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An Introduction to Digital Communications

Costas N. Georghiades Electrical Engineering Department Texas A&M University

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Course Outline
Introduction Analog Vs. Digital Communication Systems A General Communication System Some

Probability Theory

Probability space, random variables, density

functions, independence
Expectation, conditional expectation, Bayes rule Stochastic processes, autocorrelation function,

stationarity, spectral density

Costas N. Georghiades

Outline (contd)


Sampling (ideal, natural, sample-and-hold) Quantization, PCM Source

coding (data compression)

Measuring information, entropy, the source coding

theorem Huffman coding, Run-length coding, Lempel-Ziv



Bandlimited channels The AWGN channel, fading channels

Costas N. Georghiades

Outline (contd)

M-ary signaling

General binary and

Maximum-likelihood receivers Performance in an AWGN channel The Chernoff and union/Chernoff bounds Simulation techniques Signal spaces Modulation: PAM, QAM, PSK, DPSK, coherent FSK,

incoherent FSK

Costas N. Georghiades

Outline (contd)


Block codes, hard and soft-decision decoding,

performance Convolutional codes, the Viterbi algorithm, performance bounds Trellis-coded modulation (TCM)

through bandlimited channels

ISI, Nyquist pulses, sequence estimation, partial

response signaling Equalization

Costas N. Georghiades

Outline (contd)

through fading channels

Rayleigh fading, optimum receiver, performance Interleaving Synchronization Symbol synchronization Frame synchronization Carrier synchronization

Costas N. Georghiades

A General Communication System
Source Transmitter Channel Receiver User

Source: Speech, Video, etc. Transmitter: Conveys information Channel: Invariably distorts signals Receiver: Extracts information signal User: Utilizes information

Costas N. Georghiades

Digital vs. Analog Communication


systems have an alphabet which is uncountably infinite.

Example: Analog Amplitude Modulation (AM)

RF Oscillator


Costas N. Georghiades

Analog vs. Digital (contd)


Digital systems transmit signals from a

discrete alphabet

Binary digital communication systems

Data Rate=1/T bits/s


0110010... Transmitter

Costas N. Georghiades

Digital systems are resistant to noise...


s2(t) 0



1 1? ?

Optimum (Correlation) Receiver:

r(t) X s1(t)
Costas N. Georghiades

( )dt


> <

1 0 0


Advantages of Digital Systems

Error correction/detection Better encryption algorithms More reliable data processing Easily reproducible designs
Reduced cost

Easier data multiplexing Facilitate data compression

Costas N. Georghiades


A General Digital Communication System

Source A/D Conversion Source Encoder Channel Encoder Modulator


C h a n n e l


D/A Conversion

Source Decoder

Channel Decoder


Costas N. Georghiades


Some Probability Theory

a set , i.e., = {Ai ; Ai } is called an algebra of sets if: 1) 2) Ai and Aj Ai Aj Ai Ai Definition: A non-empty collection of subsets = {A1 , A2 , ...} of

Example: Let = {0,1,2} .

1) = {, } an algebra 2) = { , , {1} , {2} , {0} , {1,2} , {1,0} , { 0,2}} an algebra 3) = { , , {0} , {1} , {2}}

not an algebra

Costas N. Georghiades

Probability Measure
Definition: A class of subsets, , of a space is a -algebra (or a Borel algebra) if: 1) Ai Ai . 2) Ai , i = 1,2,3,... U Ai .
i =1

Definition: Let be a -algebra of a space . A function P that maps onto [0,1] is called a probability measure if: 1) P[ ] = 1 2) P[ A] 0

A .

3) P U Ai = P[ Ai ] for i =1 i =1
Costas N. Georghiades

Ai A j = , i j .

Probability Measure
Let = (the real line) and be the set of all intervals (x1, x2] in . Also, define a real valued function f which maps such that: 1) f ( x) 0 x .

f ( x)dx = 1.

P { x ; x1 < x x 2 } = P ( x1 , x 2 ] =

] [



f ( x )dx

is a valid probability measure.

