It will be the parents responsibility to provide transportation to and from the audition. Students should be prepared to perform a memorized vocal solo (the same one he/she sings at Solo and Ensemble), to sight read 8 measures of music, and to sing vocal exercises for the judge. All Middle Level Honors auditions include a 15-minute non-adjudicated Ensemble Class taught by the adjudicator within one hour of their scheduled private audition. Registration All Meyer Middle School 2013 WSMA State Honors Audition applications will be done by Mrs. Moe or Mr. Parks. Please return the attached application form to your music teacher by Monday January 27, 2014 A registration fee of $22.00 payable to WSMA is due with the completed Honors application form. Equal Opportunity All students are given equal opportunity for Honors membership. During the audition scheduling process, each student is assigned an audition number. Students are identified to the judge and the Honors Selection Committee only by their audition number. No last names or schools are given to the audition judge or Honors Selection Committee. In addition, there is absolutely no geographic, gender, race, age or quota system of any kind used in the Wisconsin State Honors Music Project.

Honors Selection Process In an effort to provide consistent evaluations at every audition location, each Honors audition judge receives the same written and verbal instructions. At the conclusion of the audition, the judge makes a recommendation for each student based solely on the audition performance. The following evaluation descriptors are found on every Honors audition evaluation form: Highly Recommended - a potential Honors section leader and an outstanding musician. One of the best! Recommended - Student would complement the Honors Project. High Alternate - Student could participate this year, if needed.

Alternate - Student could participate, but has some weaknesses to overcome. Not Ready - Student is not ready for Honors. The Honors Selection Committee reviews all audition forms and written comments without knowing any student's name or school. The audition number is the only way of identifying each student to the Honors Selection Committee. Results Notification Letters Middle Level Honors students will be notified of their audition results in early June. Copies of the audition forms are not given to students or teachers. Unlike a WSMA Solo-Ensemble Festival performance, Honors auditions are usually very competitive. What is a Prioritized Alternate? Students who receive a "Prioritized Alternate" letter are the first to be called should an invited student decline the invitation for membership. The number indicates the sequence of students to be called. For example, if a student is the #3 alternate, three people from that section will need to decline membership before this student is invited to Honors. Students who receive an "Alternate" letter indicating they may be chosen for Honors membership this year, will only be called after there are no more students on the prioritized list. All Prioritized Alternate and non-numbered Alternates are strongly encouraged to continue practicing and audition next year. Does every student who auditions, but is not selected, receive an "Alternate" letter? No. Students who received a "not ready" endorsement from their audition judge receive a letter thanking them for their efforts in preparing for their audition. All students are strongly encouraged to continue practicing their musical skills. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Middle Level Honors Choir Application Information

First Name_________________ Middle Initial____ Last Name________________

Home Address___________________________________________

City______________________ State_____ Zip Code____________

Home Phone______________________

E mail address____________________________________________________

Parents Name_____________________________________________________

Complete this application and return to school NO LATER than Monday January,27, 2014 along with a check for $22.00 made out to WSMA

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