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<School> <Mascot> Program Plan

The model for achieving and sustaining a high level of success in the <Mascot> football program The Xs and Os are the easy part Fourth and one - go for it.

Program vs. Team

The biggest decision the head coach can make is to treat the football operations as a program rather than as a team
That is, to take a long-term view of the football operations and not look at this next season as the only thing that matters When that decision is made, then everything will fall into place

A football program is like a company in that it has no end point, it continues long after the people involved today have moved on
A program can have any number of teams (projects, or seasons), but a team can belong to only one program The program has no time limitations and is not bound to any single time period (season), and the members belong to both the program and to the specific team(s) within that program A program view is that every decision is made for the program and that there will be multiple teams in multiple seasons, the things we do today will help us not only in this season, but those seasons that will follow

A football team is like a project, something that is done one time, to meet specific objectives, with a definite end point
A team view is that everything is for the team we have this season, nothing else existed before this team, nothing is seen to follow after this team, the only relationships are those that interact with the team this season We know that there will be teams that follow this years team, and that we honor those teams that came before, but operationally, this team right now is the only team that matters

Program Plan Once the decision has been made to be a program rather than a team, the first order of business is to begin organizing as a program. The primary areas to consider include:

Program goals, objectives, and strategies

This defines the look and feel of the football program

Using the hard and soft infrastructure items to identify relationships related to the football program, and then build and enhance those relationships

How the day to day work of running the football program will be done

Primary Responsibilities of the Head Coach

As head coach I am responsible for developing and communicating the Mission Statement and the Core Values of the program
These define the overriding principles under which we will operate the <School> football program

Once I have established the Mission Statement and Core Values, I will then develop my vision for the team in these areas:
On the field
Goals and expectations for the team for wins and losses, league, section, state What I see for the offense, defense, special teams, team attitude

Off the field

What the players do when they are not playing/in-season

What the stands will be like full, crazy, band, student section, talking, excitement

Expectations for the players as students

Community service, working with parents, family, vendors, local businesses, school staff and administration, Boosters

Mission Statement
Football offers tangible benefits to a young man because it requires him to develop will-power, self-control, clear thinking under pressure, memory, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, and helps in the formation of good habits. Participate The <mascot> football program will bring student athletes together and enable each player to grow and mature by emphasizing the following actions in every aspect of the program: We will build confidence, self-esteem, and a feeling of contribution within each person in our program We will encourage open and honest communication from all program members We will respect the dignity and diversity of each person on the program We will commit to program unity through strong leadership principles and trust in each other We will acknowledge our Core Values each and every day

It is the mission of the <Mascot> football program to create an environment where each player will have the opportunity to play a part in these actions each day, recognize the benefits, and prepare him to be successful after <School>.

Core Values
When you have loyalty, your words and deeds match each other. To me loyalty includes values like honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. When the players take the field I have to trust them that they will do everything in their power to perform their assigned task. Conversely, they have to trust that the staff and I are also doing everything we can to enable them, and the team, to be successful.


The personal strength that enables a leader to handle fear, make difficult decisions, take risks, confront change, accept responsibility, and be self reliant.


Although there are some exceptions, leaders are made, not born. By developing leadership abilities in the players it will make us a better team. The more we invest in developing team leaders, the greater our return.


A team cannot be successful if players think just of themselves. When the players see the needs of others as importantly as they see they own needs they can truly begin to reach out to others around them. One of the constants in leadership is sacrifice which is an ongoing process and not a one-time payment. Sacrifice is the loss of the right to think about yourself. As responsibilities increase, rights decrease.


No matter how hard a task is, perseverance shows that you have the persistence necessary to succeed. The willingness to continue working toward something after the fun has left is dependent on the attitude of the player. Our attitude cannot stop our feelings, but they can keep our feelings from stopping us.

If no one laughs at your dreams, you're not dreaming big enough. If you're not going to make your dreams epic, why bother to dream at all? Scott Miller Song "Say Ho"


Vision to Reality The implementation of the vision statement(s) will not happen by wishing, it takes hard work, by a lot of people, in a lot of areas, to achieve program success For the hard work to be effective it requires substantial planning every year
Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organization's future course necessary to support the program vision. All strategic planning deals with at three key questions:
"What do we do?" "For whom do we do it?" "How do we excel?

The result of the yearly planning will be the goals, objectives, and strategies for successfully achieving the vision

The language of planning is full of specialized terms. However the largest/highest importance definitions are the following which identify the boundaries for the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies: Goals vs. Objectives
Goals are broad; objectives are narrow Goals are general intentions; objectives are precise Goals are intangible; objectives are tangible Goals are abstract; objectives are concrete Goals can't be validated as is; objectives can be validated

Goals Goals are defined as all-encompassing statements about the general direction of the football program. Actions must be taken in order to reach Goals. Actions must be evaluated to gauge Goal accomplishment.
Objectives Objectives are defined as methods for attaining the football program Goals. Good objectives are S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related (Drucker, 1954). An Objective can be achieved through one or more Strategies. A Goal will likely have several objectives.
Strategies Strategies are defined as means for achieving a specific Objective. These are the transition from vision to plan to action. Strategies represent projects or initiatives designed to reach Objectives and to attain Goal(s). Strategies describe complex program functions involving multiple teams, coaches, and/or school departments. Strategies are reviewed and revised yearly. There may be multiple Strategies to meet an objective.

Planning the Plan Initial steps

Decide to use a formal process for the planning Decide how to plan the plan Use the Program Plan as the foundation Decide on a viable time frame, 3-5 years as an example Once the commitment to use a formal process, and a schedule is set, then start planning the plan

Program Plan
Use the Is Later How chart/concept as the model Perform the Is review
Define the areas Define the 1st level components of each area

Develop the Vision and Goals (V&G) this sets the path for everything else Develop the Later goals and objectives for the components, compare to the V&G
If doing something does not support the V&G then it should not be done

Is Later How Model

B) Later Capability

C) How

A) Is


A) Is Analyze the capabilities, functions, operations, etc., to determine the true current situation B) Later Based on what the current situation is, determine the next state, the improvement, the new configuration of the capabilities C) How After the current state and the desired state are determined, then and only then, do you start figuring out how to move from A to B
Most of the time people charge off on the How without having a clear end point in sight, long before the Later has been determined. Working in this fashion can expend a lot of time and energy without ever reaching a clear end point. Avoid that trap, set the end state and then determine how to move from A to B dont start at A, start working and doing things, and then see where we end up.