Costas N. Georghiades


Probability Space
The following conclusions can be drawn from the above definition: 1) P[ ] = 0
2) P A = 1 P[ A]

3) If A1 A2 P ( A1 ) P ( A2 )

[ ]

( P ( A + A ) = P ( ) = 1 = P ( A ) + P ( A )) .

4) P[ A1 A2 ] = P[ A1 ] + P[ A2 ] P[ A1 A2 ] .

Definition: Let be a space, be a -algebra of subsets of , and P a probability measure on . Then the ordered triple ( , , P ) is a probability space. sample space event space P probability measure
Costas N. Georghiades


Random Variables and Density Functions

Definition: A real valued function X () that maps into the real line is a random variable. Notation: For simplicity, in the future we will refer to X () by X . Definition: The distribution function of a random variable X is defined by
F X ( x ) = P[ X x ] = P[ < X x ] . From the previous discussion, we can express the above probability in terms of a non-negative function f X () such that
FX ( x ) = P [ X x ] =

( x ) d X = 1 as follows

( ) d .

We will refer to f X () as the density function of random variable X .

Costas N. Georghiades


Density Functions
We have the following observations based on the above definitions:

1) F X ( ) = 2) F X ( ) =

f X (x)d X = 0

3) If x 1 x 2 F X ( x 1 ) F X ( x 2 ) ( F X ( x ) non-decreasing) Examples of density functions: a) The Gaussian density function (Normal)

f X (x)d X = 1

f X ( x) =
Costas N. Georghiades

1 2 2

( x )2
2 2


Example Density Functions

b) Uniform in [0,1]

1, x [ 0,1] f X (x) = 0, otherwise

fX (x) 1 x 0 1

c) The Laplacian density function: fX (x)

f X (x) = a exp ( a x ) 2

Costas N. Georghiades


Conditional Probability
Let A and B be two events from the event space . Then, the probability of event A, given that event B has occurred, P[A | B ] , is given by P[ A B] . P[ A| B ] = P[ B] Example: Consider the tossing of a dice: P [{2} | "even outcome"]=1/3, P[{2} | "odd outcome"] = 0 Thus, conditioning can increase or decrease the probability of an event, compared to its unconditioned value. The Law of Total Probability Let A1, A2,..., AN be a partition of , i.e.,

i =1

= and Ai A j = i j .

Then, the probability of occurrence of event B can expressed as

P[ B] = P[ B| Ai ] P[ Ai ] , B .
i =1
Costas N. Georghiades


Illustration, Law of Total Probability

P ( B | A3 )


B A1 A2

P ( B | A2 )

Costas N. Georghiades

Example, Conditional Probability

Pr( 0) = 1 2

0 P01 P 10 1


P00=P[receive 0 | 0 sent] P10=P[receive 0 | 1 sent] P01=P[receive 1 | 0 sent]

1 Pr(1) = 2

P 11

P11=P[receive 1 | 1 sent]

P01 = 0.01 P10 = 0.01

P00 = 1 P01 = 0.99 P11 = 1 P10 = 0.99

1 1 0.01 + 0.01 2 2

Pr( e) = Pr( 0) P01 + Pr(1) P 10 = = 0.01

Costas N. Georghiades


Bayes Law
Bayes Law: Let

Ai , i = 1, 2,..., M be a partition of and B an event in . Then

P Aj | B =

P B| A j P A j
M i =1 i

][ ]

P[ B| A ] P[ A ]


[ ] P[ A | B] = P[ A B] = P[ A | B] P[ B] = P[ B| A ] P[ A ] [ ] PB P[ B| A ] P[ A ] P[ B| A ] P[ A ] P[ A | B] = =
P Aj B
j j j j j j j j j j

P( B )

P[ B| A ] P[ A ]
i =1 i i

Costas N. Georghiades


Statistical Independence of Events

Two events A and B are said to be statistically independent if P[ A B] = P[ A] P[ B] . In intuitive terms, two events are independent if the occurrence of one does not affect the occurrence of the other, i.e., P ( A| B ) = P ( A ) when A and B are independent. Example: Consider tossing a fair coin twice. Let A={heads occurs in first tossing} B={heads occurs in second tossing}. Then
1 . 4 The assumption we made (which is reasonable in this case) is that the outcome of a coin toss did not affect the other. P[ A B ] = P[ A] P[ B] =
Costas N. Georghiades


Consider a random variable X with density fX (x). The expected (or mean) value of X is given by
E[ X ] =


( x )dx .

