Workflow Example No Self Approval

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issue Installation options

Workflow Approval is getting affected when prepares is also an approver.

Gl bu No approval rule defined Will depend on journal source. If you do this you need to make sure the supervisor is using a source that requires workflow

edger for aunit !ame comment as above

"ser preferences $ake sure marek journal to post is not checked for supervisor "nder !et up finanacial supply chain #ommon definitions


%elivered rule set

right clicked on supervisor checked approval rule properties& made sure allow self approval not selected

make sure not checked

checked item properties too !upervisor



item properties for superciso


field mapping

G !'& user security& approver

G A' user security preparer

Added a new journal source And turned on workflow

!ign in as G A' and made entry and edited and submitted

!ignedin as G !' and see on worklist $ade new entry same as above as supervisor

tried to post


tried to do a batch post

after batch

did not pick them up !igned out and in as ()*

journal is awaiting ne+t level of approval

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