Overview of Strategies Strategies are those things that we will act upon, the tasks that we will work on to meet the objectives Where we see an Strategy A we will basically see a block of work, or task, or actions that will need to be completed to support the program goals A strategy will require
Time (when it will be done) Task (what is to be done) Talent (who will do it)

A project is a grouping of similar strategies so that there are not a lot of closely related activities going on
A project will have several strategies grouped together A strategy with either stand by itself as a discreet activity, or will be part of a project


Everything listed from here on for the goals, objectives, and strategies is just an example, these may or may not be valid for your program. These would need to be redone for your program based on your vision. These are just one possible configuration and should not be considered the only way to go on this.

Areas for Program Goals

Since the <Mascot> football program interacts with so many aspects of the school, the goals for the program should go farther than just wins and losses
The program can reasonably expect to have approximately 4%-7% of the total school population (~2,000, 80-140) players each season If we include cheerleading, band, clubs working snack shack, administration, staff, teachers, etc., the impact to the school will be substantial and will interact with a wide range of the school operations

To support this wider set of interests the goals are divided into the following areas:
GMAP (God/Omnipotent Being, Motherhood, & Apple Pie)
Those program goals that are not specific to any one area of the program, but are generally considered to be good things to accomplish

Goals that are specific to the football operations

Goals that support the educational aspects of the program

Goals for building relationships with the community including the parents, general area, and the students and staff at <School>

My Vision for the Football Program

Area Comments

On the field (In Season)

WIN Beat <Team1>, <Team2>, and <Team3> each year Aggressive Well-disciplined Tireless, superbly conditioned
3.0 GPA for each individual player 2.5 team GPA for varsity 2.2 team GPA for JV and Freshmen Players sit in the front rows, they contribute to the class Teachers expect more from the players Off-season weight room participation Participate in other HS sports Participate in outside associations Participate in school clubs, ASB

Offense: Explosive, never stop attacking, no huddle Defense: Relentless, tackling machines, championship-level Kicking: Game breakers

In The Classroom

No discipline issues (detentions, referrals) Regular academic progress reports are a routine part of the school year

Off the field (Off Season)

Men of character Doing right thing, at right time, all the time

In The School and Community

Community service projects individual and squads Helpful at home Observe faith Volunteer

Excellent relations with the school administration and staff Football is a considered a beacon of how well an athletic program can be a valued part of the academic environment

In The Stands

Student section Games are THE event for the week Noisy Band at each game

Stands are full Half-time activities <LocalYouth> at half-time, contests, something always going on <Local_JR_High> 8th graders on sideline for final home game


The program, and all members, are a Class Act, in all things, at all times The program is operated as an autonomous entity and will include yearly planning, detailed scheduling, substantial communications, and conservative financial operations Player development is constant, on-going, and targeted toward guiding transitioning incoming freshmen to the best players possible for their senior year

Program Goals
1. 2. Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program. Create an environment that helps prepare the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success

8. Have the highest team GPA at <School> 9. Ensure that all players achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting 10. Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the NCS each season.

11. Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community. 12. Exceed school and district goals for community service 13. Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program

Program Goals GMAP

No. 1 Goal Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program. Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 1.1




Program Goals GMAP

No. 2 Goal Create an environment that helps prepare the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers. Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 2.1




Program Goals Football

No. 3 Goal Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 3.1




Program Goals Football

No. 4 Goal Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 4.1




Program Goals Football

No. 5 Goal Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 5.1




Program Goals Football

No. 6 No. 6.1 Goal Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________




Program Goals Football

No. 7 Goal Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 7.1




Program Goals Academic

No. 8 Goal Players in the program will achieve the highest academic standing at <School> This goal includes item 8, 9, and 10. No. 8.1 Objectives Have the highest team GPA at <School> within 3 seasons. S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________


Ensure that all players each season achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting as determined by the NCAA Clearinghouse Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the SJS after each season.



During the season there will be zero missed practices, games, seasons due to academic issues (100% eligibility)

Program Goals Community

No. 11 Goal Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community. Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 11.1




Program Goals Community

No. 12 No. 12.1 Goal Exceed school and district goals for community service Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________




Program Goals Community

No. 13 Goal Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program Objectives Implement a cohesive communications program by the first game of the first season. S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 13.1




Program Goals xxx

No. 9 No. 9.1 Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________





Program Goals xxx

No. 10 No. 10.1 Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________






Summary of Objectives
Program Goals

Project Loyalty program On-Field football Performance Team Awards Promote <Mascot> Football Infrastructure X X X X X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4

5 X X 6 7 8 X

9 X 10 X

11 X 12 X 13



Football Schemes
Coaches Training X


An X indicates that there is some relationship between the program goal (1-13) and the Objectives. This relationship may be the major point of the objective (and associated strategies), or it may be weaker relationship. It just means that I think there is a possible interaction here.

Project: Loyalty Program

Description: Initiate the <Mascot> Loyalty Program. Rationale: The loyalty program will be used as a method of measuring, assessing, and increasing the dedication and loyalty each player has to the football program, the academics, and the community. Outcome: An operating leadership council that has provided real, thoughtout input to the 20xx program goals Evaluation: June, 20xx, after school is out for the summer. Notes: These would be repeated as necessary to cover all of the program goals. The strategies shown here are a small portion of the overall Loyalty Program. Refer to the Loyalty Program file/presentation for complete details. No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Player leadership council Establish the player leadership council to form the base for developing the players into leaders. Player input on 20xx program goals Present the program goals to the players and actively seek their input.

Project: On-Field Football Goals

Description: Formally identify, document, and use on-field specific objectives for the season Rationale: Develop goals, with the players, that are real in that they are used to measure performance and not just as wall-slogans Outcome: Visible criteria by which to measure team performance Evaluation: December, 20xx, after the season is over Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Work with the players (leadership council?) to develop realistic performance measures for the games and season. These can be re-evaluated prior to the start of the season. Put the goals for each game up on a board in the team room so that the performance against the goals is visible to everyone

Project: On-Field Football Goals

Description: Full integration of video operations into all levels of the program Rationale: The eye in the sky doesnt lie is the primary truth, the players and coaches cannot argue with what they see on the video. Outcome: Players and coaches have access to video for scout and selfassessment Evaluation: End of each season Notes: Base assumption is that we are using Hudl for video management No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Implement video recording at all levels. Frosh is sideline only, JV and varsity are sideline and end zone Implement live game tagging (Hudl) for all games at all levels, including varsity scout games (to be merged with Hudl exchanges or scout video) Evaluate and modernize video equipment including cameras, projection equipment, computers, networking, anything that has to do with the collection, uploading, and viewing of the video Implement official acquisition of opponent scout video by either sending scouts or through Hudl video exchange

Project: Team Awards

Description: Formally identify, document, and implement a recognition program that acknowledges and rewards the players that best support the program goals. Rationale: The use of awards for recognition is a time-tested approach to reward individuals that best represent the ideals of the program. Requirements for the awards will be developed with the team leadership. Outcome: A program environment where the players know what is required for individual and team recognition Evaluation: December, 20xx, after the team banquet Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Implement helmet decals for academic, community, and football performance Establish the year-end banquet as a formal event (guest speaker, players and staff in ties) where the team is recognized and awards are presented.

