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Art ot Living

THE ART OF UVINGWORKSHOP Achieving Personal Excellence through the Breath THE BENEFITS: Everyone wants more success, better health and peace. What keeps us from achieving these qualities in our lives is stress. Stress gets stored as toxins in the body and manifests Most people are unaware influencing limited as negative emotions in the mind.


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Reduced stress Improved health and wellness Greater creativity and clarity of mind Enhanced interpersonal skills

Improved self-esteem Heightened enthusiasm Improved productivity Increased physical energy



of the degree to which stress is unduly

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WORKSHOP FORMAT The workshop can be designed to fit the requirements of individual

their lives. People learn to cope with stress and settle for instead of living the profound happiness which and the overall quality of life. THE ART OF LIVING practices and techniques that


groups. A minimum

of 18 hours is required and is usually spread over

should be natural to the human experience.

WORKSHOP offers specific breathing

five or six days in sessions of three or four hours on each day. FOLLOW-UP

When the mind rests deeply, stress is released. The deepest state of rest in the mind is the meditative state of consciousness which occurs

infuse the body with energy and harmonize body, mind Sudarshan and emotions. The 'Healing

the natural rhythms of the Breath technique' (or The workshop package includes four follow-up sessions of

naturally, without effort, when the mind settles deeply into itself. This state can be facilitated in an effortless meditation the 'breathing workshop' . technique taught in

Kriya) which is taught during the workshop, uses specific approximately two hours each. Followup sessions include a review of with emphasis Ongoing on the practice of the 'Healing Breath and can be balance in life as it simultaneously the program, and energy. Course Technique'. follow-up sessions are suggested a day) arranged.

rhythms of breath to re-establish

floods every cell of the body with oxygen participants

report that with regular practice (15-20 minutes

The result of this technique moving through

is an increase in the amount

of energy there is a vast improvement in physical and mental energy, as well as

the system causing

greater vitality, clarity and an greater creativity, productivity and harmony with others.

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS The ideal number of course participants OUR PROGRAMS Basic is between 20 and 30.

experience that is deeply profound and spiritual. WORKSHOP FEATURES Over 80% of the physical eliminated through and emotional toxins in the body are Easily learned tension-releasing Natural principles of physical stretches and exercises living which eliminate

lung capacity. Skilful use of the breath can effortlessly transform one's mental and emotional state and significantly improve both


the breath, yet most people use only 35% of their


& advanced








activity and enhance leadership skills


leadership training and community development.

Guided interactive processes Revitalizing breathing techniques that increase energy and deeply

Corporate courses that empower employees to be more centered, productive & balanced throughout Programs on rehabilitation technique the business day . in prisons.


relax and recharge the body and mind 'The Healing Breath Technique', a time-tested breathing while balancing

and stress management

Surdarshan Kriya?

Courses adapted for use in drug and alcohol recovery programs. Programs for post traumatic of conflict resolution. stress syndrome and alternate methods

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The Sudarshan


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that both purifies and rejuvenates, mind through the elimination

the body and

Kriya lecimique oxygentJles/heceils

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Enwlior1ol/y a sense oj

cause sluggishness

& pronwle


and rapidly flushes ou/toxins

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of toxins at a deep cellular level

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