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INSTRUCTIONS: Take this form with you to your school visit, ask questions, and take notes.

Your Middle School Visit Checklist School Name:__________________________ Address:________________________________ My contact at this school:____________________________ This school has the following:
Before-school care After-school care Transportation Hot lunch Cafeteria Gym Playing field/outdoor space School newspaper Library Computer lab Second language classes Special education services Gifted services School work posted on walls Art/Dance Honors track program Garden Parent Teacher Association Clean facilities Safe & secure campus Safe neighborhood Anti-bullying program Wheelchair accessibility High school counseling

Phone:__________________ School Size: _____________

Did teachers and students seem interested in their work?


Are the classrooms welcoming and organized?

How does the school track students academically?

Are there electives, sports, and clubs my child would like?

Additional Questions/Comments

If you were rate this school on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being your perfect school, what would it be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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