Garcia Daisy Vocab

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Word Processing

Noun I am learning about Word Processing.

a computerized method of writing, editing, saving, and printing text.

Noun I am learning about ribbon tool bars.


a set of toolbars are placed on tabs. Each toolbar has many icons of tools


Title Bar

A title bar reminds me of a chocolate bar.

The bar at the top of the screen that gives the name of your file


Status Bar

A status bar is a horizontal bar

A horizontal bar, typically at the bottom of the screen or window showing information about a document being edited or a program running.



It reminds of mt mom saying look at the front so you wont hit the pol.

style of writing/text. Example: Arial

Noun Character means to text or sybols.


any text (letters), number, or symbol typed on the keyboard


Text Wrap

Text and Wrap reminds me of Wraping gifts and texting my friends.

a feature allowing text to surround pictures

Noun Alligment means arregment of text and graphs.


the arrangement of text or graphics relative to a margin.

(Left alignment means that text is lined up along the left margin (default), right alignment lines up text along the right side of the page. Centered alignment means that text is in the center of the page).


Noun Edit means to make changes.

to make changes, revise, correct a document

Noun Icons mean pictures and symbols.


pictures or symbols that represent programs behind them

Header/ Footer

Noun A header/ footer means it appears on every page of a document.

appears on every page of a document, it includes information like names, titles, and page numbers. The footer is at the bottom. The header is at the top.



Margin means a blank space that sorounds.

the blank space that surrounds the text on a page

Hard copy

Noun Hard copy means a print out of a document.

a print out of a document. Output from a computer that you can touch

Portrait view

Noun Portrait view means the page is vertical.

the height of the display area is greater than the width; page is vertical

Landscape view

Noun Landscape view means page is horizantle.

the width of the display area is greater than the height; page is horizontal


Noun Theasaures means synonims and antonims.

feature that provides synonyms (and sometimes antonyms)

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