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Setting Up Your Own Weebly Website

Creating a website for your own class can add a different dimension to how students access information, how students share their work with classmates, and how you communicate with parents/guardians.

Step 1:

Sign up for a free weebly account. Go to Fill out your full name, email address, and the password you will want your weebly account to have.

Step 2:

Choose the focus of the site: Site! is best for a class" purpose

Step 3:

Choose any theme that you want your class" website to look like.

Step 4:

Choose your website domain #o keep your website free, choose the first option: $use a subdomain of %nter any url you would like to for the address of your class" website o For e&ample:

Step 5:

'lay the (:)* video that debriefs you on weebly as a whole +fter, select the $,uild my site" option

Step 6:
Start building your site +t the top is listed $,uild," $.esign," $'ages," $Store," and $Settings." o ,uild: #his is where you can drag elements onto each page such as titles, te&t, pictures, etc. o .esign: #his is where you can change the color, theme, font, and background of your site o 'ages: #his is where you can add different pages to access within your site o Store: #his link is more useful for business/type websites o Settings: #his is where general settings of your website 0i.e. url name1 can be ad2usted

Step 7:

Changes to your website are automatically saved 3henever you want your website to be accessible over the internet, select the orange $'ublish" button in the top right corner

Step :

+fter you click publish, $Choose 4our 3ebsite .omain" will pop up o 5ake sure the first option is chosen and click continue Categori6e your website: Choose education and then teacher and then click continue 7erify that you are human by typing in the letters/numbers you see and click $89, 'ublish 5y Site-"

Step !:

4our website is published 4ou can 2ust e&it out of this window 0shown above1 by clicking the blue & in the top right corner 3hen publishing in the future, you should also e&it out of this window

:: For ;uestions or concerns about setting up a weebly website, feel free to contact 5arie <asbrouck or #aylor 'atwell whenever you need at:

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