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1echnology and 1eachlng

8y !osh eLras
LuuC 311
SLudenLs llve ln a world of Lechnology
SLudenLs llve ln a world of Lechnology
+ SLudenLs have grown up uslng modern

+ 1hey are consldered ulglLal nauves"

+ 1helr onllne ldenuLy ls Lhelr real ldenuLy
1eachers MusL use 1echnology Lo
ConnecL Lo SLudenLs

The task of the modern educator is not to
cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts

- C.S. Lewis

SLudy wlLhouL deslre spolls Lhe memory, and lL
reLalns noLhlng LhaL lL Lakes ln"

- Leonardo Da Vinci
1eachers MusL use 1echnology Lo
ConnecL Lo SLudenLs

1oo many Leachers connecL wlLh old meLhods

SLudenLs can'L engage because of dlerenL
culLure ln classroom
1eachers MusL use 1echnology Lo
ConnecL Lo SLudenLs

1echnology helps Leachers connecL wlLh

SLudenLs engage when Lechnology ls lnLegraLed
lnLo Lhe classroom

1echnology = Meeung sLudenLs ln Lhelr real llfe
Lecuve Leachers are sLudenLs of
1echnology ls always Changlng
Lecuve Leachers are sLudenLs of
+ 1eachers musL explore new Lechnologles Lo
meeL every sLudenL

+ 1eachers musL labor yearly Lo ensure Lhey are
uslng Lhe besL Lechnology
My Coals
1hrough Lhls program aL Au, l hope Lo learn how Lo:
1) undersLand Lhe mosL eecuve Lechnology Lo use
ln Lhe classroom
2) Caln an undersLandlng of how Lo use Lechnology
Lo connecL wlLh sLudenLs
3) Access fuLure Lechnologles ln my classroom

ersonal Learnlng Coal: 1o become a Leacher LhaL
uses Lechnology Lo lnsplre sLudenLs and connecL Lhem
wlLh Lhe conLenL.

As more and more sLudenLs are born lnLo Lhe
dlglLal age, Leachers are responslble Lo learn Lhe
Lechnology LhaL helps Lhem connecL wlLh Lhelr

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