Texas Firefighters Endorse Barry Smitherman For Attorney General

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: }aieu Ciaigheau
Thuisuay, }anuaiy 16, 2u14 S12-S22-S1u6

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Texas Railioau Commission anu
conseivative Republican canuiuate foi Attoiney ueneial, announceu touay the
enuoisement of the Texas State Association of Fiie Fighteis (TSAFF) that iepiesents
ovei fifteen thousanu piofessional fiie fighteis all ovei Texas. TSAFF is committeu
to unifying Texas piofessional fiie fighteis anu piomoting theii inteiests.

"The Texas State Association of Fiie Fighteis is piouu to enuoise Baiiy Smitheiman
foi Attoiney ueneial," saiu Nike Biggins, TSAFF Chief of Staff. "Baiiy Smitheiman
has been an effective leauei of impoitant state agencies anu his piosecutoiial
expeiience makes him uniquely qualifieu to be an outstanuing Attoiney ueneial.
Fiie Fighteis acioss Texas want an Attoiney ueneial who will faiily apply the laws
anu listen to theii conceins. Baiiy Smitheiman will make an outstanuing Attoiney
ueneial anu TSAFF is piouu to stanu with him," concluueu Biggins.

"It's an honoi foi me to be enuoiseu by an outstanuing oiganization like the Texas
State Association of Fiie Fighteis," saiu Baiiy Smitheiman. "The membeis of TSAFF
put theii lives on the line eveiy uay to keep Texans safe. TSAFF's enuoisement is a
huge boost to my campaign anu I appieciate theii suppoit."

Noie infoimation about the Smitheiman Campaign is available at


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