Ana WP Frame 4

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Name: Ana Alvarez


is about ...

Understanding word processing tabs

being able to professionally edit word processing documents with

Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea

Home Tab
Clipboard:Paste,cut copy,format,painter Font: Name,size,grow, shrink,change case, clear formatting,bold, italic,underline,strike through,subscript, superscript Paragraph:bullets, numbering,multilevel list,left,center,right, justified alignment, line spacing,shading,border Styles: Normal,no spacing, heading 1&2,changes styles Editing: Find,replace,select

Insert Tab
Pages:Cover page, blank page, page break Tables:Tables Illustrations:Picture, clip art,shapes,smart art, chart Links:Hyperlink,bookmark, cross-refrence Header & Footer:header, footer,page number Text:Text box,quick parts, word art,drop cap,signature line,date & time,object Symbols:Equation,Symbol

Page Layout Tab

Themes:themes,colors,fonts, effects Page Setup:margins, orientations,size,columns, breaks,line numbers, hyphenation Page Background:watermark, page color,page borders Paragraph:indent left and right, spacing before and after Arrange:position,wrap text, bring forward,send backward, selection pane,align, group, rotate

Review Tab
Proofing:spelling & grammar, research,thesaurus,word count Language:translate language Comments:new comment,delete, previous,next Tracking:track changes final:show markup,reviewing pane Changes:accept,reject, previous,next Compare:compare Protect:block authors,restrict editing

So what? What is important to understand about this?

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