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January 16, 2014 Representative Linda Upmeyer Iowa State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines,

Iowa 50319 Dear Representative Upmeyer: Important questions have been raised recently about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), whether Iowa legislators participate in the organization, and how many legislators are members. You are in a unique position to answer these questions as the national chairwoman of ALEC and in your capacity as Majority Leader in the Iowa House of Representatives. Last week, the Executive Director of ALEC sent a letter claiming that the state of Iowa pays for all Iowa legislators to be members of ALEC, despite claims that the Legislative Services Agency has not paid dues to ALEC for any Iowa legislator since 2011. Iowans deserve to know the organizations to which their elected officials are dues paying members, and the public has a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent. To clear up any question of membership and the relationship between ALEC and the Iowa legislature, please provide an answer to the following questions: What members of the Iowa legislature are currently dues paying members of ALEC will you release that list to the public? What dues have been paid to ALEC for Iowa legislators to become members, and how have those payments been made (by the state, by legislators individually, or by some other entity)? If dues have not been paid to ALEC on behalf of legislators, why does the organization consider them to be members?

We will make public any information provided, in our continued effort to educate Iowans about the relationship between their legislators and ALEC. Thank you in advance for using your unique role in leadership both in ALEC and in the Iowa House to provide assistance in this matter. Sincerely,

Matt Sinovic Executive Director Progress Iowa

Progress Iowa
P.O. Box 548; Des Moines, IA, 50302 Phone: (515) 423-0530 | Email: | | @progressiowa

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