Problem: - Suggested Customers: - Ideas

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Problem: - student can't relate the curriculum with real life or apply it .

Suggested customers: Ideas:12To do a meeting with teachers to introduce the pro ects for them ! identify their roles in it for who want to participate. "cti#ities clubs 1-students 2-teachers

$omputer literature Science (languages) *-.01sciences.




social sciences &istory' geography

Students will ha#e sessions for research techni+ues' presentation s,ills' thin,ing and planning. Student firstly will get a tour an all these clubs to decide which one they will oin. /#ery club will be managed by a teacher with assist of one of students. Students will wor, on applying what they learn ! will wor, on a pro ect at any field they choose. 2ig festi#al at end of semester for student to present what they achie#ed (pro ect) in all different

3oals of pro ect:12$reating an en#ironment for students to be able to understand and apply their solid sub ects and relate it with real world. Students will ha#e demanded s,ills of how to (thin,' plan' search ! get information' present' manage time).

4alues students will gain: - Students will:

12*be able to do scientific research. 2e able to apply their sub ects and relate it with real life. 5earn team wor, concepts and ha#e team spirit.


Show their talents and de#elop it. 2e able to create' e6press themsel#es.

$hannel:12*-Sessions. Trainers (teacher 7 hired trainers) $lub acti#ities. 8esti#al.

$osts:12*%aterial needed for clubs. Trainers. 8esti#al preparations.

9e#enue:12*-.:onations from public association. Partners (material suppliers;. /tc.) 8ees from students. Products profits (T-shirt' 2adges' students products at wor, shops) Sponsors.

Suggested sponsors:
"ssociation of (nahdet elma1rosa). 8e,rety 4odafone' etisalat. 8ood production companies ($hepsi ' Pepsi ' $oca-$ola' cranshi )

5abs of school' empty classes )

"t acti#ities class e#ery wee,. "nother class will be pro#ided with arranging with school managers.

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