LEVEL 2, Unit 6: Song

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LEVEL 2, Unit 6

Unit 6 Capacits Rpondre des questions et en poser sur des su ets !amiliers" Chanson et conversation Song :
#hose $atch is that% &t's (enny's $atch" #hose hat is that% &t's (enny's hat" #hose boo)s are those % *hey're (enny's boo)s" #hose cat is that% &t's (enny's cat" &t's +ndy's $atch" &t's (enny's $atch" &t's +ndy's hat" &t's (enny's hat" *hey're +ndy's boo)s" *hey're (enny's boo)s" &t's +ndy's cat" &t's (enny's cat"

Vocabulaire Comb- brushtissue- coin)ey- comic boo)candy bar- paper clip" /ther $ords 0 1itchen- a coo)ca)e"

Grammaire /syntaxe 2o you have a 3 in your 3 % 4es- & do" ,o- & do not/don't" +s) me another question" & li)e 3 *his is my brother/!riend" 2oes he/she have a 3 in her/his 3 % 4es- he/she does" ,o- he/she does not/doesn't"

Phontique 5eet 0 !eetstreet- beet 5e 0 he- she- me 5ear 0 eartear- hear

Conversation :
#hose $atch is that % & don't )no$" &s it your $atch% ,o- my $atch is red" & )no$ it's .imi's $atch.

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