In general, the expected value of some function g( X ) of a random variable X is given by

E [ g( X ) ] =

g( x ) f

( x ) dx .

When g( X ) = X n for n = 0,1,2,L , the corresponding expectations are referred to as the n-th moments of random variable X. The variance of a random variable X is given by
var ( X ) = =

[ x E ( X )] f X ( x)dx
2 2 2 x f ( x ) dx E (X) X

= E ( X 2 ) E 2 ( X ).
Costas N. Georghiades


Example, Expectation
Example: Let X be Gaussian with

f X ( x) =

1 2 2
1 2 2

( x ) 2 exp 2 2

E( X ) =


( x)2
2 2

dx = ,

Var( X ) = E [ X 2 ] E 2 ( X ) =

2 2 2 . x f ( x ) dx = X

Costas N. Georghiades


Random Vectors
Definition: A random vector is a vector whose elements are random variables, i.e., if X1, X2, ..., Xn are random variables, then X = ( X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n ) is a random vector. Random vectors can be described statistically by their joint density function

f X (x) = f X 1 X 2 ... X n ( x1 , x 2 ,L , x n ) .
Example: Consider tossing a coin twice. Let X1 be the random variable associated with the outcome of the first toss, defined by
1, if heads X1 = 0, if tails Similarly, let X2 be the random variable associated with the second tossing defined as 1, if heads X2 = . 0 , if tails The vector X = ( X 1 , X 2 ) is a random vector.
Costas N. Georghiades


Independence of Random Variables

Definition: Two random variables X and Y are independent if

f X ,Y ( x , y ) = f X ( x ) f Y ( y ) .
The definition can be extended to independence among an arbitrary number of random variables, in which case their joint density function is the product of their marginal density functions. Definition: Two random variables X and Y are uncorrelated if

E [ XY ] = E [ X ] E [ Y ] .
It is easily seen that independence implies uncorrelatedness, but not necessarily the other way around. Thus, independence is the stronger property.

Costas N. Georghiades


The Characteristic Function

Definition : Let X be a random variable with density f X ( x ) . Then the characteristic function of X is
X ( j ) = E e

j X

]= e

j x

f X ( x )dx .

Example: The characteristic function of a Gaussian random X variable having mean and variance 2 is

X ( j ) =

1 2

j x

( x )2
2 2

dx = e

1 j 2 2 2

Definition : The moment-generating function of a random variable X is defined by

X ( s ) = E [ e sX ] =


f X ( x ) dx .

Fact : The moment-generating function of a random variable X can be used to obtain its moments according to: d n X ( s) n |s = 0 E[ X ] = n ds
Costas N. Georghiades


Stochastic Processes
A stochastic process {X (t ); < t < } is an ensemble of signals, each of which can be realized (i.e. it can be observed) with a certain statistical probability. The value of a stochastic process at any given time, say t1, (i.e., X(t1)) is a random variable. Definition: A Gaussian stochastic process is one for which X(t) is a Gaussian random variable for every time t.
5 Fast varying Amplitude 0 -5 0 1 Amplitude 0 -1 0


0.4 Time



Slow varying






Costas N. Georghiades

Characterization of Stochastic Processes

E [ X ( t )] = X ( t ) =

Consider a stochastic process { X ( ); < < } . The random variable X(t), t , has a density function f X ( t ) ( x; t ) . The mean and variance of X(t) are