Project: Promote <Mascot> Football

Description: Build solid, loyal relationships with the extended <School> community Rationale: The players and coaches are one branch of the program family tree. The parents, staff, community members, and students are the other branches. To have a successful program we must involve as many people as we can in our family. Outcome: A tighter, larger, and more loyal community family than just the parents of the players

Evaluation: End of each grading period (quarter).

Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated
Teacher(s) of the Week Involve teachers and staff by presenting a team jersey to the teacher(s) that are selected by the team leaders. The teachers/staff are asked to wear the jersey on game days and attend the games. Games are Events. Do whatever we can to make the games the event of the week. Use a victory bell, get a tunnel, setup a student section, sing the school fight song after each game. Pre-season involvement. Before the season have a <Color1> vs. <Color2> Game between freshmen and JV, have a parent meeting before the game with a BBQ, lots of activities like taking pictures of younger kids in HS uniforms. Have Football 101 classes for the parents, show the game videos sometime during the week following the game. Community wide pep rallies. For big games, and homecoming only. Stag Night. Golf outing/card games with players dads. Gets the dads on our side as well. Adopt a Player. Elementary and Jr. HS classrooms adopt a player for the season. Build media relations. Contact the local media and establish cordial relations. Invite them to the fall scrimmage(s). Provide them with team materials like rosters and highlight videos. Support other teams. Get all the players to attend the games of other teams. Such as the whole team dressing in <School> gear and going to the away <Team2> - <School> basketball game. Ask the other teams to all come to a specific game (<Color1> Out).

Project: Infrastructure
Description: Identify and assimilate technologies and equipment that will support the development of a great football program Rationale: The tools that the coaches and players use to improve their performance will help achieve victories. Outcome: Providing a top-quality infrastructure will support the program and attract excellent coaches and players. Evaluation: End of each grade reporting period (quarters?) Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Enhance the weight room by analyzing current and projected needs and acquiring the equipment needed (or divesting excess equipment) Acquire an end-zone camera system to tape the games and practices from behind the line of scrimmage. This view is essential for improving player coaching. Review expected operations and determine if there is any additional equipment that would benefit the coaches, staff or players. This would include player uniforms, equipment, padding, helmets, computer technology, projection systems, seating, etc.

Project: Football Schemes

Description: Develop the concept of operations for how the team will operate on the field Rationale: Using the program goals and objectives determine the operating schemes for the offensive, defensive, and special teams Outcome: A comprehensive plan for how the offense, defense, and special teams will operate to meet the program goals Evaluation: December, 20xx, after the team banquet Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Develop the offensive scheme Develop the defensive scheme Develop the kicking scheme

Integrate the independent O-D-K schemes into a cohesive plan for how the football team will be successful

Project: Coaches Training

Description: Establish a program environment where it is expected that the coaches and staff will constantly improve their knowledge and abilities Rationale: Because of the importance of the position the coach holds in the players lives it is critical that the best coaches be found and retained, and that the coaches on staff improve their capabilities each day Outcome: A staff that is constantly seeking to upgrade their skills and talents

Evaluation: Coaches evaluations in December, 20xx, after the team banquet

Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated Ensure that all coaches have met all of the <School>, <District>, <League>, <Section>, and <State> requirements for identification, certifications, and training Provide opportunities for staff members to take advantage of educational clinics, classes and materials (books, internet boards, DVDs, etc.). Make it clear that coaches are expected to constantly improve their education and skills. Develop the skills of the staff by assigning challenging assignments and positions


Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures and entities needed for the operation of the football team. It provides the foundation for building relationships with the entities that interact with the program.

Infrastructure is: The mechanism by which things are done, the How things work Communications

External Relationships

Parents and Family Opponents Community

Colleges, NCAA




Football Program

(Players, coaches, managers, trainers, anyone in day-to-day operations)


Event Sponsors

Other Teams (coaches) at School

Booster Club Governing bodies League Section State

School Admin

District Admin

Examples of Infrastructure
Area Governance Comments Examples

The rules and bylaws under which the program must operate
The financial environment within which the program must operate Each district and/or school may have different operating requirements for holding fundraisers, handling money, approvals, etc.

Program rules School rules District rules

Fundraising Sponsors Donors Booster Club

League bylaws Section bylaws State bylaws

Vendors Equipment Inventory


External Relationships

Identifying and cultivating relationships with entities that are external from the football program Working with these entities is

Parents & family Community Students Vendors

Teachers and staff Administration District administration

Schedules Video cart Weight room Practice field(s) Hudl MaxPreps Meetings Flyers Phone calls


Field equipment, facilities that support the daily practices

Sleds, bags, cones, markers Footballs Colored jerseys E-mail Web site Twitter Facebook Face to face Headsets Game balls Wrist coaches Signal boards

Channels that support the communication of the program mission statement, goals, objectives, Communications Also included are the tactical items such as practice schedules, updates, articles Equipment that supports the team during the games

Game Time

Game uniforms Busses Locker room


Personnel, equipment, and facilities that Trainer provide first aid and medical support Training room


Operations are those tasks and activities that are performed to ensure the program operates optimally These operations require people to do things within an organizational structure with a common goal These tasks and activities can be grouped into the following categories:
Roster Keeping track of the people that are part of, or interact with, the program including coaches, staff, players, trainers, managers, partners, donors, administration, anyone that interacts with the football program, and is not limited to the players on this roster this season Communications Ensuring that the people on the program roster are aware of what is going on with the program, the schedule, updates, game articles, fund raising contacts, and includes the branding of the program Loyalty Program A method of measuring, assessing, and increasing the dedication and loyalty each player has to the football program Schedule What is happing when, from the long-term schedule to the daily practice plan Finances Raising, controlling, and using funds to support the program goals, objectives, and operations Player Development and Conditioning The long-term physical and mental development of the players Game Performance Scouting, game evaluation, player grading, game planning, video operations Schemes The offensive, defensive, and kicking schemes that will be used on the field

Operations: Roster and Personnel

Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Operations: Communications
Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Operations Communications
Channel Target Method Notes

Team Site

General net population


Allows the use of the MessageCast capability No cost for the site
Current information, schedule Links to sponsors, friends, vendors, anyone we can Daily quotes, updates, schedules, events, comments Try to get as many followers as possible, including vendors, parents, school, anyone that has any kind of interest in the team Linked to Facebook so tweets appear there as well


