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SL/ALQ-234 Podded, dual-mode radar jammer covering pulse/ CW emitters operating in the H to J bands. Power managed and equipped with an integral superheterodyne RWR. Reported to be suitable for Tornado, F-104S, AMX, Mirage III/V/50/F.1, Su-7, and MiG-21. In service with the Italian Air Force and export customers, including Egypt (MiG-21).

Japan has an active, if secretive, EW industry centred around two contractors, Mitsubishi Electric and Tokyo-Keiki. Known system details are as follows: J/APR-2 (Tokyo-Keiki) Radar warner on JASDF RF-4E reconnaissance aircraft. Reported to be based on the US APR-36/37 J/APR-3 (Tokyo-Keiki) Radar warner for JASDF F-l. J/APR-4 (Tokyo-Keiki) Radar wamer for JASDF F-15J. Reported to interface with the J/ALQ-8 radar jammer. J/APR-4A Updated radar warner for later JASDF F-15J/DJs. J/APR-5 Radar warner replaces J/APR-2 on JASDF RF-4Es. J/APR-6 Radar wamer for JASDF F-4EJ Kai update. J/ALQ-5 (Mitsubishi) Radar jammer aimed at SAM-related emitters. Fitted to a single JASDF C-l transport. J/ALQ-6 (Mitsubishi) Radar jammer aimed at airborne emitters. Carried by JASDF F-ls and F-4s. J/ALQ-8 (Mitsubishi) Radar jammer reported to operate in three specific frequency bands (1-4, 4-8, and 7-5-18GHz). Carried by JASDF F-4s and F-l5s. J/ALR-2 Electronic surveillance system to be fitted to three JASDF YS-11 SIGINT aircraft.


France Navy Atlantique ATL.2s use Thomson-CSF's DR 4000A ESM (P40) TACDES (Tadiran) Strategic SIGINT system suitable for installation in Boeing 707-class aircraft. Made-up of RAS-1B ELINT (0-7- 18GHz), ACS-500C COMINT (20-500MHz), MUDF-500C D/F (20-500MHz), computerised analysis/control, and secure voice data communications subsystems. The exact status is uncertain, although a prototype installation has flown aboard a modified Boeing 707. TDF-500 (Tadiran) Automatic D/F system effective against the 20-500MHz frequency band. Suitable for both fixed-wing and helicopter applications. Installation noted on an IAI Arava. TDF-200 is reported to be in production. ELT/533 Internal deception (?) radar jammer claimed to be effective against "tracking, CW-illumination, and missile-seeker radars". Identified with the AMX light-attack aircraft. ELT/554 Internal J-band deception radar jammer. Identified with the A. 129 attack helicopter. ELT/555 Pod-mounted H-J band deception radar (pulse and CW) jammer, for the MB.326/339, Mirage III/V, F-4, MiG-21, Saab 105, Alpha Jet, F-5, Hawk, and Jaguar. Reportedly in production and service. ELT/558 Internal deception (?) jammer suitable for fixedwing applications, and claimed to be effective against emitters in "the lower range of the radar frequency spectrum". ELT/562 Internal H-J band deception radar (pulse) jammer. Reported to be in production. ELT/566 Internal H-J band deception radar (CW) jammer. Reported to be in production. ELT/999 Strategic COMINT system covering the VHF/ UHF frequency bands. Probably forms part of the SIGINT suite carried by the Italian Air Force's two electronic surveillance G.222VS.

ITALY Elettronica

ARIES Multipurpose EW suite comprising the ARIES-A (C-J radar band ELINT/D-J radar band noise jamming) and Smart Guard/Fast Jam (COMINT and communications jamming in the VHF/UHF frequency band) subsystems. Suitable for use on C.212, Canberra, Yak-40, Learjet 35A, PD-808, HFB-320, ATR42, and Falcon 20/60 aircraft. Colibri Integrated ESM/ECM suite for naval helicopters configured for specific roles by "mixing and matching" basic modules (ELT/161 ESM/RWR, ELT/261 display/lFM receiver, ELT/361 radar noise jammer, and ELT/562 radar deception jammer). In service with the Italian Navy (AB.212 ASW helicopters) and up to ten export customers. Frequency coverage believed to include at least the 3-4 and 8-10GHz bands. ELT/156 Processor-controlled RWR for light-attack aircraft and helicopters. Reported to be in production and in service. ELT/158 Processor-controlled RWR for high-performance combat aircraft such as the Mirage 2000. Capable of integration with an onboard EW suite. ELT/263 ESM system covering the E-J radar bands and suitable for the Beech 200T, C.212, Learjet, F.27 Maritime, Bandeirante, P-166, and Defender. Reported to be in production and in service with at least eight air arms. ELT/400 Series Family (ELT/457, 458, 459, and 460) of podded, power-managed radar noise jammers covering, collectively, the G-L bands. Reported to be in both production and in service.

SO-1 Reported to be a RWR covering pulse threats in the I/J radar bands. Described as being in production.

GT-1 Chaff/IR flare dispenser, carrying 68 chaff (2-18GHz frequency band) or 32 IR flare (l-5-5u.m wavelength) cartridges. Reportedly in production.

IHS-6 Combined ESM/radar jamming system comprising the RQH-5(V) ESM (covering the l-18GHz frequency band) and the TQN-2 jamming (up to four radar bands including I and J subsystems. In service on Egyptian Commando helicopters and reportedly several other air arms. RQH-5(V) Family of ESM systems for various applications and covering, collectively the 0-65-18GHz frequency band with an optional extension to 40GHz. Designated for specific applications as follows: SR/ALR-730 Series ESM/ELINT systems for maritime fixed-wing and helicopter applications. Includes the ALR-370 thought to be used on updated Italian Navy Atlantique and the ALR-375 selected for Italian Navy EH. 101 helicopters. SR/ALR-740 Series Radar warning/ESM systems for high-performance combat aircraft. Series reported to include the ALR-743 RWR for supersonic combat aircraft. SR/ALR-780 Series Thought to be ESM systems designed for integration with other EW equipment modules.

Southwest China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment

KJ 8602 Software-driven RWR thought 2-18GHz frequency band. to cover the


During 1985, the Spanish MoD initiated a comprehensive national EW programme to reduce the country's reliance on outside contractors for such equipment. Known as the Plan Nacional de Guerra Electronica (PNGE), this programme involves co-ordinated Government/industry R & D and is aimed at providing Spain's armed forces with ELINT, radar warning, secure communications, and passive/active countermeasures equipment. Electronica ENSA has produced an EW signals analysis centre for the Spanish Air Force and is FLIGHT INTERNATIONAL 21 October 1989

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