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Emily Marsh 14 Greenleaf Court St. Catharines, ON, L2M 7E2 October 1 th 2!

1" #rban Outfitters Clothin$ Store CEO of Com%any #rban Outfitters &oun$ Street 'oronto, ON, L7C (2 )E* #nsatisfactory Or+er ,ear #rban Outfitters Clothin$ Com%any* -.m enclosin$ a co%y of my or+er, +ate+ Se%tember 21st, for my clothin$ %ac/a$e* mint $reen hi$h soc/s, 0arriors cro%%e+ t1shirt, an+ a blac/ 2ans%ort bac/%ac/. 3s you 4ill see, these items 4ere to arri5e 4ithin 6116 business +ays an+ bein$ or+ere+ on Se%t. 21st, the latest they shoul+ ha5e come is October 11th. 0ell, #rban Outfitters, here is 4hat ha%%ene+7 the %ac/a$e +i+ not arri5e until October 1 th, 8 +ays after it 4as $uarantee+ to be here. - e5en %ai+ 946 +ollars for the e:%ress shi%%in$ o%tion, clearly 4hich 4as not a%%lie+ to my or+er. 'he bac/%ac/ 4as not in the color blac/ as - ha+ or+ere+, instea+ it 4as na5y blue. ;oth soc/s ha+ tears an+ holes in them, ob5ious factory +ama$e. 'he shirt - or+ere+ 4as also in three si<es too lar$e. O5erall, my %ac/a$e 4as nothin$ li/e 4hat - ha+ or+ere+. - thin/ you 4ill un+erstan+ 4hy - am u%set at the manner in 4hich this or+er 4as han+le+. Ob5iously, you /no4 4hat must be +one* Get the ri$ht clothin$ to me as =uic/ly as %ossible to ma/e u% for 4hat ha+ occurre+. -.+ li/e to continue bein$ an #rban Outfitters customer, an+ if you +on.t turn han+s%rin$s to e:%e+ite +eli5ery, - +on.t ha5e a %rayer. ;ut let me /no4 so that, if necessary, - can ma/e other arran$ements. >lease ma/e sure this +oesn.t ha%%en to any other customers, not a lot of other %eo%le 4ill be as for$i5in$ as - am. Sincerely,

Emily Marsh e.m.m

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