Team as the user



BullfrogFootbal as the user

YouTube Team, general net Bullfrog Football channel as the user

Phone Tree Hudl CalPreps MaxPreps Posters, Flyers E-mail

Operations: Loyalty Program

Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Loyalty Program
A method of measuring, assessing, and increasing the dedication and loyalty each player has to the football program, the academics, and the community The goal of the football program is to build better individuals, not just focus on the football aspect
Program focuses on the total person Promotes citizenship, good grades, supports other sports and community service

The Loyalty Program will support this goal by measuring and reinforcing the player activity and participation
The program begins with the start of the second semester each year (return from Christmas break) The coaches and leadership council will set criteria, and points, in a number of different areas
The criteria are not just football specific and includes academics, community, and football

The players are drafted into squads and compete with each other, individually and as squads During the school year the players (and squads) score points by completing/meeting these criteria Points needed (standard) are compared to points earned
Player does not play in scrimmage/game until points needed is met

Operations: Player Development

Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Operations: Scheduling
Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Operations: Financial Overview

Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Financial Overview Napoleon once said that an army travels on its belly The same can pretty much be said of a football program, it operates on the monies that flows through the program Like any high school sports program the football team will have inventory, expenses, income, items that have to be replaced, none of which are possible without careful financial management It is the responsibility of the head coach to implement a financial control system that will work effectively with the following areas:
Financial interactions with <School> Budget Inventory Fundraisers

Operations: Financial Interactions with <School>

Description: Rationale: Outcome: Evaluation: Notes: No. Strategies Affected and/or Incorporated

Financial Interactions with <School>

At <School> the district does not fully fund the football program
They provide no additional funding other than a set amount each season for safety equipment These funds that are normally used to purchase new helmets and shoulder pads, and get helmets reconditioned The Pay to Play fee is used by the district to pay the coaching stipends

Other than those items, the school district provides no other direct funding That means that the football program is responsible for managing their financial operations Activity Approvals
All fundraising activities require the approval of the school administration There are forms that are required for each activity and an approval process that they must process through This approval takes a bit of time so last-minute fundraising activities are not likely to get through

Game Performance

Thus spake the master Coach:

It is time for you to leave.


Summary of Projects
Goal Obj. Strategy <Mascot> Loyalty program On-Field football Performance Team Awards Promote <Mascot> Football Infrastructure Football Schemes Coaches Training 1 GMAP 2 X X








General Area GMAP Football Academic Community

On the field

Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff

Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success
Ensure that all players achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting Have the highest team GPA at <School> Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the NCS each season. Exceed school and district goals for community service

In The Classroom

Off the field

In The School and Community

Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program
Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week

Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community.

In The Stands


Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program.

Create an environment that helps prepare the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers.

Types of Hard Infrastructure Transportation infrastructure Energy infrastructure

Water management infrastructure

Communications infrastructure Solid waste management Earth monitoring and measurement networks

Soft Infrastructure
Soft infrastructure includes both physical assets such as highly specialized buildings and equipment, as well as non-physical assets such as the body of rules and regulations governing the various systems, the financing of these systems, as well as the systems and organizations by which highly skilled and specialized professionals are trained, advance in their careers by acquiring experience, and are disciplined if required by professional associations (professional training, accreditation and discipline) Unlike hard infrastructure, the essence of soft infrastructure is the delivery of specialized services to people. Unlike much of the service sector of the economy, the delivery of those services depend on highly developed systems and large specialized facilities or institutions that share many of the characteristics of hard infrastructure.
Governance infrastructure Economic infrastructure Social infrastructure Cultural, sports and recreational infrastructure

Soft Infrastructure
Governance infrastructure
The system of government and law enforcement, including the political, legislative, law enforcement, justice and penal systems, as well as specialized facilities (government offices, courthouses, prisons, etc.), and specialized systems for collecting, storing and disseminating data, laws and regulation Emergency services, such as police, fire protection, and ambulances, including specialized vehicles, buildings, communications and dispatching systems Military infrastructure, including military bases, arms depots, training facilities, command centers, communication facilities, major weapons systems, fortifications, specialized arms manufacturing, strategic reserves

Economic infrastructure
The financial system, including the banking system, financial institutions, the payment system, exchanges, the money supply, financial regulations, as well as accounting standards and regulations Major business logistics facilities and systems, including warehouses as well as warehousing and shipping management systems Manufacturing infrastructure, including industrial parks and special economic zones, mines and processing plants for basic materials used as inputs in industry, specialized energy, transportation and water infrastructure used by industry, plus the public safety, zoning and environmental laws and regulations that govern and limit industrial activity, and standards organizations Agricultural, forestry and fisheries infrastructure, including specialized food and livestock transportation and storage facilities, major feedlots, agricultural price support systems (including agricultural insurance), agricultural health standards, food inspection, experimental farms and agricultural research centers and schools, the system of licensing and quota management, enforcement systems against poaching, forest wardens, and fire fighting

Soft Infrastructure
Social infrastructure
The health care system, including hospitals, the financing of health care, including health insurance, the systems for regulation and testing of medications and medical procedures, the system for training, inspection and professional discipline of doctors and other medical professionals, public health monitoring and regulations, as well as coordination of measures taken during public health emergencies such as epidemics The educational and research system, including elementary and secondary schools, universities, specialized colleges, research institutions, the systems for financing and accrediting educational institutions Social welfare systems, including both government support and private charity for the poor, for people in distress or victims of abuse

Cultural, sports and recreational infrastructure

Sports and recreational infrastructure, such as parks, sports facilities, the system of sports leagues and associations Cultural infrastructure, such as concert halls, museums, libraries, theatres, studios, and specialized training facilities Business travel and tourism infrastructure, including both man-made and natural attractions, convention centers, hotels, restaurants and other services that cater mainly to tourists and business travelers, as well as the systems for informing and attracting tourists, and travel insurance

You cant have a championship-level program unless all aspects of the game are accounted for.
The kicking, passing, running, tackling, it has to be a full package That doesnt happen overnight, it has to be grown Special players will certainly help, and may often cover weaknesses in the program, but they are not the norm, the only way to a championship team each year is to build a program

Only run the Midline Trap, no need for any other trap

Good defense plays fast must know what to do and have confidence in the assignment. The offense causes problems by introducing variability. Option does this as does motions and formations. Make the defense question what they are supposed to do and the offense gains an advantage.


Hudl Cameras Tripods Computer Projector DVD player Cart Ethernet connection End Zone system

4-way Tug-owar Raised ropes Ladders

5-man sled Gauntlet 5-man chute Blocking bags Step-over bags Hand shields Paint machine Electric Arm Sideline markers Popsicle sled

Balls Cones Colored jerseys


Program Goals Football

No. x No. 1 Goal Win the league championship and host a playoff game Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

Win league
Beat Newark Memorial Beat JF Kennedy Beat American

Program Goals Football

No. x No. 1 Goal Win the NCS finals Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

Areas to Consider
Vision, Goals Roster Staff

School Support
Community Support Financial Communications Schedule Recent Performance Off-Season Program Player Development and Conditioning Video Operations

Vision, Goals
The overall where we want to be and how will we look (to others) when we get there? part of the program. This sets up everything else in the program.