VAR[ X ( t )] = E ( X ( t ) X ( t ) )


X (t )

( x; t )dx ,


Example: Consider the Gaussian random process whose value X(t) at time t is a Gaussian random variable having density x2 f X ( x; t ) = exp , 2 t 2t

We have E [ X ( t )] = 0 (zero-mean process), and var[ X ( t ) ] = t .

t= 1




t= 2

Costas N. Georghiades

0 -6




Autocovariance and Autocorrelation

Definition: The autocovariance function of a random process X(t) is:
C XX ( t1 , t 2 ) = E X ( t1 ) X ( t1 ) X ( t 2 ) X ( t 2 ) ,




t1 , t 2 . .

Definition: The autocorrelation function of a random process X(t) is defined by

R XX (t1 , t 2 ) = E X (t1 ) X (t 2 ) ,

t1 , t 2 .

Definition: A random process X is uncorrelated if for every pair (t1,t2)

E [ X ( t 1 ) X ( t 2 )] = E [ X ( t 1 )] E [ X ( t 2 )] .

Definition: A process X is mean-value stationary if its mean is not a function of time. Definition: A random process X is correlation stationary if the autocorrelation function R XX (t1 , t 2 ) is a function only of = (t1 t 2 ) . Definition: A random process X is wide-sense stationary (W.S.S.) if it is both mean value stationary and correlation stationary.
Costas N. Georghiades


Spectral Density
Example: (Correlation stationary process)

RXX (t1 , t2 ) = exp t1 t2 = exp[

X (t ) = a


= t1 t 2 .

Definition: For a wide-sense stationary process we can define a spectral density, which is the Fourier transform of the stochastic process's autocorrelation function:
SX ( f ) =


( ) e j 2 f d .

The autocorrelation function is the inverse Fourier transform of the spectral density:

R XX ( ) =

S (f) e

j2 f

df .

Fact: For a zero mean process X,

var ( X ) = R XX (0) =

S ( f ) df .

Costas N. Georghiades


Linear Filtering of Stochastic Signals

x(t ) H(f ) y (t )

SY ( f ) = S X ( f ) H ( f )

The spectral density at the output of a linear filter is the product of the spectral density of the input process and the magnitude square of the filter transfer function

Costas N. Georghiades

White Gaussian Noise

Definition: A stochastic process X is white Gaussian if: a) X ( t ) = (constant) N b) R XX ( ) = 0 ( ) ( = t 1 t2 ) 2 c) X is a Gaussian random variable and X(ti ) is independent of X(tj ) for all ti t j . Note: 1) A white Gaussian process is wide-sense stationary N 2) S X ( f ) = 0 is not a function of f 2 Sx(f) N0/2 f

Costas N. Georghiades

Analog-to-Digital Conversion

Two steps:
Sampling Discreetize amplitude: Quantization
Discreetize time:
A m p l i t u d e

Analog signal: Continuous time, continuous amplitude


Costas N. Georghiades


Signals are characterized by their frequency


The Fourier transform of a signal describes its frequency content and determines its bandwidth

X ( f ) = x (t )e

j 2ft



Time, sec

x (t ) = X ( f )e j 2ft df

Costas N. Georghiades

Frequency, Hz

Ideal Sampling
Mathematically, the sampled version, xs(t), of signal x(t) is:

x s (t ) = h(t ) x (t ) X s ( f ) = H ( f ) X ( f ) ,
1 h (t ) = (t kTs ) = Ts k =
k =

j 2 k

t Ts

Sampling function


-4Ts -3Ts -2Ts -Ts 0 Ts

2Ts 3Ts 4Ts


2 Ts 3 Ts 4 Ts

Costas N. Georghiades


Ideal Sampling
1 H ( f ) = Ts
1 X s ( f ) = H( f ) * X ( f ) = Ts k X f . Ts K =
K =



1 = Ts

k =

k . Ts


X s ( f) fs < 2 W

-fs -W
(b )

W fs f

X s ( f)

