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1. In the chart below list the differences and similarities between a credit and debit card.

To help watch the video found here. (10 Marks) Debit Card Similarities Credit Card

2. Read the article found here that discusses when you would use a debit card and when you would use your credit card. Summarize the article and tell me when you would want to use each. (10 Marks)

3. Research the four main types of credit cards and list the services that they provide. Once you have looked at all four, rank them, choose a card and provide me with a rationale as to why you chose it. Visa Mastercard American Express Discover

Rank: Rationale:




4. What is the difference between retail based credit cards and regular credit card

5. What is the reality of using a credit card? What things should you be aware of? What are some positives and what are some disadvantages to using a credit card?

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