Mission Statement The overall purpose of why we do this, what we hope to accomplish through football

A) Today

B) Tomorrow

C) How

Core Values What we believe as the basis for our behavior

On the field How the team will perform on the field

In The Classroom How the players will perform in the classroom and at school

Off the field How the players will act away from school In The School and Community The relationship between the football program and the local area In The Stands What the game night experience will be

Overall The overall perception of the football program

Plan to Meet Our Goals

Schedule Year 1 Survival Year 2 Foundation Year 3 Increase Expectations Year 4 Win Section Year 5 Win State Plan Player Eligibility Win conference Win all home games Qualify for the postseason Average 28 points per game Average 12 or less defensive points per game Be +5 or better in the turnover margin Average 4+ yards per carry Four (4) explosive plays on Special Forces

Schedule Year 1 Survival Year 2 Foundation Year 3 Increase Expectations Year 4 Win Section Year 5 Win State

YEAR 1 Survival Develop a sense of accountability in personal behavior: STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! Survive, evaluate, and determine what needs to be done to succeed. Develop strength and speed. Build a sense of TEAM Power Squads, Leadership Council. Build great relationships with our players. Establish a community service program.

YEAR 2 Foundation Vertical integration from middle school through the Varsity program. Improve in every area offensively, defensively and on special teams. Improve our academic performance. Develop strength and speed. Build a sense of Football Community: One Team, One Fight Become a force in community service. Commit to a 2 Platoon System. Establish our Booster Program to financially keep us competitive in the light of cuts.

YEAR 3 Increase Expectations Continue to establish our Youth Outreach Programs in the summer Utilize our Leadership Core and Power Squads to hold our players accountable to each other Become a Championship Caliber community service program

Have each assistant coach take a stronger role in the Power Squads
Create an Anytime, Anywhere, Anybody mentality of competitiveness on the field Make the playoffs

YEAR 4 Win Section Complete vertical integration of our program from middle school through Varsity. Win the League Play for a Section championship

YEAR 5 Win State This begins today Win the League Win the Section Play for a State Championship

Academics Player Eligibility

Zero (0) ineligible football players No missed games or team events due to grades

Study Table: Twice a week Weekly Grade Checks Peer Tutors at Study Table (National Honor Society) Rewards for academic successes

Who are the players on the team, what does the team look like. Characteristic Numbers What are the numbers of players we have, by age/class Demographics What types of players racial, financial, age? A) Today B) Tomorrow 75 players in program Two teams JV and varsity We are not targeting any specific demographic The analysis is to identify any issues we need to know about N/A C) How

Size How tall are the players? Speed How fast are the players? Strength How strong are the players? Morale What is the morale, the team spirit? Fastest in 4.7-4.8 OL in 5.1-5.3 OL/DL SAQ Off-season weights

In the Classroom
How the players will perform in the classroom and at school Characteristic GPA A) Today B) Tomorrow 3.0 GPA for each individual player 2.5 team GPA for varsity 2.2 team GPA for JV and Freshmen Players sit in the front rows, they contribute to the class Teachers expect more from the players Regular academic progress reports are a routine part of the school year No discipline issues (detentions, referrals) C) How


Monitoring and reporting


Off the Field

How the players will conduct themselves when football is not in season (December May) Characteristic In the school A) Today B) Tomorrow Off-season weight room participation Participate in other HS sports Participate in outside associations Participate in school clubs, ASB C) How

In the community


Men of character Doing right thing, at right time, all the time

In The School and Community

The relationship between the football program and the local area Characteristic At the school A) Today B) Tomorrow Excellent relations with the school administration and staff Football is a considered a beacon of how well an athletic program can be a valued part of the academic environment Community service projects individual and squads Volunteer Helpful at home Observe faith Breast Cancer awareness game jerseys and gear C) How

In the community

At home

In The Stands
What the game night experience will be Characteristic A) Today B) Tomorrow Student section Games are THE event for the week Noisy Band at each game Stands are full Half-time activities FFL/Little Huskies, contests, something always going on Centerville 8th graders on sideline for final home game C) How

The overall perception of the football program, the Goodwill that the program earns Characteristic A) Today B) Tomorrow The program, and all members, are a Class Act, in all things, at all times The program is operated as an autonomous entity and will include yearly planning, detailed scheduling, substantial communications, and conservative financial operations Player development is constant, on-going, and targeted toward guiding transitioning incoming freshmen to the best players possible for their senior year C) How

Program Goals GMAP

No. x Goal Create an environment that prepares the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers. Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 1

Program Goals GMAP

No. x Goal Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program. Objectives S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 1

Program Goals Community

No. x No. 1 Goal Build a strong relationship with the community Objectives Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community Exceed school and district goals for community service S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week

Program Goals Community

No. x No. 1 Goal Build a strong relationship with the community Objectives Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community. Exceed school and district goals for community service S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week

Program Goals On The Field

No. x Goal Develop a highly successful football program that attracts players and coaches Objectives Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention S.M.A.R.T?
Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________ Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-related? ________________

No. 1

Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels

4 Competitive Football Program 1. Continually highly competitive at all levels 2. Average 28 points per game 3. Average 12 or less defensive points per game 4. Be +5 or better in the turnover margin 5. Average 4+ yards per carry 6. Four (4) explosive plays on Special Forces 7. Qualify for the post-season 8. Win all home games 9. Win conference

Average 28 points per game Points 100% of the time we enter the red zone 75%+ Touchdown percentage from the red zone Strive to end every possession with a kick Establish flexibility in offensive system
Balance Audible System Sight Adjustments

Completion Percentage of 60% or better Give up less than 15 sacks during regular season

Average 4+ yards per carry Use motion and shifts to allow for maximum blockers at the point of attack Acquire the attitude that we want to run the ball Identify defensive alignments and make the necessary adjustments to run the ball effectively

Average 12 or less defensive points per game Be fundamentally sound in all aspects including tackling and assignments Adjust our defense to strength or field indicators Effort from snap to whistle for 4 quarters Force the offense to run more than eight plays per possession Average less than 3 yards per first down Make opponents become one-dimensional

Be +5 or better in the turnover margin Respect the football Effectively rush the passer Maximum hats to the football

Four (4) explosive plays on Special Forces Devote a large portion of practice time to progressive special teams Utilize our best athletes on special teams Attempt to pressure the kicker on punt returns and limit returns on our punts

Qualify for the post-season Win all games where we are the favorites Win games we are not supposed to win Condition bodies for extended season Develop depth to play in the absence of regulars

Win all home games Make our stadium a place that is not enjoyable for opponents to visit Eliminate mental distractions associated with big games

Win the Conference Outwork the conference members mentally and physically Scouting the opposition is a key component Embrace and appreciate the history of conference games

inf L uence

int E grity
communic A tion attitu D e courag E ous sac R ifice

goal S
servant H ood v I sion

P erseverance


Job Description/Tasking Line leader for warm-ups Organize community service projects

Lead for fundraising events

Monitor/collect/report dedication points Summer leadership sessions Captains for games Possible disciplinary actions Hallway recruiting

What do these NFL Coaches have in Common?