No Aliasing
-fs -W
(a )
Costas N. Georghiades

fs > 2 W

W fs f


Ideal Sampling
If fs>2W, the original signal x(t) can be obtained from xs(t) through simple low-pass filtering. In the frequency domain, we have

X ( f ) = X s ( f ) G ( f ), where
T , f B G( f ) = s 0, oherwise. for W B f s W .
G( f )

The impulse response of the low-pass filter, g(t), is then

g( t ) = G( f ) = G( f ) e j 2 ft df = 2 BTs
1 B B

sin(2 Bt ) . 2 Bt

B B f

From the convolution property of the Fourier transform we have:

x(t ) =

x (a ) g (t a )da = x(kT ) (a kT )g (t a )da = x(kT ) g (t kT ) .

s s s s s k k

Thus, we have the following interpolation formula

x(t ) = x(kTs ) g (t kTs )
Costas N. Georghiades


Ideal Sampling
-B -W

G(f) T



The Sampling Theorem : A bandlimited signal with no spectral components above W Hz can be recovered uniquely from its samples taken every Ts seconds, provided that Nyquist 1 Ts , or, equivalent ly, f s 2W . Rate 2W Extraction of x(t) from its samples can be done by passing the sampled signal through a low-pass filter. Mathematically, x(t) can be expressed in terms of its samples by:

x (t ) = x (kTs ) g (t kTs )
Costas N. Georghiades


Natural Sampling
A delta function can be approximated by a rectangular pulse p(t)
It can be shown that in this case as well the original signal can be reconstructed from its samples at or above the Nyquist rate through simple low-pass filtering

1 T , 2 t T T 2 p (t ) = 0, elsewhere.

h p (t ) =

k =

p(t kT )

Costas N. Georghiades

Zero-Order-Hold Sampling

x s ( t ) = p ( t ) [x ( t ) h ( t ) ]



xs (t )

1 P( f )

G( f )

x (t )

Costas N. Georghiades

Low-pass Filter

Reconstruction is possible but an equalizer may be needed


Practical Considerations of Sampling

Since in practice low-pass filters are not ideal and have a finitely steep roll-off, in practice the sampling frequency fs is about 20% higher than the Nyquist rate:
f s 2.2W

50 0 -50 -100 -150 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Example: Music in general has a spectrum with frequency components in the range ~20kHz. The ideal, smallest sampling frequency fs is then 40 Ksamples/sec. The smallest practical sampling frequency is 44Ksamples/sec. In compact disc players, the sampling frequency is 44.1Ksamples/sec.
Costas N. Georghiades


Summary of Sampling (Nyquist) Theorem


analog signal of bandwidth W Hz can be reconstructed exactly from its samples taken at a rate at or above 2W samples/s (known as the Nyquist rate)


1 f = s T > 2W s


Costas N. Georghiades

Summary of Sampling Theorem (contd) Signal reconstruction

Low-Pass Filter


Amplitude still takes values on a continuum => Infinite number of bits Need to have a finite number of possible amplitudes => Quantization

Costas N. Georghiades



is the process discretizing the amplitude axis. It involves mapping an infinite number of possible amplitudes to a finite set of values.

N bits can represent L = 2 amplitudes. This corresponds to N-bit quantization


Quantization: Uniform Vs. Nonuniform Scalar Vs. Vector

Costas N. Georghiades


Example (Quantization)
Let N=3 bits. This corresponds to L=8 quantization levels:
111 110 101 100 000 001 010 011

3-bit Uniform Quantization

Costas N. Georghiades


Quantization (contd)

is an irrecoverable error due to quantization. It can be made small through appropriate design.
Telephone speech signals: 8-bit quantization CD digital audio: 16-bit quantization


Costas N. Georghiades


Input-Output Characteristic
7 2


= Q( x) x

3-Bit (8-level) Uniform Quantizer

5 2

3 2

Input, x

3 2

Quantization Error:
) = (x Q ( x ) ) d = (x x

5 2
7 2

Costas N. Georghiades


Signal-to-Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR)

