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Leadership Development: An Overview

Ghufran Ahmad Assistant Professor, LUMS

Different Approaches to Leadership

1. 2.

Which one is a better representation? What is your preferred style?

What Leaders Do?

Define reality and develop vision Build the institution and sustain it Radiate maturity: self-worth, belonging, expectancy, responsibility, accountability, equality Move from ownership to stewardship by creating leaders Say thank you sincerely

Adapted from: Leadership is an art by De Pree, 2004

Leadership and Management

Leaders Innovate and develop Inspire Long-term view Ask what and why (effectiveness) Challenge the status quo Managers Administer and maintain Control Short-term view Ask how and when (efficiency) Accept the status quo

Leadership has two roles: charismatic and architectural

The Myths of Leadership

Leadership is Complex

Leadership Development Process

Some Leadership Pitfalls

Winning at all costs and in all situations Adding our two percent; telling how smart we are; exalting faults as virtues (thats me) Passing judgments; making destructive comments; blaming others and past; using no/but/however Speaking when angry; refusing to express regret; failing to express gratitude; punishing the messenger Withholding information; claiming credit; not giving recognition
Adapted from: What got you here wont get you there by Goldsmith, 2008

Leadership Take-aways
Common Purpose Effective and ethical leadership matters Most people are both leaders and followers; followers also shape leaders Leadership includes transformations and transactions; soft and hard skills of influence Practical knowledge, emotional intelligence and contextual intelligence are important Personality and luck may play a role yet leadership is mostly learned Adapted from: The powers to lead by Nye, 2008

Every Moment is a Leadership Moment

Action and Reflection: The Key to Development

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