Mike Holmgren Brian Billick George Seifert Mike Shanahan Dick Vermiel Steve Mariucci Denny Greene Ray Rhodes

Why have a leadership program? Leaders are made, not born. Very few role models exist today.

It makes us a better team.

The more we INVEST, the greater our return.

Who participates in the leadership program? Initially all seniors, and 2 juniors selected by team. Eventually all participants will be selected by the team. Confirmed by their coaches. No more than 12 Captains must be chosen from this group.

Logistics of the leadership program. Sunday evenings at my house. Have food.

No more than 45 minutes.

At least 5 meetings. Start the first week of summer practice.

Lesson Plans Players must be involved. Participants must talk and share. Every core value will have an activity that helps strengthen the value. The participants will have responsibilities outside of the meeting time.
Calling incoming players, calling middle school players and being assigned a group of players to know.

Have a personalized folder with all of the information in it.

Lesson Plans 10 Core Values Signs relaying each core value

An example of each core value

Use quotes to strengthen each value

Core Values

inf L uence int E grity communic A tion attitu D e courag E ous sac R ifice

goal S
servant H ood v I sion

P erseverance

Influence List 3 people that have influenced you or that you have followed. Leaders touch the heart before they ask for a hand. PEOPLE BUY INTO THE LEADER FIRST, THEN INTO THE LEADERS VISION.

If you consider the messenger to be credible, then you believe the message has value. People want to go along with people they get along with.

Integrity When you have integrity, your words and deeds match each other. A person with integrity does not have divided loyalties, have anything to hide, have anything to fear, or have to pretend to be something that they are not. A person with integrity does have a singlemindedness in purpose, have the glue to keep what they say, think, and do into a whole person so that there are never out of sync with each other. Our beliefs and talk match each other.

Communication The ability to communicate effectively is an indispensable requirement of sound leadership. Two main components, speaking and listening. Be specific, get to the point, choose your words carefully, and stress a positive before addressing a negative. The greatest attribute of a leader is the ability to listen.

Watch the speaker, be patient as you listen, and ask questions to clarify the meaning being relayed.

Attitude Single greatest reason for failure. People are fired for the following reasons. Incompetence 30%, Inability to get along 17%, Dishonesty 12%, Negative attitude 10%, Lack of Motivation 7%, Refusal to follow instructions 7%, Other reasons 8%. Incompetence is skill related, the rest are attitude related. Out attitude cannot stop our feelings, but they can keep our feelings from stopping us.

It is improbable that a person with a bad attitude can continuously be a success.

Courageous Courage is present in every great leader. Leadership courage is more than single acts of bravery. Leadership courage is the personal strength that enables a leader to handle fear, make difficult decisions, take risks, confront change, accept responsibility, and be self reliant. Courage enables you to follow your instincts and pursue our vision.

As a leader, courage is not something you purse, it is something you embody.

Sacrifice The constant in leadership is sacrifice, an ongoing process, not a one time payment. Sacrifice is the loss of the right to think about yourself. As responsibilities increase, rights decrease. President of the United States Martin Luther King Jr. THE GREATER LEVEL OF LEADERSHIP ONE WANTS TO REACH, THE GREATER THE SACRIFICES THEY HAVE TO MAKE.

Goals We must have end plan. You can not build a house without knowing what kind of a house you want. For us to be conference champions, what do we need to do 1 month from now, 1 week from now, and 1 day from now.

Must think about what happens day to day.

Our overall MISSION.

Servanthood Servanthood is the essence of teamwork. When we see the needs of others as importantly as we see our own needs we can truly begin to reach out to others around us. Self interest and selfishness breed dissension and alienation among the team. What is in it for me? What can I contribute?

Vision The soul never thinks without a picture. Aristotle Passion, Motivation, Direction, and Purpose WITHOUT VISION GOOD THINGS WILL HINDER YOU FROM ACHIEVING THE BEST THINGS

Vision is the difference between filling dirt bags and building a dike in order to save a town. Building a dike gives meaning to the chore of filling bags with dirt. In our case winning a conference championship gives meaning to lifting weights.
Vision gives significance to the otherwise meaningless details in our life.

Perseverance Perseverance is one of the most important positive habits of life. Perseverance demonstrates work ethic. Perseverance not only lets you get your work done, it shows that you will do everything necessary to reach our goals.

No matter how hard a task is, perseverance shows that you have the persistence necessary to succeed.

Leadership Pyramid
Personhood Teammates follow you because of who you are and what you stand for. It is seniors who have been committed to the program and servant leadership for years. Few make it to this level, but those who do are legendary. Personal Investment Teammates follow you because you have personally invested in them. You put relationship ahead of winning. You put team ahead of yourself. Putting other people ahead of yourself. This is where the true team is built.

Production Teammates follow you because you produce on the field. This is where success is sensed by your teammates. You must master your position and your scheme. Carry out your assignments to perfection

Permission Teammates follow you because they want to. Teammates will follow you because you are a senior or a captain. Getting to know your teammates on a personal level

Position Teammates follow you because they have to. Teammates will follow you because you are a co-captain. They dont know you or what you stand for.

Recognition There are a number of recognition awards available The companies market an individual leadership plaque, along with a perpetual plaque that replicates the individual award but has places for yearly recipients That would probably be a good way to go give the recipient an individual award and then put his picture on the perpetual plaque That would establish a long-term position on the importance of the leadership

Torch Bearer Award Leadership award to the team member who shows the most dedication to the team mission statement, team vision statement, and team leadership core values. Who ever controls the locker room controls the team.

Pregame Music Have each of the groups put together a pregame CD

For each home game we have (this year 5 of them) I divide the Varsity up into 5 groups. Each group is responsible for making a 45 minute pre-game music CD under the following criteria:
No swear words or profanity Must contain one AC/DC song, one Van Halen Song Any other music of their team's choice

Kids love doing it.