For Stochastic Signals
PX SQNR = D where : 1 PX = lim T T 1 D = lim T T

For Random Variables

PX SQNR = D where :

T E X (t ) dt
2 2

T 2

PX = E X 2

[ ]

T E [X (t ) Q ( X (t ))] dt
T 2

D = E ( X Q( X ))

Can be used for stationary processes


Costas N. Georghiades

SQNR for Uniform Scalar Quantizers

Let the input x(t) be a sinusoid of amplitude V volts. It can be argued that all amplitudes in [-V,V] are equally likely. Then, if the step size is , the quantization error is uniformly distributed in the interval
, 2 2
2 1 D = 2 e 2 de = 2 12



/2 e

V2 1 T2 2 2 PX = lim T V sin (t )dt = T T 2 2

For an N-bit quantizer:

= 2V / 2 N
= 6.02 N + 1.76 dB

PX SQNR = 10 log10 D
Costas N. Georghiades

A zero-mean, stationary Gaussian source X(t) having spectral density as given below is to be quantized using a 2-bit quantization. The quantization intervals and levels are as indicated below. Find the resulting SQNR.
SX ( f ) = 200 RXX ( ) = 100 e 2 1 + (2f )

PX = RXX (0 ) = 100
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

1 f X ( x) = e 200

x2 200

D = E ( X Q( X )) = 2


( x 5)

f X ( x )dx + 2 ( x 15) f X ( x )dx = 11.885

2 10

100 SQNR = 10 log10 = 9.25 dB 11.885

Costas N. Georghiades


Non-uniform Quantization

In general, the optimum quantizer is non-uniform Optimality conditions (Lloyd-Max):

The boundaries of the quantization intervals are the mid-points of the corresponding quantized values The quantized values are the centroids of the quantization regions.

Optimum quantizers are designed iteratively using the above rules

We can also talk about optimal uniform quantizers. These have equal-length quantization intervals (except possibly the two at the boundaries), and the quantized values are at the centroids of the quantization intervals.

Costas N. Georghiades


Optimal Quantizers for a Gaussian Source

Costas N. Georghiades


Companding (compressing-expanding)

Uniform Quantizer

Low-pass Filter
1 0.8


- Law Companding :
ln (1 + x ) g ( x) = sgn( x ), ln (1 + ) 1 x 1

= 255 = 10

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1






g ( x) =

[ (1 + ) 1] sgn( x ),


1 x 1

0.6 0.4 0.2

=0 = 10 = 255

Costas N. Georghiades






Examples: Sampling, Quantization


signals have a bandwidth of about 3.4KHz. The sampling rate in telephone channels is 8KHz. With an 8-bit quantization, this results in a bit-rate of 64,000 bits/s to represent speech. In CDs, the sampling rate is 44.1KHz. With a 16-bit quantization, the bit-rate to represent (for each channel) is 705,600 bits/s (without coding).
Costas N. Georghiades


Data Compression
A/D Converter Analog Source Sampler Quantizer Source Encoder 001011001...

Discrete Source
Discrete Source 01101001... Source Encoder 10011...

The job of the source encoder is to efficiently (using the smallest number of bits) represent the digitized source
Costas N. Georghiades


Discrete Memoryless Sources

Definition: A discrete source is memoryless if successive symbols produced by it are independent.

For a memoryless source, the probability of a sequence of symbols being produced equals the product of the probabilities of the individual symbols.

