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August 27, ba 2009

Welcome and Welcome Back! – To new families and veteran families welcome to
the 2009-2010 school year! We all look forward to an outstanding year full of energy,
learning, and fun! As you read through my first newsletter, please know that I am
always available to you. You can email, call, or set up and appointment. This year I
will again be between Bauder and the Lab School, but different this year is my
schedule. I plan on being at Bauder full days on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays,
though I always have access to email. Angie McDonald will serve as an Assistant
Principal and will be here on Tuesdays and Wednesdays while I am gone, as well as
Mondays and Fridays.

Enewsletter – This newsletter will be the last one I send via paper mail! I will now be
emailing this to you each month. This also goes for the PTO newsletter. We do this
both as a cost saving measure and as a paperless measure. If however, you would
prefer a paper copy be sent to you, please fill out the attached form and return it to
your teacher or to the office. As a test run, I did email it to all of you who signed up
during our Back to School Night Orientation and for those who signed up previous to
this year. If you did not receive this via email, then please be sure to sign up at and click on the E-mail Alert Sign-Up button on the left hand
side. I will also post the newsletters on my Posterous site at

Online Payment Option – Another convenience for parents is the opportunity to pay
for lunches online! In order to do this you will need to sign up. You can do this at

Parent Non-Permission Forms for Photos, Videos, Internet and Email - Classroom activities and
events sponsored by school occasionally are photographed or video taped, or students are interviewed by
PSD staff and/or representatives of the news media. Use of the Internet and electronic mail are used as a
tool to learning and to complete some assignments and projects in many subject areas and grade levels.
It is Bauder's mission to teach our students to be responsible users of information and technology. If
you have any questions about how photos, videos, the Internet and email are used at Bauder please speak
to your child's teacher or stop by the Media Center and speak to Bauder's Media and Technology Manager,
Mrs. Alexander.
If you do not want your child to be photographed, video taped, have access to the Internet and/or
have an email account, you must sign and return a Parent Non-Permission Form to Bauder's Media Center.
*Forms may be obtained online at , in
the Media Center or school office.

Pho ne : (97 0 )-4 88 -41 50 We b s it e :

ht tp: / /w w w. psdsc hool s. org/ sc hool s/ ba ude r/
FAX: (9 7 0 )-48 8-4 15 2 Ema il: bc arpe nt@ psdsc hool s. org
N e ws :
Outdoor Education– Eco-week is now Outdoor Education and this year we are doing
an overnight experience at Covenant Heights in Estes Park. The fifth grade will be
heading out on Monday, September 21st. Yes, this is Collaboration Day and there is no
school for the rest of Bauder. They will return on the 22nd.

New Staff - Please welcome Ms. Katie Brennan (2nd Grade), Mr. Norm Chung (PE), Ms.
Chantelle Roselles (1st Grade with Ms. Michieli), Ms. Hilary Herrmann (Literacy Coach),
Ms. Megan Slough (paraprofessional), and Mr. Nathan Holly (custodian) to the Bauder

Lot Closed – To assist us with safety concerns, the pre-school lot is closed completely
for anyone other than pre-school. All drop off and pick up should occur in the east lot,
unless you are walking over to pick up your children. Thank you with this important
safety concern.

Back to School Orientation – Thank you so much for coming to our Back to School
Orientation event. I have appreciated all of the positive feedback from families who
attended. We are always looking for ways to improve this event, so if you have any
suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

Getting Involved – Bauder is your neighborhood school. We need you! There are
various ways to get involved in your child’s education. We love when you read with
your child, we love when you support them at home, and we love when you support
them by volunteering your time. PTO is a great place to start. We meet the first
Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. Typically we meet in the SMARTroom off of the main
pod. You can also get involved at the School Improvement level by attending our SITE
meetings. These vary, but are typically the last Monday of the month from 330 – 5 PM
in the SMARTroom. Families can also get involved with their individual teachers
through volunteering. Be sure to register as a volunteer before starting:

Upcoming Events –

Pho ne : (97 0 )-4 88 -41 50 We b s it e :

ht tp: / /w w w. psdsc hool s. org/ sc hool s/ ba ude r/
FAX: (9 7 0 )-48 8-4 15 2 Ema il: bc arpe nt@ psdsc hool s. org
N e ws :
Please send a paper copy of the Principal Newsletter and PTO Newsletter in
my child’s Thursday folder. Sign and return this portion to your child’s teacher or
the main office.

Student’s Name _______________________________

Teacher’s Name _______________________________________

Parent Signature________________________________________

Pho ne : (97 0 )-4 88 -41 50 We b s it e :

ht tp: / /w w w. psdsc hool s. org/ sc hool s/ ba ude r/
FAX: (9 7 0 )-48 8-4 15 2 Ema il: bc arpe nt@ psdsc hool s. org
N e ws :

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