Discount Card Sales Each Line Leader is responsible for his group meeting the goals Works with the coach advisor to make sure everything is done well

Event Leader: xxx

Event: Dinner at Chevys

Location: Description Chevys by Newpark Mall


Contact Sadie Hawkins, Manager at the restaurant

Discuss the specifics of the event Set the date and time Be sure to check the school schedule for conflicts (games and other events) Work the flyer details

Coordinate with your coach Print the flyers Distribute the flyers Really work people to attend the event Who will be handing out the flyers, when and where

Participate in the event Call Ms. Hawkins for recap Find out how the event went. Did they get what they wanted out of it?

Program Goals GMAP

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

Vision as Umbrella Does this Metaphor Work?

Core Values & Mission Statement

Stands On The Field In The Classroom Off The Field Community

A) Is Analyze the capabilities, functions, operations, etc., to determine the true current situation

Vision as Umbrella Does this Metaphor Work?

Core Values & Mission Statement



On The Field

In The Classroom

Off The Field


A) Is Analyze the capabilities, functions, operations, etc., to determine the true current situation

1 Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision

1 Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program. A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

2 Good men, good husbands, and good fathers

2 Create an environment that helps prepare the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers. A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

3 Attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff

3 Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

4 Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities

4 Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5 Football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels

5 Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes 5A - Schedule 5B Offense 5C Defense 5D Special Teams 5E Morale What is the morale, the team spirit? 5F Numbers What are the numbers of players we have, by age/class 5G Demographics What types of players do we have racial, financial, age? 5H Speed How fast are the players? 5I Size How big (Overall) are the players? 5J Strength How strong are the players?

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5A - Schedule
#5A - Schedule

A. Is
B. Later Win conference Win all home games Qualify for the post-season

C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5B Offense
5B Offense

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes Average 28+ points per game Average 4+ yards per carry

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5C Defense
5C Defense

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes Average 12 or less defensive points per game Be +5 or better in the turnover margin

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5D Special Teams
5D Special Teams

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes Four (4) explosive plays on Special Forces

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

5E Morale What is the morale, the team spirit?

5E Morale What is the morale, the team spirit?

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

5F Numbers What are the numbers of players we have, by age/class

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

5G Demographics What types of players do we have

5G Demographics What types of players do we have racial, financial, age?

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

5H Speed How fast are the players?

5H Speed How fast are the players?

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes Fastest in 4.7-4.8 OL in 5.1-5.3

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

5I Size How big (Overall) are the players?

5I Size How big (Overall) are the players?

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

5J Strength How strong are the players?

5J Strength How strong are the players?

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

6 Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention

6 Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

7 Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities

7 Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes 7A Equipment 7B Facilities 7C Technologies

7A Equipment A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

7A Equipment
7A Equipment

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

7B Facilities
7B Facilities

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes 7B.1 Coaches Offices 7B.2 Game Field 7B.3 Locker Room 7B.4 Meeting Rooms 7B.5 Practice Field 7B.6 Training Room 7B.7 Weight Room

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

7B.1 Coaches Offices

7B.1 Coaches Offices

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

7B.2 Game Field

7B.2 Game Field

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is

B. Later
C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later

C. How

7B.7 Facilities, Weight Room

7B.7 Facilities, Weight Room

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes 7B.7.A Access/Location 7B.7.B Audio 7B.7.C Capacity 7B.7.D Ceiling 7B.7.E Equipment 7B.7.F Flooring 7B.7.G Walls

7B.7.A Access/Location A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

7B.7.B Audio A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

8 Have the highest team GPA at <School>

8 Have the highest team GPA at <School>

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

9 Ensure that all players achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting
9 Ensure that all players achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

10 Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the NCS each season.
10 Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the NCS each season.

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

11 Provide fundraising programs and activities

11 Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community. A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

12 Exceed school and district goals for community service

12 Exceed school and district goals for community service

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is
B. Later C. How Notes

13 Provide opportunities for the community

13 Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

A. Is B. Later C. How Notes

Program Goals Worksheet

A. Is

B. Later

C. How


A. Is

B. Later

C. How


Program Goals and Objectives GMAP 1. Disseminate the mission statement, core values, and vision through all aspects of the football program. 2. Create an environment that helps prepare the student athletes to become good men, good husbands, and good fathers.

Program Goals Football 3. Develop a football program that is continually highly competitive at all levels 4. Foster a program environment that is dedicated to attracting and supporting excellent coaches, players, and support staff 5. Bring the football program to the forefront of the <School> activities, to make the football games the big event each week 3. Provide exemplary coaching focused on player success and retention 4. Provide leading edge technologies, equipment, and facilities to support player success

Program Goals Academic 8. Have the highest team GPA at <School> 9. Ensure that all players achieve academic eligibility for NCAA recruiting 10. Apply for the Academic Team award(?) in the NCS each season.

Program Goals Community 11. Provide fundraising programs and activities that promote economic development and partnerships with the community. 12. Exceed school and district goals for community service 13. Provide opportunities for the community, parents, staff, and students to become involved in the <School> football program

Have a team roster of sufficient size and ability so that the team can be split into a full defensive team and a full offensive team. Coaches would coach their side of the ball, very few players (objective is none) would play both ways. Special teams would come from the full roster. Consideration Players The key is to have enough players to split the team and have reserves at each spot. Initial thought is that 35 would be absolute minimum, >45 would be optimal. Costs/Cons Benefits/Pros Number of players to implement More players on the field, more this is hard to attain opportunity to play, more players come out If it doesnt work then all the effort to get the numbers is lost Players are fresher in 4th quarter May have the numbers but must also have the skills. Most teams need at least 18 good players to be competitive. May have to put a coach in a position that he does not like or want to coach Coach would be able to focus on a smaller set of players and give them more attention He would have a specific set of skills to sharpen The players would focus on their position and become very good at that position

Coaches The coaches would need to specialize in a position

Player Specialization Players are expected to choose their position by the summer before their junior year. Practice The offense and defense would, for the most part, practice on different sides of the field.

