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Nadia Agdika Islami XII IA 7/ 18

Tornado is the most damaging storm.The word tornado come from Spanish Tronada that mean thunder storm. Also come from Latin language Tonare which mean rumbling. Tornado is air column which rotate very fast and form relation between cumulonimbus cloud. Usually tornado has wind velocity between 177 km/hours or more with reach average 75 meters and attack several kilometers before disappearing.

General Statement

Tornado generally happens in the afternoon to evening. In America, tornado happens between 15.00-21.00. Most of tornado happens in America. In Indonesia, tornado usually happen in Sumatra and Java. Tornado has some types. They are weak, strong and violence tornado. Weak tornado happen about 1-10 minutes. Strong tornado happens in 20 minutes or more. Violent tornado happens in one hours or more. Although rarely happen, this tornado can cause death about 70% of the total death because of tornado. Sequenced Explanation Before tornado happens, it has several signal. First, the sky seems dark. Then happen ice rain around the area, usually 20-25 minutes. After that, the situation will calm, but the sky become darker. Fourth, cloud moving around the area. Fifth, the sound of tornado heard. At the beginning, the sound like water fall, but in the process of time it will change until like jet plane which is very loud. A tornado usually move from southwest to north east. The change of air layer is the cause of tornado. In this case, if the cold air layer is above the hot air layer, the hot air layer go up with velocity about 300 km/hour. The air which infiltrating from this side, cause wind rotate and form Tornado.

Sequenced Explanation

The process of tornado begin with storm followed by rain, thunder and lightning. When the temperature of the soil go up, the hot and moist air start to go up too. Then, when warm, the moist and cold air fill up the dry air. That upraised up, enter to the upper air layer. A thunderbolt cloud begin to form in this phase. The move of air go up is very fast. Wind from side cause the different direction and form a very very strong rotation.A cone, result of that air rotation start to form and seem from the cloud to soil surface so form Tornado.

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