Costas N. Georghiades


Measuring Information

all sources are created equal:


Discrete Source 1

No information provided
P(1)=0 P(0)=0.99

Discrete Source 2 Discrete Source 3

Little information is provided

P(1)=0.01 P(0)=0.5

Much information is provided


Costas N. Georghiades

Measuring Information (contd)

The amount of information provided is a function of the probabilities of occurrence of the symbols. Definition: The self-information of a symbol x which has probability of occurrence p is

I(x)=-log2(p) bits

Definition: The average amount of information in bits/symbol provided by a binary source with P(0)=p

H ( x ) = p log 2 ( p ) (1 p ) log 2 (1 p )

H(x) is known as the entropy of the binary source

Costas N. Georghiades

The Binary Entropy Function

Maximum information is conveyed when the probabilities of the two symbols are equal





Costas N. Georghiades

Non-Binary Sources
In general, the entropy of a source that produces L symbols with probabilities p1, p2, ,pL, is

H ( X ) = pi log 2 ( pi ) bits
i =1

Property: The entropy function satisfies

0 H ( X ) log 2 (L )
Equality iff the source probabilities are equal
Costas N. Georghiades


Encoding of Discrete Sources

Fixed-length coding: Assigns source symbols binary sequences of the same length. Variable-length coding: Assigns source symbols binary sequences of different lengths.
Example: Variable-length code
Symbol Probability Codeword Length

a b c d

3/8 3/8 1/8 1/8

0 11 100 101

1 2 3 3

3 3 1 1 M = mi pi = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 8 8 8 8 i =1 = 1.875 bits/symbol
H ( X ) = pi log 2 ( pi ) = 1.811 bits/symbol
i =1 4

Costas N. Georghiades


Theorem (Source Coding)


smallest possible average number of bits/symbol needed to exactly represent a source equals the entropy of that source. Example 1: A binary file of length 1,000,000
bits contains 100,000 1s. This file can be compressed by more than a factor of 2:
H ( x ) = 0.9 log(. 9 ) 0.1 log(. 1) = 0.47 bits

S = 106 H ( x ) = 4.7 105 bits Compression Ratio=2.13

Costas N. Georghiades


Some Data Compression Algorithms


coding Run-length coding Lempel-Ziv There are also lossy compression algorithms that do not exactly represent the source, but do a good job. These provide much better compression ratios (more than a factor of 10, depending on reproduction quality).

Costas N. Georghiades


Huffman Coding (by example)

A binary source produces bits with P(0)=0.1. Design a Huffman code that encodes 3-bit sequences from the source.
Lengths Code bits 1 011 010 001 00011 00010 00001 00000 Source bits Probability

1 3 3 3 5 5 5 5

111 110 101 011 100 010


.729 .081 .081 .081 .009 .009

.018 1

1 1 0 1
.109 .271 .162


0 0


001 000

.009 .001

0 1


0 0

H ( x ) = [ 0.1 log2 (0.1) 0.9 log2 (0.9)] = 0.469 M =

Costas N. Georghiades

1 (1 0.729 + 3 3 0.081 + 5 3 0.009 + 5 0.001) = 0.53 3


Run-length Coding (by example)

A binary source produces binary digits with P(0)=0.9. Design a run-length code to compress the source.
Source Bits Run Lengths Probability Codewords

1 01 001 0001 00001 000001 0000001 00000001 00000000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0.100 0.090 0.081 0.073 0.066 0.059 0.053 0.048 0.430

1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0

M 1 = 4 (1 0.43) + 1 0.43 = 2.71 M 2 = .1 + 2 .09 + 3 .081 + 4 .073 + 5 .066 + 6 .059 + 7 .053 + 8 .048 + 8 .430 = 5.710 M = M 1 2.710 = = 0.475 M 2 5.710

H ( X ) = 0.9 log2 (0.9) 0.1 log2 (0.1) = 0.469 < 0.475

Costas N. Georghiades


Examples: Speech Compression


speech signals can be produced at 8Kbps (a factor of 8 compression compared to uncompressed telephone signals). that produce speech at 4.8Kbps or even 2.4Kbps are available, but have reduced quality and require complex processing.


Costas N. Georghiades


Example: Video Compression


video of a 640x480 pixel2 image at 8 bits/pixel and 30 frames/s requires a data-rate of 72 Mbps. systems operate at 384Kbps. (standard) operates at 3Mbps.

Video-conference MPEG2

Costas N. Georghiades


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