Should good players be specializing, especially in HS

Team unity may be hurt if the Coaches get to run their side of only time the squads meet is for the ball and do what they need scrimmage a competitive for the full practice time situation Longer time for each side of the ball May be able to reduce the practice time and still get the work done Team identity may suffer Gate More friends and family in the stands May develop into Us vs. Them mentality if one side is not performing well May have problems with implementing how many losses are acceptable before this starts to work


Promoting the Football Program at Bret Harte

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Actively recruit our own hallways. Expose as many kids as we can to football. Become involved with the local youth programs as much as possible. (This includes JH, flag, Little Huskies, elementary, FFL, Pop Warner etc.) Camps/Clinics (3rd and 4th grade, 5th and 6th grade, JH, 912) (coaches clinics for youth coaches in the area) Set HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Do not be afraid to dream big. Be POSITIVE and ENTHUSIASTIC. It really is contagious.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Let Them Play! JH- All Play (as much as possible) 9th Grade- All Play (as much as possible) JV- Focus changes to winning (play as many as you can in doing so) Varsity- Best players at each position regardless of anything else. Get the BOOSTERS behind us. They can make our life easier if we will let them. Make Football a BIG DEAL! Make our football program the only show in town (on Friday/Saturday nights). Focus on who we HAVE, not who we dont. We can only play who weve got. Stop worrying about who is not out.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte COACH THEM UP!!! Find a place for them, and help them be successful there. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, pins, buttons etc. PROMOTE OUR PROGRAM! (also great for fundraising) Newsletter (Bi Monthly or Monthly) Not as hard or as time consuming as we might think. Involve anyone who is willing in any way. If they want to help, or support in some way, make it happen.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Get them out, and keep them out. Positive Experiences for them all. Get them interested while they are young! Several ways to do this. Be Professional. Someone is always watching and/or listening. Be a ROLE MODEL. Have players recruit players. In a positive way! Invite younger athletes to observe a practice session. They get excited when they see a good practice session.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Walk the walk, and talk the talk. Even when down, we have to be UP! Be HONEST. Do what we say, say what we do. Never make promises we do not intend to keep. Be straight forward. Players appreciate it. Discipline. (Yes, they seek it!) Do not have double standards. The Belichik way!

Get the MOMS on OUR side. Football Class For Moms

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Let them know we care for them outside football. Be involved in the players lives. They do not care how much we know until they know how much we care. Help other programs in your school. You never know when they might push a kid our way in return. Get all school staff on board. Make them all excited about our program. LOVE THE GAME. It shows! Ask successful coaches what they do. You never know everything. It never hurts to see what works for others.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte

Always, ALWAYS, talk WE and "OUR". Eliminate I and Me from your vocabulary. Always be COACHING. Weight room, Plyos, Speed work, Practice, Games...all are places for us to have an impact on our players, IF you take the time to do so. Make all kids feel as though they are important to the team. Starters and non-starters alike, they are part of our family. Be good to our volunteers. They make our job easier! Be humble. Always take the responsibility in a loss, always give the credit away to the kids in a win. Be good to the media. They can make us look really good, or really bad.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte

Do anything you can to help them. They work hard for you, work hard for them. Go the extra mile. Be willing to commit your time to making them better while you have them. Help them find a place to play after they are done playing for you if they have the desire to play college ball. Highlight Videos Players and parents love them. Let the coaches coach. Happy assistants will do a GREAT job of helping you build a program, promoting the program etc. If you do not let them coach, they will not be happy. Eliminate all the things that are not important to the program. (Addition by subtraction) Concentrate on drills and skills that are vital to what we do. Eliminate the ones that are time wasters. Establish an IDENTITY in all phases of the game. Offensively find a system we like, that we can sell, and that we can COACH (on the run if need be). Defensively find a defense that we can make adjustments on the fly with and sell it to the kids. Special Teams are VITAL, we must establish some kind of identity in all phases and aspects of the game.

Promoting Football at Bret Harte Adopt a Player Elementary classrooms adopt a player for the season. (This idea came from an elementary teacher, and football mom in my school. Might want to check to see that all elementary teachers wish to be involved.) Community wide Pep Rallies For big games, and homecoming only. Stag Night Golf outing/card games with players dads. Gets the dads on your side as well. Win Hate to say it, but winning gets more people involved. Find ways to win games. Also find ways to STOP losing.

My Vision Its a football family Build a football dynasty

Games become an event, Friday Night Lights

Build men of character

How to Implement the Vision Loyalty Program

Football Family Each family has different parts, all working toward the same thing
The team is the same number of separate entities that are working toward a common goal

Keep friends close

Be decisive in action

Absolutely loyal
Every Wed they gather all 3 levels and each HC hands out a Loyalty t-shirt to most deserving player at each level Varsity players are Big Brothers to freshmen players
Card with 5 questions Varsity player has to talk with the freshmen to answer the questions Matched by positions

Keep things in the family

Loose lips cause problems

His Vision Dynasty Priority for success:

Spend of practice time on defense

Run the ball Special teams work for field position No turnovers field position and morale Weight room
Weights are changing, getting much more specific. Emphasis on core work

Teach tackling
Teaches in shorts and ts Real measure of how well coached the team is

Adjust to personnel each season Discipline

Discipline Drill (Speckman) A get-off drill that requires mental discipline

Identify and work with the core group

Train everyone, but there will always be a core group that are the team leaders

Loyalty Meetings
Wed after practice, all 3 levels. Reward loyalty to the team

His Vision Games are Events Do whatever you can to make the games the event of the week
Victory bell Tunnel Student section Sing school fight song after each game Green-White (Blue/white) Game
Between freshmen and JV Parent meeting before BBQ, lots of activities Pictures of younger kids in HS uniforms

His Vision Character A player with character is

On time Dependable Loyal
What does the last string player say about the coach and staff? Dungee Treat everyone fair, but dont treat everyone the same
Not everyone has the same conditions so things that work on John wont work on Tim

Works with others

Community service

Hard working Leadership meeting with players

Talk about other players, aspirations, goals

His word means something

His Vision Leadership View of leadership has changed Players do what they see, not what they hear
Very often they have no male role model

Staff usually very little respect given Must teach players how to lead Positional Power vs. Relational Power
Positional based on job title Relational based on building relationships with others. How to build relationships?
Care about others Talking with them Going to other sports games Weight room Srs with Frosh Swim Partys Dinners

Ideas Get teachers involved

For home games players give their white jersey to a teacher and ask them to come to the game Contact the teachers, make yourself known, and ask for feedback on the players
Good stuff as well as bad

Program Perception
Take an honest look at the program and then add/change it
Ex: no profanity

Enhancing perception of the team

Former players come back to talk to the team Coaches preach it in training T-shirts Jumping jacks We-Will-Hit-You Slogans on walls Phrase kids that walk it

Why The Spread (Blue) It is a hybrid formation

Combination of the flexbone and the Run and Shoot

Gives the offense the capability, by alignment, to stretch a defense

Vertical - 4 quick receivers Horizontal - 2 wide receivers

This dictates a balanced response from the defense

Cannot gang up on the run game

Players Fullback (B-back)

Aligns with heels 5-yards from tip of ball Lines directly behind the QB Not a wishbone fullback, but a tailback
Solid inside runner Perimeter runner

Team Rules No profanity

Swearing does not make you a man It is the sign of a weak mind You wont be able to swear after starting work, why do you think you should be able to do so now?

No explicit lyric in weight room or locker room or pre-game

No drinking or using drugs

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